Name a flaw
Name a flaw
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Mary Sue
Perfection is a flaw.
Not enough paizuri.
Her name reminds me of junk.
Not enough hope
I don't know what her feet look like.
DR3 Despair made her a shit villain that was just lucky.
I had a dream last night where she asked me to kill a bread baker because he pissed off Rich Evans. The world looked like Minecraft with a lot of fog, so to kill him, I had to shoot a white block surrounded by red blocks with a bow and arrow
I didn't do it, and Junko & Rich Evans were upset, but I didn't get in trouble.
No seriously, she would be best girl otherwise
She's overrated
I'm proud of you, fampai. I can feel your hope from here!
She's in a shit game.
Too old.
>not wanting her to become an even bigger despair so that she can create an even bigger hope
What did he mean by this?
She was already a shit villain, DR3 is just making her even worse.
What are you saying, user? Junko Enoshima(tm) is an awesome villain who all the kids love! Be sure to buy her figure and other merchandise! And when she's offscreen, be sure to ask "Where's Junko?"!
I almost want her to be alive just for having Hajizuru brainwash her into being unable to feel despair from pain and torture her the way god intended.
She went down on her terms last time and considering all the bullshit she did, that's no longer fair.
If she is the villain in DR3 Future I'm done with this series
I want her to suddenly appear as the villain of DR3
But then I want Sephiroth from FF7 to come out of nowhere to RKO her
Yesterday's episode did nothing but confirm Chisa is the mastermind.
You can't rape her because the worse you make the experience the more despair she feels and the more pleasure she derives from it.
she died. ep1 and munkata or whatever stabbed her dead body. kirigiri inspected her dead body, so if she was alive, a robot or whatever then we would've known by now
>she died. ep1
Oh you poor naive bastard.
Why do you think Punished went to stab her corpse? Because Tengan told him the attacker was Chisa.
>Why do you think Punished went to stab her corpse
kirigiri inspected her corpse way before that. she would've known.
muh despair
>was """dead""" before the game began
>OP counter still has an extra person unaccounted for
>she was the one who threw the smoke bombs in Future 1
It's a fake body.
Her FA is Munakata dies.
Do some math. What do you think Munakata is going to do once he finds out she's the mastermind?
Chisa is a remnant of despair.
She was fooling everyone at FF and Kyosuke as well.
You really think she just died like that without anything more complex going on behind the scenes?
>It's a fake body.
source: your ass
>Her FA is Munakata dies.
??? which ep did it showed that?
did you literally not watch Monday's ep or what?
I saw her being a Remnant of Despair coming, but it still seems really damn obvious if she is indeed the mastermind behind the Future arc. MItarai is probably a red herring at this point, but it would be interesting if he was an accomplice or something of the sort.
Of course, we still don't know who the mysterious participant is yet. Money's on it being Chiaki or something.
Wtf I hate Danganronpa now
Who's going to hold Makotos hand during everything now ?
Fucking kek.
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is junko but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF despa1r!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 1x years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
If I take off that despair, will you die?
Does not have a huge dick
It would be extremely desperate
Junko and Delta were mistakes
Why is Junko a ripoff of Xehanort?
>Junko will never fill your ass with despair with her giant futa cock
Brainwashing turning them into despairs really cheapens Junko's character even further.
I imagined her minding everyone, instead she just found someone with these right talent and instantly turns everyone into despairs.
The anime should only have been used to make the reserve course commit suicide. It makes sense there, because it's hard to get so many people to suicide at once otherwise
Should I pick up this up on Steam?
Is actually Chisa.
But is that a flaw...?
Just watch the anime same shit
of course
Just torrent it famalam
It's a good game. Worth the money.
Just make sure to turn on the Japanese audio.
Depends. Do you like VNs and Ace Attorney-ish solve the mystery stuff? Because it's kind of like that.
The anime is a really rushed adaption.
Mukuro is better in every way.
>No Sayaka fags
I don't know, I always assumed that she had some sort of external help with turning everyone into Despairs because charismatic as she is, a lot of the shit she does doesn't make sense in a simple two year timeframe. The anime doesn't make this clear, which I feel is terrible.
Brainwashing is cliche, but it does explain a few things that nagged me about SDR2. I just couldn't see her being able to individually drive each of them into despair personally, it seemed too preposterous. Brainwashing them covers that small plot hole, although it does cheapen the drama.
It fits into her Ultimate Analysis abilities in that she takes the most effective and cost-efficient way of spreading despair. Look at the Warriors of Hope: she did influence them, but she spent a lot more time with Monaka, who controlled the others in her name. She really didn't have to do any work there.
gets away with a lot of bullshit in a very impossible matter. one high school girl and a bunch of gifted students like her don't just simply the apocalypse.
comes from meme game full of quality characters such as "le absolute madman" and "le generic guy that does all the anime protagonist shit" x2
>I just couldn't see her being able to individually drive each of them into despair personally
This is what I was hoping for in the despair arc.
That stupid fucking bear's design pisses me off to no end and I have only the slightest idea of what DR is about. This cutesy thing that is actually evil and is literally fucking split down the middle strikes me as the laziest design and u an irrationally annoyed by it
The original design is a bit too weird.
I dunno, I kinda like it better. This looks actually horrific and off putting alongside it's familiar, normal side. The bear just looks like a dumbass mascot costume.
The DR1 anime is fucking garbage
When she gets old her tits are gonna be saggy as shit
>The anime is a really rushed adaption.
It goes over all the main plot points you weren't expecting FTE's and 2 episodes worth of investigations were you?
Since Nagito's part in the story is clearly over, I've lost a lot of interest in the Despair arc of DR3. Still going to watch it, obviously, but he was the only thing still actually WORTH watching.
The Future arc is retarded and has been retarded from the start. They're also deliberately avoiding actually dealing with class 77.
Any love for Mukuro I had went away after seeing her lobotomize Chisa
>mfw that entire scene
>The Future arc is retarded
All those shitty cliff hangers put me off it. I used to download all these episodes day 1 but now I just download them when I'm done with the other anime I've been downloading.
Future is going full retard and not in the good quirky way. It's asspull after asspull only Koh/a/ckas would defend. I'm suspecting that Kirigiri isn't really dead, they animated a bottle rolling away from her, could be something to stop the poison from being fatal.
If Kirigiri is magically alive because of such a deus ex machina, it's really turn the Future arc into shit. I get why people are upset that she bit it, but I think it improves the story as it would illustrate that the DR1 cast doesn't have plot armor.
Besides, they already did a fake-out death with Asahina, so it would already be played.
The other meme theory is that Asahina really IS dead, and current Asahina is actually Chisa, and Chisa's body at the start was a fake or double or something. Assuming Chisa is the mastermind, she would have had time to set that up.
Crazy theories are more fun than whatever it'll actually turn out to be.
Mukuro got off too easy.
>The bear just looks like a dumbass mascot costume.
That's because he is. Monokuma is mostly comic relief.
You do realize V3 is a reboot, right?
I'm hoping the Junko/Chisa switch is real so guys like you get mad.
Honestly what turned me off the most about DR3 is that it has been more about the new characters, who are for the most part uninteresting or not well developed enough compared to the rest of the cast.
Even in despair side, most of class 77 is completely useless, and Chiaki's only been brought back to be muh romantic prospect.
What she did to Chisa shouldn't be a surprise for nobody, at least it confirms that she doesn't takes pleasure from it, like her sister.
Despair was a misnomer. Class 77 are as secondary as characters get. Multiple of them have done LITERALLY nothing since their introduction, worst offenders being Nekomaru (whom I honestly forgot even existed for a while) and Ibuki. The rest have BARELY done anything. It's obvious why, though, you can't have side content in an anime and with a cast this size you can't have them all wasting time on SoL bullshit, especially when there's a really fucking retarded god damn "I'll throw grenades in traffic, no one will suspect a thing, time to deus ex machina my Despair(tm) onto everyone off-screen!" plot to advance in so few episodes.
In what way is despair a misnomer?
That whole side is about how Ultimate Despair got properly started.
It's shown the death of midget's sister, the mutual killing of the student council, the corruption of the reserve course, the creation of Izuru and is about to turn 77 into the remnants.
Yeah, and why do you think Munakata stabbed her AFTER talking to the former chairman? My guess is that he told him that one or both of his comrades are the masterminds.
The thing that makes people disappointed with 3 is that they imagine individual high points of plot without thinking a complete narrative, and when creators can't deliver on those pretty much impossible expectations, they get dejected.
I was so fucking let down with how she converted them into despairs. It's basically a cop-out for lack of any other creative ideas. It makes no sense and is just generally disappointing.
>just watch these murders while I poke your brain with some basic iron needles and VOILA, now you're Junko's slave eternally
They could've been creative like having her kill Gundam's hamsters, convince Peko that Junko rigged her master with a button pressed poison and will trigger if she doesn't obey, SOMETHING.
Junko is the only thing that keeps DR afloat.
I mostly hated DR2.
Find a flaw.
PROTIP: you can't.
It's shown:
- Izuru being created, does nothing
- Junko never even tried to hide that she was batshit, appears to have never been to class even once
- Everything she does is offscreen
- All the despairing is just arbitrary brainwashing and lobotomies, completely undermining her "everyone defaults to despair, despair is the nature of man!" bullshit
- A few seconds of class 77 occasionally
- Reserve course wasn't manipulated into suicide, just more quick easy mass brainwashing
She does not have longer hair, also, Beta Nanami was better than final results.
I think Nanami would look cute with a cap of sorts, similar to Link's hat
I'm not into necrophilia.
I preferred it when they left how Junko was able to influence the whole world up to the imagination
And so much for the whole 'ultimate fashionista' thing, right
Nah, she's the ultimate mindhacccc
I was expecting the SoL shit to be dialed down significantly but I thought Junko was gonna corrupt the 77 class and using their flaws - as had been hinted at with Mikan in her trial, or done with the motives in the first game.
In general I'm disappointed by the portrayal of despair, people go batshit insane for flimsy as hell reasons.
>being this much of a secondary pleb
>Beta Nanami
Huh?How was she back then?
She's flat.
>third biggest chest in the game
Well, i can't give links because i am on mobile, but either Google or the wikia can help you
come on man
He's referring to her being squashed at the end of DR1
Well that's been retconned in DR2 anyway.
And then again in DR3, if the Chisa replacing DR1 Junko theory ends up being true.