Outside of EVO, why do fighting games have such poor viewership in comparison with more traditional esports games when they are much more spectator friendly?
Outside of EVO...
The lack of a team element puts me off.
Fuck if I know. Maybe cause Mobas which has like the most players compared to one of the most niche genre, it easier for them to get viewers cause people play them. A lot of people just don't give a shit about Fighting games competitively. Watching or playing
Fighting game communities are generally smaller.
I also think a lot more people play vs. view in fighting games. A shitload of people watch like Moba's because I think they're too scared to play honestly.
Because 90% of fighting games is walking back and forth and punching the air hoping it hits
bring back marvels seizure inducing gameplay then we talk
I want Ivy to suffocate me with her ass
And Mobas' aren't 90% waiting for someone to get ballsy and try to kill someone otherwise they just sit there and farm?
Less casual appeal
Personally that's what I enjoy about competitve 1v1 games like fighters or Quake. It's all on you, win or lose. There's no blame shifting.
Doesn't quake also have team made games?
The barrier of entry is extremely high compared to other genres, so less people play them. People like to watch games that they understand/also play.
>this is a Japanese virgin
>it's a Sup Forums doesn't understand the general public thread
You gotta have more camera focus on the people playing the game, basic marketing is showing people something that looks like them, and fighting game characters aren't it
it's much much much easier to get into Street Fighter than it is to get into DotA 2 or even League of Legends or Heroes of the Storm
No amount of memeing will make this less true.
>wanting to look at niggers and gooks playing vidya
white girls and numales only play LoL because it runs on their laptops. They don't understand fighters so they don't watch them
Yes, although they're barely given any attention compared to Duel in the already super small scene for Quake Live.
Modern fighting games are on par with other competitive genres nowadays.
The barrier of entry really isn't there anymore.
Don't forget the spics in KOF and autists in smash
Pretty much anything competitive is just waiting for the other guy to fuck up.
I'm fairly certain For Honor overcomes all of these.
>team element
>too small a community meets ubi's marketing
>just walking back & forth now has objectives
>low skill floor
Get that ass banned
idk, i've always been motivated by the desire to personally frustrate and style on niggas in video games, so fighting games always seemed nifty to me. I dickered around with MK9 eventually, and then saw that clip of Evo moment 37 and the amount of sheer flair in that 30 seconds made my dick permanently hard for street fighter.
Because most fighting game use cancel mechanic and it kill the flow of the character movement.
Cancel is impressive in term of skill but off-putting for casual to watch.
Fighting games are generally much harder to master. Sure, Street Fighter has always been easy to learn, but most of those fools are just Ryu scrubs who don't even understand how to do basic zoning.
Fighting games at a competitive level have a skill ceiling that's far too high for the average gamer which is probably why we're seeing Smash Bros. being spammed at EVO all the time now. It's basically a party game, being played competitively.
Because fighting games are not interesting to watch if you are not familiar at all with the mechanisms. A casual will just see extremely rigid moves and some combos but if he doesn't know the fact that it's actually extremely hard to pull 6 hits combos due to the retarded controls that plague every fighting game, he will just think it's something like square square triangle.
It's just like watching Judo competitions. There is nothing visually impressing, but people practicing it know that the moment where both opponents are grabbing each other collar is actually extremely tense and the most decisive time of a match.
that literally sounds like league of legends, heroes of the storm and smite
>nothing visually impressive
It doesn't personally put me off, but I'm pretty sure this is a big part of it. 1v1 fights with all the stop-and-starts just aren't that fun for a lot of people to watch, compared to the controlled chaos of team games.
Personally, I don't even understand why anyone likes watching shit like CSGO, but it's the same with MMA, and as a point of fact, if I can accept there's a lot of supposedly heterosexual men who like to watch two dudes in boxers humping eachother on the floor, there must be something that makes people decide watching CSGO simularly does not make you a faggot.
>harder to master
which means the "casual appeal" doesn't matter
>Because fighting games are not interesting to watch if you are not familiar at all with the mechanisms
Games like League are? I mean, shit, it feels like you need to study guides before hand to even grasp what the hell's going on in a MOBA as a spectator
>Because fighting games are not interesting to watch if you are not familiar at all with the mechanisms.
This goes for like, every competitive game. I can't watch shit like LoL for more than 30 seconds because I have literally no fucking idea what is going on.
At least with fighting games everything is on the 1 screen with no constant camera switching. It's pretty easy to understand 2 characters beating the shit out of each other.
Look at the last Olympics with Riner vs the Japanese guy: two extremely talented practitioners, but not a single point taken, the match was won by penalities. 90% of the match was just both of them grabbing each other collar with a pokerface, nothing visually impressive right? And yet you know it was extremely tense
No advertisement, not many people worth watching travel around to LANs constantly especially foreign players, fighting games tend to get really boring seeing the same players and characters in top 8
This. Ridiculous input barriers are disappearing, it's becoming rare to see more than a half circle on most characters.
She's British, you turd
I don't care just post more Ivy
>spectator friendly
>corner defending
>commentating in nigger speak
And casuals still can't do them lmao
They are pretty boring to watch if you don't play them yourself.
Because theyre fighting games and not esports. I point at daigo and mang0 to tell you the difference
Long term fans hold them back, they want them to imitate the look of low FPS sprite games for nostalgia reasons. It just looks shit to everyone else.
Juggling and super moves create huge voids in game play ruining the fighting experience.
Japanese developers and publishers have no business sense, they can make any game unpopular regardless of how good it is.
I think it's because fighting games came out of poverty and the recent eSports stuff is all bankrolled by extremely aggressive companies making money off of it.
This basically, shitters can't into fighting games because "m-muh team" doesn't work, and they lose entirely from their own merit.
I can't fucking wait for the LoL fighting game to smash the salty cunts that play MOBA's.
Not so much imo, the thing with dota 2 and the like is that people who are really bad, can still watch the overall game and understand what's going on even if they're missing like 90% of what's actually happening and why.
This is why a lot of people who are like 2k mmr think they understand the game, they don't, but they understand the flow of the game.
Even when I have no idea what's going on, they're still more of a spectacle.
came out of poverty? how when compared to the other much more successful esports brands are they "out of poverty"
I don't know, I personally find fighting games really boring to watch.
This is actually why Sakurai made smash.
Well, take EVO, which is run by some fag, has open registration, where the prize money comes out of the registrant pool and occasionally a modest pot bonus from a publisher/developer.
Compare it to the big tournaments for MOBAs or shooters, which are run by the company producing the game, are invitational or have some kind of official league of sponsored teams, where massive amounts of prize money comes out of corporate coffers.
The only thing that's really comparable is CPT.
I think some games like SF2 can be super boring to watch if you don't know about spacing and footsies and such, then there are games like marvel or GG that can be quite hype to watch even if you don't know about that stuff as long as you have good commentators
Because people don't understand fighting games on a technical level. This is why you get a lot of people complaining about "spamming" or "using cheap tricks" to win. They also don't know frame data, pressure, OS or even the mechanics of the game. In addition, most people cant do the "complex" commands like a 236P or a 623S.
The best example of this is the Daigo v Justin match known as EVO moment 37. To the untrained, it just looks like Daigo blocks all the attacks of a super move and then counters. "Wow what a big deal. And everyone is losing their shit over it? I could do that". They don't understand that Daigo is on his last sliver of health and that special attack would have "chipped" him to death or that he is actually parrying which negates damage and those parries have to be perfect or else he'll die.
Fighting games go a lot deeper which requires more understanding. That's very time consuming. Also combined with the fact that there are so many fighting games, it's very overwhelming to people and most would just play something very accessible with friends. The easier the game is wider the audience gets.
Because winner pots used to be 25 dollars and a pizza. If that is not poverty level I don't know what is. At least CS had a pro scene that paid out in the hundreds to thousands when it started. A lot of the FGC og's will tell you 1st place got like 50 dollars and dinky karate trophy or plaque.
That's fine and all, but MOBAs also have a shitton of complexity, and the complexity is way more boring.
Yeah i still have no idea what the fuck is going on on those games. No idea who is winning, everything is spread out and it's just confuses me.
>not wanting to look at this while playing vidya
Insecure white boy detected.
I don't want to watch a man who pisses in bottles make a fool of himself against D-list fighting game players.
Do people really like watching stuff like GG and Marvel even when they have no idea what is going on? GG has 10 different colors on the screen and i have no idea what is going on while half the time in Marvel the characters are not even on the screen but just their projectiles.
With the right commentary you don't necessarily need to know exactly what's going on. Marvel with Yipes being the classic example.
Because it always turns into a crouch/block shitfest. It's boring as fuck to watch. League has been so successful in this area because it's instantly approachable and watchable and entertaining to lay people.
>when they are much more spectator friendly?
Because they really aren't in my experience. Unless you have knowledge of fighting games then it's not particularly impressive or enjoyable to watch for most people. Somebody who's not into fighting games would probably just rather watch fucking MMA. Compare this to something like CSGO where even somebody who's never played a video game before can be impressed by a player hitting really nice shots or outsmarting someone. The team aspect and the big maps also allows for a lot of depth that somebody who's not interested in the technical aspect of the game can enjoy while constantly providing new things to learn and refocus people's attention on.
Then there's also the fact that there's multiple fighting games splitting up the playerbase, the games are more expensive than the $7 you can get CS for or the literally free LoL/DotA, and they also don't get their tournaments advertised on the frontpage of Steam.
GG's particle effects are really too much, it's kinda fucked that I can understand Marvel matches better than GG ones despite knowing more ABOUT GG.
Just what kind of shit complain that even is? I don't play those games and can easily understand what's going on
Go get your eyes checked if that's too much for you.
It also doesn't help that watching GG in motion is like looking at a slideshow.
Particle effects in Xrd are fucking stupid, there's whole mixups based around putting so much shit on screen that your opponent can't see what you're doing.