Ground Zeroes mission leads into TTP intro

>Ground Zeroes mission leads into TTP intro
>Make AI more sensitive to fultons
>More foliage in Africa
>Make Africa less shitty looking in general
>Mission 51

This isnt a ton but I think would bring the game up a solid point for sure

>mission 51

thats a band aid for an entire act being cut midway and them cramming what they could into act 2

Give it up.

Keep doing the FOB events and wait until MGSURV

>Add a bunch of Infinite Heaven's functionality to free roam
Enemy patrols on foot, vehicles, 3 choppers just circling around along with other quality of life fixes.

>Side-OP creator with limited resources
Basically so shitters can't make le ebin 40 tank and 120 soldier side-ops. Akin to THPS level editors, you could place whatever but you we're limited in how much so you couldn't make something retarded. Rewards for the OP should depend of amount of resources used.
Make a new tab called online Side-ops or someshit and let the player choose between fully made user content, regular content or a mix. Also possible to favourite users and block others.
But people would probably exploit that shit for easy grinding in the end.

It'll never happen but w/e.

the THPS were memory limiters

Yeah, but it worked well. Could be something similar.
1 soldier is 1 resource, a tank for 5, chopper for 7, etc. With a limitation of 20 or something.

Anyway, won't happen but it'd fix one of the biggest flaws in the game since most Side-ops are completely uninspired. User content like that could yield some interesting results.

>Ground Zeroes mission leads into TTP intro
No, leave it was it was originally, with Ground Zeroes playing after saving Kaz, instead of that weird flashback trailer.

Naw man let's make zombies instead.

>tfw Ground Zeroes was a better game than The Phantom Pain

>Enemy patrols on foot, vehicles, 3 choppers just circling around along with other quality of life fixes.
Use Infinite Heaven, it has all of those features.

>>Make Africa less shitty looking in general

Good luck.

Opinions like this are why I will always think that the only way to make the industry worse would be listening to what Sup Forums thinks.

Not hard tbqh.

That add maybe 1/2 a point at best. Those are all really trivial issues the game has compared to all it's other problems.

I already am obviously. Would be nice if they just lift that over to the base game to make free roam more interesting.
Also, I wish consolefriends to have the infinite heaven experience since it's a literal gamechanger.

Only the CQC was better, since it was slightly slower which makes it better controllable.



GZ is TPP with even less content.

>b-b-but muh atmosphere

The content that it has is leagues better than anything in TPP, though

No, of course it's not.
It's a mission where you rescue two prisoners, and 4 filler missions, all happening in the same map.
There's a reason why I never replayed GZ, there's nothing to do apart from repeating those missions.

It's a paid demo, a scam, so i'm not surprised only Sup Forums defends it.

>it's not because it's better
That's an excellent argument.

I 100% GZ and I enjoyed it very much. I was glad I bought it during a sale even though is spend 45 hours on it.
TPP is better in every way except for the CQC.

Some anons just like parroting asinine shit like this because they can't get over their self imposed disappointment from TPP.

True operatorkino.

>self imposed

That implies that the game wasn't shit, user.

And TPP was shit.

Then so was GZ, considereing GZ is a mission of TPP.
But with less features.

if GZ is just a mission of TPP, why is GZ so much better?

-level design

I don't get it?

You can go in missions while it rains at night in TPP too.

>''Boss go rescue these tw-OH SHIT MOTHERBASE''

The same ones from TPP aside from the personality-less Chico and Paz?

I can't get any tone from such a small section.

It's MGSV gameplay, it can't be difficult.

>-level design
What about it?
It's the same sterile shit from TPP.
Nothing to explore, nothing to find, no nothing.
Just a boring military base with a bunch of cameras.

Oh my fucking sides.
This is specially hilarious when Kojima himself said that videogames are not art.


the only mission that's any different in GZ from TPP is the rescue hideo mission. and it's only different because it's a scripted on rails action section in a stealth game ( remember those? people shat all over mgs4 for doing those)

everything else in gz is destroying nameless targets or extracting prisoners just like in TPP.
the only thing it does right is not overstaying its welcome like TPP.

>Received universal acclaim
>Positive user reviews heavily outweigh the negative ones
You're entitled to your opinion but most people disagree with you, including me.

And I say self imposed because TPP is basically MGS2 all over again. Scores high on all fronts yet there is a small vocal minority going:
>"muh snake"
>"muh trailers lied"
>"muh revenge of the sith plot"

All these people probably never even once beat an MGS on euro extreme or even bothered collecting the frogs in MGS3. Just pitiful casual fans of the franchise who got suckered into the typical MGS trailers, got hyped for the wrong reasons and now suffer from their self imposed disappointment.

Don't get me wrong, TPP has serious flaws but it's a flawed masterpiece.

>$20 for your 30 minute mission

>It's a paid demo, a scam, so i'm not surprised only Sup Forums defends it.
that's why i begged for it on Sup Forums and got it gifted :^)

what's that for a chart?


Give me some (you)'s.
Who here is still playing TPP?

me. went from 64hours to 109 atm. Only 5 achievements missing
>Complete all mission tasks
>Complete all missions with S rank
>Complete all key dispatch missions
>build a nuke
>another hidden achievement i dont know atm

not any more.. bit im thinking about getting the complete edition for PC because of the Mods.. are they worth it?

Deleted my save and playing through it again right now.

Infinite heaven alone is worth it.
Basically let's you set up the game however you want it. Enemy patrols, strength, type of reinforcements, your abilities and restrictions on loadout, customize soldier eyesight, hearing and so forth. There's even more like getting skulls to invade your free roam session and other events but it's just too much to list.
It's even more perfect when you start from a fresh save.

Godspeed, boss

Well i guess i know what im going to get for PC
.. or should i just get the normal version for 20 bucks?

Not that dude but you're being a total faggot if you're implying the atmosphere in GZ was because "muh rain". Even in the other missions, it's always a way more immersive setting than TPP's.

Also, the story of GZ is extremely well paced and the density of it is on par with a traditional MGS game, just told a different way. Which is what we were promised. TPP starts off well, but reaches terminal velocity around the same amount of gameplay one would put into GZ.

Skull Face was a powerful, mysterious presence who commanded respect, Kaz was his good ol' self, and Kiefer got to actually be a character who spoke like a human being. Even Chico and Paz had their own story arc in that short amount of time.

>there's no tone because less than two hours of gameplay xD

Ah fuck I bit god damn it

>gun swords

what's that chart, user?

>GZ was good meme

It's just a bundle with GZ and the DLC right? At what price?
GZ isn't worth much more on PC if you've already played it. The DLC is all costume trash that doesn't even look that good. I only bought the MGS3 fatigues for 1$.

Might as well just drop 20$ if you don't care about GZ.

>k-konami-sama, looks like people aren't satisfied with Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain
>what are their complaints?
>empty world map, zero personality, main character is a random mute, idiotic plot devices like parasites and absolutely no revelant story events
>sounds like a good game, let's retcon ground zeroes even more, add some zombies and make Afghanistan ever emptier.

>On part with a traditional MGS game
Have you replayed MGS 1 or 2 since release ?
>Hey kid do you want to play or listen to this hour long codec ?
>J/k it's 2 hours long

TFW I'm gonna buy SurviVe just to trigger the pro Kojima and anti Konami fags

>I'm going to buy a complete cashgrab with no substance just to trigger some autists

>MGSV gameplay but co-op
>Story is AU, doesn't effect anything
>Get to use donut steal OC's
>Pissed off all the autistic MG fans
>Won't be full price

Unless the gameplay reveal is bad, damn straight I'm buying that shit

>MGSV gameplay but co-op
That's a good thing, but after hearing about "muh crafting mechanics" I'm afraid we'll have shitty management again.

>Story is AU, doesn't effect anything

Story is fucking retarded. The worst use of an interesting concept possible.

>Get to use donut steal OC's
>being excited about creating your own mute soldier #14215, choosing from four hairstyles and three face shapes

>Pissed off all the autistic MG fans

Does it matter?

>I'm afraid we'll have shitty managment again

That's basically guaranteed. But muh co-op tho!

>Story is fucking retarded

It's fucking Metal Gear. The entire storyline is retarded.

>Muh Shadow Moses simulation
>Muh Boss
>Muh nano machines
>Muh parasites

V made parasite zombies canon, SurviVe can't have crystal zombies in a fucking alternate universe?

>soldier #14215

You mean you aren't excited to make a generic soldier waifu?

>Does it matter?

No but pissing off butthurt fanboys is a nice bonus.

>It's fucking Metal Gear. The entire storyline is retarded.

Yeah, but most of Metal Gear games managed to have retarded and entertaining games.

>V made parasite zombies canon, SurviVe can't have crystal zombies in a fucking alternate universe?

It can, but they used the concept in the worst way possible.

>Most of the Metal Gear games managed to have retarded and entertaining games.

Agreed. But you seriously don't think the idea of MSF soldiers being sucked into a crazy ass alternate universe even a little entertaining?

>they used the concept in the worst way possible.

Would you rather the crystal zombies and wormholes to be canon? Besides we don't know amything about SurviVe or it's story. Could all be some horrible nightmare Venom is having, or a false tale by the missing mother base members to explain why they act crazy in V. It's way to early to judge.

>tfw no

>don't make mother base 50 fucking square miles
>actually add some interactive elements to it
this would help

>I haven't played the game yet but I already know it's not entertaining

that's the purest form of Sup Forums

why do you want more reasons to visit a place that is entirely meant as a quick R&R stop for the player? There isn't much reason to head back to MB and that's the way it should be

>Does it matter?
It does to me

Is TPP worth it if i can grab it in a sale?

The story of GZ is literally one mission.

While TPP may not have lived up to the height of emotional intensity that's offered by GZ, that doesn't mean it's a bad game

why make it so vast then? just keep it to a single platform if that's the case

100% PS4 version, 280 something hours.

63 hours on PC version, still have a bunch of missions left. I've mostly just been free roaming with Infinite Heaven mods.

Played earlier today.

There is quick travel between the posts you know

>deleted my save


MGO is kill on PC

Definitive Edition is coming out soon. Basically it's Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain and Metal Gear Online with all DLC. If you don't care about all that and just want TPP then yea go ahead and pick it up for cheap. It's decently long and pretty fun imo

>Make AI more sensitive to fultons
This. I don't understand how a trained soldier on guard duty wouldn't notice a massive container or a jeep floating away from his base. Even if fulton does happen at high speed, you would still see a container going into the sky from 100-200 meters away

>no new game plus
Fucking gooks.

That's just a game balance decision

>Side-Op Mission: Prisoner Extraction (Quiet's Location)
>4 guards equipped with Sniper Rifles
>All 4 guards are literally aiming at the Prisoner
>Slither towards prisoner
>Fulton prisoner
>Stands up from Prone

That would also make fultoning people a risky strategy.
It's way too easy to chip away at a guard post with fultons

>It's way too easy to chip away at a guard post with fultons

Why would you do that it's expensive as fuck

Because he is a shitter with D-A+ soldiers

Still booting it daily, just to grab the daily login bonus and hoping that we can build a fifth FOB
>633 hours

>Expensive as fuck
>Woo a whole 300 GMP per soldiers out of my 5 millions GMP

per soldier

that you're just gonna throw away anaway

on a fulton that's better used on Vehicles, Guns, and animals

Doing some FOBs right now.

Because I have a fetish for starting things from scratch. Yes I'm actually that retarded. Doing it in Phantom Pain is a real bitch though. The hospital is so fucking slow and boring. It was cool the first time, but having to play it again for TRUTH made me realize how awful it is on repeat playthroughs

>The swimsuit I got in last event is soon to be finished after 6 days of researches
Can't wait to play with my qt

I hope that was just a side effect of kojima getting canned and he didn't actually want it that way

it's a great opening sequence but rehashing it just kills the magic

I'm seriously considering getting a toaster just to play the game with infinite heaven.

>Extreme bossfight against Quiet
>Want to cheese it with the supply drop tactic
>She avoids it
I felt shameful

TRUTH would have been the perfect opportunity to show things from a different perspective. The cutscenes being different but not the level makes me think they ran out of time and just left it that way. Wouldn't surprise me with all the other stuff that got cut

>Use Infinite Heaven, it has all of those features.
Nigga, his comment was literally him saying they should add all that stuff in from Infinite Heaven.

Not really, but for what it's worth i still play GZ. It's fucking great.

no, but it was better a MGS

it's possible to do it but it's tricky timing
you need to bait her into taking a shot JUST before she would otherwise jump away, so she's still reloading while it hits her

Strongly de-emphasizing fulton as a mechanic would immediately improve the game by like 70 percent.

Running around ballooning everything worked in PW because that was a hokey portable game designed to be played in short bursts without your full attention. It's presence in TPP turns an engrossing stealth action sandbox into a dumb collectathon, especially when every damn mission seems to be "fulton that person/thing".

It makes no sense from a story perspective. Why is the Big Boss (personally, no less) abducting every sentry, cook, and janitor at Diamond Dogs? Soldiers around the world should be tripping over themselves to join the legend. Volunteers should be the main source of recruits, dozens every time you complete a mission.

For turrets and tanks and whatnot there should be a black market you can buy and sell from, maybe let you trade with with other players though that might be difficult to balance. The whole point of the game is being a mercenary, there is no reason for there not to be a cool black market where you buy illegal military hardware.

You can keep the fulton itself but make it cost as much as deploying Pequod. This makes story sense and makes it expensive enough that it's not an instant body disappearer and tank killer. And this way there would actually be a reason to complete missions by destroying targets.

>Occasional Taliban and Mbele rebels engaging with the Soviets/Security forces
>Can hire them as private forces yourself for them to attack a specific place
>Cost of hiring changes depending on how you've used them in the past
>if they were able to win their fights will be more willing to fight again
>if they kept getting killed will be more reluctant to fight for someone willing to sacrifice them
>Can take control of some areas
>Soviet/Security counter attacks during future free roam or side-ops with heavier equipment

Ah alright make sense.
Eventually I got good and beat her anyway.
It was quite a boring fight. It really lacks all the Gimmicks Crying wolf or The End had, which is a shame.

yeah, it was more tedious than challenging. lots of waiting around to mark her so you can get a shot in quick.

Fultoning ten people would cost 3000 gmp. If you were to factor in how much you make per mission late game, with long it takes to complete a mission, the cost of extracting everyone in an outpost would amount to like seven seconds of work. The time spent running around and holding the fulton button on everyone is probably more valuable than the cost itself.

Fulton is absurdly cheap

In that regard I preferred the skulls sniping boss because the level was less open, you had 4 targets and you could track the lasers. Also they regularly went to CQC as well
Wish there were different factions. They all feel very samey.

>I spend 150 hours on this game
>Did 100%, all the achievements
>I hated it
>Now I have unreasonable will to buy it on PS4 and replay

Help me, /v|

Just picked it up. Started playing the MGS series about 3 weeks ago and just powered through them. Skipped Portable Ops and only watched an LP of PW though... I have such a crush on my beautiful Venom face.

I'm nearing beating it a second time, but I think I'm finally done after this one. Old save is 100%, this one is like 55% completion. I just wanted a fresh playthrough for a final opinion on the game.

It's really fun, and I was largely enjoying myself, but it's just more disappointing for me at the end of the day. No Eli conclusion triggers the hell out of me and chapter 2 being terrible is a sour taste in itself. I tried, bros. V is just more suffering than fun for me. After 400 hours on my main save and 40-50 on this one, I can confidently say this is my final thought.

Eventually, I'll build a PC, and I'll get it for cheap just to try infinite heaven.

>Mother Base Tutorial
>Code Talker Materials

Those are the only two missions I can think of that absolutely force you to use the fulton. I agree fultons are a little OP, but it's really not a big deal because it's optional 90% of the time

Jesus what the fuck is wrong with Huey ?
How can a man with such terrible judgement never strangled himself trying to fit a pillow down his throat because he thought he could swallow it ?

>The fob events