Why the fuck is this shit so addicting? No matter how many time I get mad, no matter how many times I uninstall I always come back and keep playing.
> This thread won't get any replies becasue it isn't gook or indie shit
Why the fuck is this shit so addicting? No matter how many time I get mad, no matter how many times I uninstall I always come back and keep playing.
> This thread won't get any replies becasue it isn't gook or indie shit
Game was more fun back then. Not really anymore. Me and some friends may go back to it for like a game or 2. But then we just stop and play something else. I guess the reason we to go back to the game because we hope to have that joy we use to get while playing it before.
>> This thread won't get any replies becasue it isn't gook or indie shit
I think you're retarded for thinking that a popular game won't attract posts, and you're also retarded for not thinking to ask the /vg/ thread, but I used to play LoL maybe like six or five years ago so I'll answer your question.
>Why the fuck is this shit so addicting?
Numbers going up (eg. gaining EXP and GOLD to level up and buy items to become more powerful so your damage number goes up so your kill number goes up) feels good. Mobas are designed so you get relatively fast progression every time you start a new game and makes it feel like it has weight by making you fight other players. And with repetitive patterns like killing creeps and you get a certain mildly autistic faux-comfort to the PvE aspects. Add in a skinner box system where you gain numbers every time you play a match so you can buy stuff, get more characters, etc, and bam. But You realize you're playing a bad game. But you don't have the fortitude to stop just yet because the addictive gameplay-- not good, just addictive, and designed to be just that-- is keeping you from leaving to greener pastures.
SO you need to realize a couple different things. That the creep phase is complete filler and is a terrible design. That laning and ganks and team fights are shallow as hell because of how few options any given character has. Supplement this with the knowledge that Riot's owned by Tencent, a terrible company even by Chinese standards.
You have bad taste, but that's okay. Play genres you don't play. Try single player games you've never touched. Play obscure and old games. Read reviews of all sorts and ask yourself what you like from games and what you deserve as a player and as a customer.
Faggot game for retards and children
If you want to play a MOBA, play Dota you fucking casuals.
tfw you quit this game for a year but your friends keep pulling you back
How do I make my friends play other games?
I assume you've tried introducing them to good games but do it in, in person if you can. Maybe try playing a tabletop RPG with them.
Because it is mechanically smoother than dota. That's the reason for me at least. I quit, despite playing since 2011. The suffering and anguish the community causes me is too much. And I'm not talking about flaming.
As the jungler I have time to analyze the game and I can tell with 100% accuracy where the enemy jungler will gank, when lanes are missing, which lane to go counter gank etc. But it just crushes my soul when I ping the enemy jungler walking over one of my wards near midlane, my mid sees it, and 10 seconds later he gets caught out of tower range and runs under tower just in time to die under it from all the damage he took out of its range. And then be told that "its not my problem if they can dive me"
I'm tired of playing with people that don't want to win.
Second post best post.
Except for >>/vg/
It's as if everybody who uses that phrase has never been to /vg/.
I started playing League after years of hating it blindly just because I play Doto.
>Why the fuck is this shit so addicting?
Game's fun, can't deny that.
Games normally don't drag for too long, so you can almost always squeeze one more match.
It's also quite easier/structured on a lot of aspects, so you can keep playing even if tired.
Gameplay revolves a lot on reaction based stuff, so it normally gives you that "adrenaline" feel after doing the most inane shit.
Sadly lot of champs feel like a rehashed version of another ones, but lately Riot is making them feel a bit more unique (Like Jhin or Sol) so hopefully they continue this trend instead of their old:
>AoE Ult
Playing with friends is honestly the only way to go cause the community is full of kids or spergs, but you should already know that.
The /vg/ thread for lol is nothing but waifu fagging and any attempt of discussion is just met with "git gud" or "carry harder".
Because you have shit taste and no willpower.
Although I only quit because they chat banned me for 200 games. What's the point of playing competitive videogames if you can't throw the game and make your team miserable?
I was chat banned for 200+ games, got off that then got it again and stopped playing. Not sure what happened but it seem that that chat ban was removed with some update.
Yeah I just mentioned /vg/ because OP sounded like he just found this site and didn't know about generals.
I'm the OP.
I played this game for a bit once they showed off the cure lamb so i could get her on release. Completely worth it.
Stopped playing it about a week afterwards though.
Fair call with a lot of what you said
I haven't played in months but I still loved the game. Skarner jungle with his laugh + drag Ult and Jihn with his outstanding VA and Ult were so fun to play
Ziggs is still my first and only penta
Wait, so newfags get sent to vg ?
I had no idea that was a thing.
That's actually a good idea.
Made me feel like a real degenerate when I found out I have the 700th or so highest game time on OCE server.
Game is actually decent fun, most the time. Your success will always be dependent on your team however. It isn't a problem most the time and you'll certainly climb the ladder if you just git gud and play like someone in a higher elo. But for someone in a more realistic situation you play far too many games that are just shitshow unsatisfying undeserved win/loses for either side. Voic comms would change the attitude and gameplay of so many, but would probably alienate half of riots kiddie playerbase.
This i Played this shit for 4 years and even in High Diamond people just dont give a shit. Some just lose the game instantly in Champ select By picking off meta shit while the enemy goes full meta and then say xdd stop beeing a meta whore and proceed to lose on their own. Cant bear it anymore.
fucking this, I'm a gold-low platinum scrub and played it for two years. I started in bronze and had to drag myself upward.
With that being said there is no difference in mentality in bronze, silver, gold or platinum. There will always be at least one moron who is pushing and gets constantly ganked. Then he will scream why you don't gank his lane. Even after 3 ganks he won't play carefully. He won't listen and fall back late game. He will go solo when entire enemy team is missing.
Also it is funny when you see enemy team composition and your team picking random champs just because they bought them recently or getting a skin for that champ. Then getting curb-stomped because enemy has stuns, area dmg and area crowd control.
this, season 1 and 2 were so much fun, i sometimes play 1-2 games hoping to get the same feeling but it's not there anymore
> expecting people to know how to freeze anywhere that isn't at least high diamond
Yasuo top is the most cancerous thing that ever happened to that lane. You can't look after the other 2 lanes that actually matter, and make sure your shitsuo doesn't feed at the same time. As soon as a top yasuo gives one kill, he gives them all. So you can either set your camping tent up yasuo's ass and hope he has the mechanical skill to carry you late game, or you completely ignore him and help the important lanes hoping they will carry you and that yasuo won't afk and will at least only die under enemy tower, thus at least he gets some farm every 60 seconds.
>stop playing LoL
>see Kindred doujin on sad panda
Wtf I love League now.