Where were you when you became the main enemy of modern western games?

Where were you when you became the main enemy of modern western games?

But i'm not black.


You can customize your character in the full game

It's accurate though. UK is nothing else than niggers and sandniggers.

notice all the black soldiers are wearing the same uniform
that is because they are all the same class
germans have only 1 class that is a black guy

can we please stop having this fucking thread


Depends where you go desu. South is chock full of them, so is Manchester and Birmingham, not too sure where else. Come north, where the pies are hot and the tea is strong.


what the fuck

So if they're gonna throw history out the door for "muh diversity," why aren't there whites/blacks on the Ottoman team?

it doesn't matter
the fact that there's a black person fighting along the germans in WWI is pandering of the most disgusting caliber

race will be customizable on release
in the beta they were locked
3/4 classes were white on german team
yes but you spergs are blowing it out of proportion with bait images like OPs

especially since it wont fucking matter in release build

Why did we allow these mentally unstable fucks ruin videogames? Why is western culture now dictated by these people? What went wrong?

>black nazis

Because they actually fear Turkroaches since unlike whites, Turks can be pretty hostile if you claim they're niggers.

the devs are swedish

Sweden is west.

Atleast it used to be.

>this thread


>white UK soldiers fighting against the Ottomans

You need to get your history straight kid

>90's dev
>wacky nerdy loser
>today's dev
>actual classy intelligent person

>Turks are the Whitest Europeans

Not completely inaccurate
Istanbul is much Whiter than Paris or London

>when the devs know exactly how to generate publicity for their game

My retarded friend spent $1500 building a PC for this casualized piece of shit propaganda game.

Whats the name of the couple of cucks? mostly the guy he reminds me of someone

I guess i dont know their names because they make shitty games lol

>implying the people who make these threads have played the game or ever will
>implying they're not here just to complain about stuff

Yeah just like how Bioware just wanted the publicity with ME3's ending, right?

>Sweden is west.
remind me where is the arbitrary line that divides the sphere we live into two halves?

>implying the people who make these threads have played the game
I have. It's pretty trash. Shitty optimization aside, the gameplay is barebones as fuck. There is no point in playing this over BF4. Hell even Hardline is better.


>waa stop pandering to casuals in my casual call of dooty shooter made to pander to casuals,


>Game arrives
>everyone can now change their character race in the soldier options tab
>no more or significantly less black soldiers
Whats the problem? You know this is going to happen, right?

No because everyone being black is just a beta thing
They get to tick their SJW diversity box, piss you off, and still have everyone be white in the full release

>and still have everyone be white in the full release
The protagonist of the game is an American nigger.

True, but that's the one place where it actually makes sense

What the fuck is up with EA and their hate boner for white people?

>second panel
>Everyone is a sniper

Fuck. Them

I've never played the game and i know that aside from the nostalgia, horse cavalry are the only good thing about it.
>and i'm black, so please i'd appreciate it if you guys weren't so racist

>still have to pay $60 to buy a game with a nigger on the cover

>Everyone plays sniper in the huge empty map

Where is my gas? wasn't gas used on mass in the war?

>American nigger and female muslim in leading roles
n-no agenda at all guys, there t-totally existed like two women fighting

>in WW1

typical Sup Forums poster

You have to unlock/buy gas grenades.

>tfw no Austro-Hungarians in the game

The actions of Austrians triggered 2 World Wars but we still get ignored, what do we have to do?

>not printing your own and slipping it in the case

They were the faggots that made Gone Home, no joke

both black people and muslims were part of the first world war you dingus

>ww1 according to actual photos
>ww1 according to adult toy developers

woah i had no idea these two things would be so different. thank you for being the lone genius in a world gone mad who had the sense to enlighten us sheeple

be black

What am I supposed to be mad about in this image?

Anime poster doesn't know about the time traveling nazi's, colour me surprised. /s

Oh shit lads, you're right, my bad.

The EU is not the west

I thought everyone was angry about german niggers, not nignogs in general.
It's like the tracer butt drama, but with Sup Forums

>have to pay like $120 extra and get a graphic design degree for $120k to print a custom cover

The second team is full of useless snipers

Why are people obsessed with race and not the fact that this piece of shit is another fucking Battlefield rehash?

Any ANZAC soldier types in the game?

>what do we have to do?
Start riots, kill white people and then create a movement blaming white people for black criminals.

The second part was expected.

Third time's a charm Fritz.

So wait let me get this right?
So, you're saying?
Is that a mainstream game is pandering to mainstream with it's SJW shit

The first one too.

Is that why Ghostbusters was such a box office hit?

Stop being a literal idiot.

>b-but none on the western front
Yes there were, but even so it shouldn't fucking matter because restricting skins to maps is retarded.

Silly user, don't you know only sjws see race as a problem?

pretentious =/= classy intelligent you cuck

And so was the first part, it's EA you're talking about.
Like it's one of the biggest mainstream titles, how are you suprised it panders to mainstream instead of being historically accurate while pandering to Sup Forums

>adult toy

thats a bit of a reach

The guys name is Steve Gaynor

Nope. People are angry about niggers in general, but just hide behind the German one because earlier they were btfo'd by a mere pasting of the Harlem Hellfighters wikipedia link. I don't really understand what their problem here is, it's a video game and it's not unlike they have never played an historically inaccurate game before.

>that one nigger that keeps being posted in every WW1 thread because he was the only nigger present with ten others not pictured.

Maybe it's because I haven't played or paid attention to Battlefield since BC2 but I wasn't expecting them to have this massive push with niggers and muslim women in what is to my knowledge the only AAA mainstream WW1 game. Keeping the setting halfway fucking accurate is not "pandering to Sup Forums", you idiot.


Rly m8?

A black guy fighting for germany in the second world war.

I hate that he is the justification for black just being a race option for germany.
He had to have had an incredibly interesting story and wasn't just any soldier like any other.

Make a game about this guy. Don't act like black guys were just common in the german army.
That sort of implies most germans fighting would've just accepted that.

Ghostbusters did the thing where they pushed the female stuff in movie nerds face, that want a male lead (which is not a bad thing). It was also a garbage movie on it's own.
Most of the media that push everything but white male stuff normally fail, while stuff that push white male stuff WHILE pushing a strong female role and/or other race stuff normally do well, since white men can still relate to the movie like we're used to, while the media gets praise for female/race pandering

Gas is pretty much useless in BF1

Play Verdun if you want realistic gas gameplay

name ONE game

WE wuz

Even if it was 1 nigga in 1 million whites, it doesn't fucking matter because it's an OPTIONAL SKIN. It was the default skin in the alpha and beta to show it's there. The reason why there are so many tyrones and pajeets is because you're unable to customise your soldier until retail release.

The simple fact that there are options for more than 1 skin for your soldiers is something you should be praising but you don't do any researching. You see a bait image made by a troll and start your epic memeing.

You watch on release, 90% of each sever will be white soldiers, the other 10% playing something different because they're bored of playing white guys or they just like the sound of Pajeet's voice actor.

And dropped.

Keeping the setting halfway accurate is pandering to normies so they don't feel uncomfortable knowing le truth le 6million jews etc.
What I said is why would they pander to Sup Forums with accurate stuff, only whites etc.
People who want that are playing stuff like Red Orchestra or Verdun already. Don't go looking at call of dooty shooters for that experience

>funny boys on the left
>serious business on the right
That's why only /vr/ plays unprofitable fun little games made in the 90s.

it's still bullshit

>That hat


You really think they just chose one random African guy? They had divisions in other countries

He was the Son of a valet of Prince Albert.

That guy is a huge exception.

Don't act like he is just one of the many black guys.

I am fine if you want to go and include black people in the silly videogame so everyone feels included. Literally nothing wrong with it.
But don't fucking pretend there is any attempt at historical accuracy here you dishonest piece of shit.

>they were btfo'd by a mere pasting of the Harlem Hellfighters wikipedia link
>btfo by the wikipedia page of a yank unit that barely fought when the war was pretty much over

>It doesn't count because [x]

Please just stop. Niggers were fighting for all sides in WW1. Representation of numbers doesn't mean a thing when you can pick what colour you want to be. How don't you get this?

Is anyone pretending like a battlefield game has to or will be accurate?


Here you go

>this is why

>It counts because [x]
Please just stop.

But they weren't just soldiers like everyone else.
There are interesting stories behind every single black guy fighting for fucking Germany of all countries.

They would stand out if you parachute them into random conflicts. Other germans would notice.

more niggers to kill

Still looks terrible what were they thinking with the composition of that cover?