Miss them yet, Sup Forums?

Miss them yet, Sup Forums?

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I never stopped

Yes. Yes I do.




I miss the Dreamcast, the rest not so much.


the wrong kid died

>I miss the Dreamcast, the rest not so much.
What's wrong with you?

Yes, I do. They weren't supposed to go out like that. It's no coincidence that gaming turned to shit soon after they were gone.

Still got my Mega Drive and Dreamcast plugged in.

Sega was too radicool for this world.

>miss them
No because I still play them.

>implying I didn't start missing them from day 1

They made better games once they went third party, so no not really

>They made better games once they went third party, so no not really

I'll never understand this opinion. The Sega that we loved died ages ago. It's the reason why I don't want Nintendo to go third party either. Hopefully, Sega actually manages to realize their plans of becoming great again.

I never knew sega made consoles always thought they just made games

underage b&

You've missed out bro. There used to be a time when competitors offered very different system and games. It's been a while though.

Best be trolling, nigger.

Never. Not even kinda. The Duke Xbox controller was a cute throwback to their shit designs but we got past that well over ten years ago too.

I emulated some of their older games and I dont really like them. My favorite console of theirs is the dreamcast, but most of its stuff got updated ports to other systems

Tumblr, leave.


>There are people that honestly believe this


I'm loving these daily sega threads

I miss other games that are not sonic more.

no. Still playing my SEGA so FUCK YOU, you trandy whore

>They made better games once they went third party
No. Not even close. Sega used to make GOAT arcade and console games. It all went downhill once the left the console market.

>The Sega that we loved died ages ago

This. I'll give them credit for lasting a bit into the PS2/GameCube/OG XBOX gen, but SEGA's soul didn't make it to the end of that gen.

At least there are the Yakuza games. They're a decent homage to what Sega used to be.

>No. Not even close. Sega used to make GOAT arcade and console games. It all went downhill once the left the console market.

This, desu.

Sega recently addressed it themselves. They said they want to be known for great games again, not medirocre stuff:

>Sega CEO Hajime Satomi has said he believes the company betrayed the trust fans put in it over the last few years, and added it is now aiming to improving the quality of its games in hopes of re-establishing itself as a valuable brand.


Really I dont even care about that stuff. Most of it sucked and had no content. I would trade half of 90s line up for the valkyria chronicles and phantasy star universe series.

I make chiptune for 2 of those systems still.

What do you think?


>no content

Sega had (s)rpgs and action adventure games with lots of content too. Most of them just weren't super popular (despite being awesome).

Yeah thats why i said half. Shining is my favorite 90s series from them because it wasnt arcade junk with 30 minutes of gameplay and telling you to replay it because wow le arcade experience xD

This is my favorite game of all time and it came a decade after they quit the console business. They have put infinitely better games for me on 6th and 7th gen consoles than anything in the 90s

Nope, I have all of them (except Saturn) and play them every other week.

Saturn > Master System > Dreamcast > Mega Drive

They're all great, so naming the Mega Drive fourth isn't bashing it at all.

My list goes:
Mega Drive > Saturn > Master System > Dreamcast

But like you said, all of them are great.

>got pic related
What games should I get?

>junk with 30 minutes of gameplay and telling you to replay it because wow le arcade experience xD

Shining is one of my favorite series too but I also like short arcade style games. My favorite action adventure game and my favorite strategy game both were available only on Sega consoles originally, even though I grew up with both Nintendo and Sega consoles. I just don't like how some people try to reduce Sega consoles to own type of gaming, when they had all kind of different games.

Shining Force CD was pretty good. It's the Game Gear games with better graphics plus additional content.

>arcade junk with 30 minutes of gameplay
A 30 minute long game based on pure gameplay and skill is better than a 200 hour long "interactive experience".

My only beef with sega is their reluctance to port games. There are a whole bunch of arcade games that would take 2 seconds to port these days, but they won't do it because they probably won't make much money off them.

A little. But

>Sega is where beloved IPs are locked in the closet with bread crusts and tap water and no toilet, to be liberated years later as pale, emanciated, shattered shells of their former selves that live the remainder of their lives in the shadow of oppression, never truly to relax and enjoy themselves again.

Not as much as I could.

anything else?

I actually have a Sega CD too but I don't own most of the must-haves. I heard Popful Mail is good. And then there is Snatcher (I have the Saturn version though).

Youre free to think that but I completely disagree. Short games suck ass. By the time you get used to the games controls and atmosphere its suddenly over. Not to mention the cost. Games used to be expensive as fuck, 70+ burgers and money was worth more in the 90s. I cant imagine growing up with only getting a few games a year and theyre all short and miniscule. They later learned that some padding was necessary otherwise no one would bite and they'd be irrelevant. I know I wouldnt buy their games.

Keio Flying Squadron, Sonic CD, Final Fight, the Lunar games, Eternal Champions, Dark Wizard, Batman. There are some good versions of Mega Drive games on it too, but the Mega CD was a little undercooked.

Genesis and Dreamcast yes.

Master system? no?

Saturn? There is like 5 good games for it, most didnt make it out of JP

How can you make a game longer? Battletoads had variety, was a challenge, and was long. Revenge of Shinobi did too. Are those games long enough? How long does a game have to be? I prefer games with no end, but most games aren't like that.

Americans missed out on half of the Master System library.

What you don't understand is that a 30 minute game can have immense replay value. Over the years, I'd say I've easily put about 50 hours just into Virtua Cop 2. It's a very short game, the situations are the same every time, and yet you keep coming back, because they absolutely nailed every element. New games, you play them once, get the story, and then they sit on the shelf forever. Arcade games? They'll never die. I'll be playing VC2 until my hands fall off.

>shit like snatcher cost $400

What the fuck.

Because anyone who isn't stupid just burns the discs.

>Saturn? There is like 5 good games for it, most didnt make it out of JP

This is the most stupid meme ever. I have dozens of great games that made it out of Japan for the system (and also a lot that were exclusive to Japan but still). Initially it even got most multi-plats. It even got Tomb Raider before the PSX.

Reuse and recycle assets. Make new missions or gameplay styles. Increase story length. Hinder progression until you do X thing, think banjo kazooie. There are lots of ways to boost game length.

Gaming died on January 31, 2001

A modern Sega console would be just like the rest - a closed-spec mid-range x86 PC.

I don't miss Sega consoles, I just miss that era.

You do realize that they lost most talent once they were forced to quit the hardware game? I don't know how a modern Sega console would look but Sega games would be better overall because there would be old (and hopefully some new) talent there to make good games.

one of these should be replaced by dragon force

why is Deep Fear on there

Dragon Force is one of my favorite games ever but there are many more great Sega games missing from the collage.

You can burn sega CD Isos without any modchip and shit user

Because its amazing

Nah, the PS2 was around until 2012.

>guy at work is selling a Sega CDX for 450 dollars

Fug should I pull the trigger?


The PS2 had a small number of great games and some servicable multiplats. It would have been mediocre if it didn't have Contra Shattered Soldier and PSX compatibility.



Thanks for the (You)

Id like to say I miss them.

But then agai, they made quite a few quality games like binary domain, Every Yakuza game, that outrun game on 360(or was it ps3?)

If you're one of those fags that thinks Dreamcast was the greatest console ever made, then you can fuck right off.

>All of it's good titles got ported to better systems
>VMU was trash. A good idea, but trash

PS2 had more great games than consoles without third party support could even dream of having.

Dear console warriors,
please refrain from ruining a good thread for once.


No. Just find a regular Mega CD or "Sega CD". $450 is way too much for a Multi-Mega.

Are you retarded? They put a couple of gems on the original Xbox but they shelved a lot of their classic IP's and outside the Yakuza series everything else especially Sonic is garbage

I can never put my heart into being a fan of another console/developer like sega and am2. That part of me is still there like dead weight that gets a few kicks when they release stuff like SASRT or the updated classics collection on steam but otherwise it's just my kid self that grew up.

I still envy/hate nintendo fans for being able to cling on to their childhoods for much longer.

>mega drive
>master CD

when will this fresh new meme end?

I still remember the first time I saw an announcement for a Sega game for the fucking GBA. I didn't want to believe this shit. Sega games are not supposed to run on Nintendo systems.

Be careful with your words if you don't want reality checks to hurt your feelings on the internet.

>implying any Sony system besides the original PSX even comes close to anything Sega has ever done