>Blizzard retained Garissons and somehow made them worse
Apologise Sup Forums.
>Blizzard retained Garissons and somehow made them worse
Apologise Sup Forums.
This game fucking sucks and will never be good. The graphics are terrible and game is 20 years old and Blizzard keeps ruining the lore story and character progression. The combat is abyssmal. PVP is unbalanced. How anyone can be excited for Legion especially when they still have Pandas is beyond me
>How anyone can be excited for Legion
dopamine addiction
>muh grafix
>muh pee vee pee
>muh pandas
fuck off
Why did they even add garrisons in.
Why did they think it was a good idea.
It was even worse than I thought it'd be, just missions which give your followers xp
>The graphics are terrible
The graphics are the least of wow's problems.
I haven't played since Wrath and just picked up Legion. I don't really understand what a Garrison is... can I ignore it?
This I can agree with
Yes completely
I quit a few weeks into Cataclysm, played for a week post-release for each expansion and hated them. Really enjoying Legion.
>I can now access them from my phone
>However quests are 60 million hours
>AND you MUST do them. No ifs.
One step forward.
One million backwards.
Graphix aren't a problem, I enjoy the art style, altough the game could definetly use a higher resolution.
There is nothing wrong with pandas, except for the fact that their mesh is utter trash and nothing looks good on them.
My biggest gripe with the game how gear looks so shit. Why can't we get robes like anduin and khadgar has, plate like thrall has, leather like genn's armor.
Why does everything have to be flat textured chestpieces/pants, or gloves and boots with outlandish shapes, overdesigned shoulders. Why can't we have capes like arthas ?
well, at least they're on your phone now.
>8h missions
>You HAVE to do 8.
>40h of non-content
T-thanks bolvar.
It's because normies "don't have time" , they "have a life, a job, kids" so they made it like a phone game where the only way to progress is to wait for a clock to tick down. No gameplay whatsoever. And nothing required from the player.
>Why can't we get robes like anduin and khadgar has, plate like thrall has, leather like genn's armor.
They're all designed specifically for those characters and body types. They'd need to make models for all races and genders separately which of course takes way too much effort for Blizz.
sure, because in those 40 hours you can't play the game right?
>8 times 8 is 40
I think I know where you are posting from
But I want to break the paladin's legs
Anduin khadgar and genn are normal models. I am talking about details standing out, and not being flat textures.
I meant 5.
Yeah, well
>takes way too much effort for Blizz
Well, at least they took a step in the right ish direction, a lof ot the armor now properly connects with itself, shoulde straps, cloaks properly alight with shirts and shit. Armor sets look great, etcetc