Does it ever stop? This week is a hell Sony could have honestly never predicted.
Does it ever stop? This week is a hell Sony could have honestly never predicted
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Didn't everyone already know that?
The excuse for that used to be that PSN is free so it's okay but obviously that doesn't work anymore.
forgot pastebin
it's one thing where people form the opinion and agree on the consensus but now there is no doubt.
and to put in consideration that sony just raised it's price this is very embarrassing.
It's kinda funny that I see this now because Xbox live is currently slow as fuck for me right now.
everyone already knows the xbox live is better then sonys shitty network op. people only bought into the ps4 because microsoft said they were going to make always online and cannot have used games.
>tfw you bought an Xbox One before the superior version was announced
please... I beg of you DELETE THIS
Sonycucks deserve it
They support a shit company with cancerous practices
where's the new section of people defending the new price?
Of course Xbox Live is better, that's common knowledge. It was so much better last gen that it was ridiculous compared to PS, but PS was Free. Sony started charging for online, but didn't upgrade their online features at all, but try to offset that by giving you temporary free games.
Of course paying for online in general is fucking retarded, I never will. But if you were going to have to, best spend it on the better service.
It's funny cause XBL had been down way more frequently than PSN this gen.
MS already all this or shit ready to go, it's not a coincidence.
Ultimately it won't matter, they'll still get a heavy loss this gen.
don't have to build up games library from scratch and get to enjoy it on a vastly superior console, with better multi media features, and online experience.
sony just woke up the dragon that is microsoft
Xboxs dashboard is fucking cancer though. I absolutely hate navigating through that shit. And don't even get me started on the fucking store
Not related but most likely here.
Both are shit because you need to pay extra to use your own internet to play online
>cuck wars
>pay for your internet twice
its still funny 10 years later
Makes me feel good about freeing my Vita. Fuck Sony, that had to be 2 of their worst console designs in history. The business around the Pro is shit, the pricing and infrastructure of PSN is shit.
you should be happy PCuck, Microsoft is about slaughter Sony and share their games with PC.
xbox one will be microsoft's last console as well.
Sony has in the last few weeks
>Increased price of PSN for no reason
>Indeffinetly delayed Gran Turismo Sport
>Had a Slim that looks catastrophically ugly like it was 3D Printed leaked by UAE Distributors
>Said slim was found to have louder fans and even more overheating problems than regular PS4
>Announced the PS4 Pro which has only a tiny spec jump, offers only minor benefits for games, uprezzes gaming content to 4K and Doesn't even support their own Ultra HD 4K Blu Ray discs
>Made a presentation so singlehandedly awful that the normies think the Pro is terrible and no one is interested in upgrading and even Neogaf is split 50/50 on upgrading
>Confirmed the Death of the VIta as it is not being restocked in China where the last remaining units sold out and limited shipments to the rest of the world
It's like they single handledly want to go back to the 2006 days in just one month
>Sony was murdering Microsoft back in 2013
>Sonyggers and others brag about it
>The tables have turned 3 years later
>Nobody does anything
OP's article isnt about ATI vs Nvidia
This has been common knowledge for like 10 years now, why do you think so many people bought 360s in the 7th gen? It was the best way to play multiplayer games.
hasnt really turned yet, maybe when scorpio comes out something will really happen.
>Microsoft is about slaughter Sony
just like there wouldn't be a ps4
dry up your tears user
>it's 2016
>people are paying for P2P connections
this industry needs to be destroyed
it's nice to see it cemented in undebatable unbiased research
Where can you get internet for 40£ a year ?internet costs more than that kid.
It's easier to keep a service with no users up.
You know, one thing I have to admit black people are the best at is stealing the dumbest fucking names to call their kids.
Latravius, Allegra, Datarius, Scooby-Doo, Tyrone, they're all hilarious.
i could host xbox live's server off my laptop with how few users access that shit
is that how you justify getting cucked yearly?
there aren't many xbots on Sup Forums
as it should be, because xbox was never good
Tables haven't turned yet but the Pro announcement was a blunder that's divided the community and it's a half step no one wanted. Nintendo and MS now have plenty of time to create a strategy around it with their console launches.
Especially since with AMD's 18 month Semi-Custom SOC "paper to production" method. Microsoft have till around May/June next year to lock in their specs. Nintendo can make some last minute changes, but they would have to be completely locked in by November.
A system with no games should be easy too, yet it's not. That's some weird shit, I'm telling you
Poor brazilians are weirder.
First weird stuff like Xerox/fotocopia, Adolfo Hitler da silva, Janeiro Fevereiro de Março Abril etc etc..
And then, fucking fusions of the parent names, like Rosicley,dysmenielisson, Francisoreia...
>peer to peer is faster than peer to peer
sure thing shill
It have roughly one game that is enough to hog the server: Call of duty.
Nobody except neogaf buys PS4 to actually play PS4 games.
>was a blunder that's divided the community
>80% thumbs up on youtube
what people are against is the practice itself, not the console. microsoft going the same way won't make people disappointed with the pro buy a scorpio, because even if it is more powerful it's just another .5 update and not a new console
and you even considering nintendo to be relevant. lol
>Shills here think they can still sell xcancer shit on this website where most people are intelligent enough to never buy a Microsoft product after all shit they've pulled
>People on here legitimately that Sony is still #1 and will remain there for the rest of the gen. A record breaking gen for them btw
Kek I'm screenshotting all these shill posts for the next Sup Forums YLYL thread. You autistic fuckers still crack me up after all these years.
And the last time in 2006 people thought Nintendo would be "Irrelevant" they blew Sony the fuck out.
A bunch of desperate sonyggers botting up the Youtube likes bar after it was being hammered with dislikes at first doesn't mean the public are happy either
>Sonyggers getting desperate, the thread
NX announcement is going to be a nightmare for you
why do you guys have above normal levels of denial? is there some sort of subliminal messaging on the PS4 home screen?
I just don't get how this shit happens. Sony could easily raise psn prices by $100 and you'd not only defend it but also buy it.
>the weakest most out-of-touch company on earth is a threat to absolutely anything or anyone is going to show y-you!
Yeah bro! You really showed me Kek.
>they blew Sony the fuck out
wii sold more but it was completely irrelevant as a home console, it was no one's main platform.
shovelware that is forgotten within a couple of years can't btfo shit
i know losing every gen for the past 20 years and going from being the most powerful gaming company to having to live off toys, portables and phone apps is a hit but you shouldn't let it get to your head
Denial about what, exactly?
That they slightly increased the price for their services after like 6 years? Anybody who's income doesn't come from their mommy doesn't care. Deal with it.
raised the price to an inferior service for no reason other than to raise the price
launch an underpowered console to match it's release to deliver underpowered VR
brag about 4K gaming which is doesn't have
>This thread
fuck you unlike CoD Dewritos will never leave Microsoft.
>raised the price to an inferior service for no reason other than to raise the price
It's the same service, both have big flaws but ultimately psn has been giving out better games for a longer time.
>launch an underpowered console to match it's release to deliver underpowered VR
They're just covering a fad. As long as they're focused on real games, that really doesn't affect anyone other than the company's risk management team.
>brag about 4K gaming which is doesn't have
Upscaled 4K is still technically 4K. Plus 4K isn't going to be the norm until next gen.
>Have a PS4 and a shitty PC that's over a decade old
>Loads of fun games coming on PS4, or at least ones I like to try.
>Xbox are now releasing games on PC too.
>Upgrade my PC.
So where do I shitpost and what do I do? Right now I hope Microsoft fucking rams into PS4. Also gives me Halo on PC.
>ps four pro
what kind of retard thought this was a good name?
Is there anything more pathetic and worthless than fanboys?
Dewritos left Microsoft a long time ago, user.
How is this news? Everyone already knew PSN was abysmal.
>l-l-l-l-l-l-l-le s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s--s-s-s-hovel-w-w-w-ww-w-are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-ssony won past 20 years, h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-honest!!!!!!!
>including ps2 in that after criticising wii for shovelware
>ps3 got btfo and never even caught up to 360
NEVAR change, desperate sonyggers
I have a feeling this is an asshurt Vitagen
>and you even considering nintendo to be relevant
they're relevant enough for Sony to copy the New 3DS strategy
>including ps2 in that after criticising wii for shovelware
Yeah they indisputably won and have a landslide amount of better real and critically acclaimed games than the Wii and any other console in the history of video games ever had. Fact.
>ps3 got btfo and never even caught up to 360
Yeah they did catch up and passed Xbox sales. Stop blatantly lying and embarrassing yourself loooser.
>tfw free xbl gold
Thank you, based console sharing.
>buying a PS4 when you could play on PC instead
>and critically acclaimed games than the Wii and any other console in the history of video games ever had.
>Sonyggers actually believe this
>sony bites microsofts ass in 2013
>microsoft with its billions of more dollars than sony gets pissed
>sony reawakens microsoft, a big mistake
>they will now outspend them into defeat
Reaganomics at work
>Yeah they did catch up and passed Xbox sales. Stop blatantly lying and embarrassing yourself loooser.
Factually false, idiot. Look it up.
>Yeah they indisputably won and have a landslide amount of better real and critically acclaimed games than the Wii and any other console in the history of video games ever had. Fact.
lol okay neogaf
This really is more relevant than every considering next to nothing is exclusive anymore. Not like Sony even develops games half the fucking time anymore either.
best console ever made with a high number of quality titles, something the wii didn't have
>ps3 got btfo and never even caught up to 360
false. google the numbers
i wish you could taste the bliss of always winning. all that is left for you is bitterness, greentext and wearing our never ever memeface as a mask to hide your tears
You could in theory get away with saying "well they only started getting money for it recently, and Microsoft has had upwards of a decade to have their system sorted so Sony is catching up" but that's retarded.
Oh SNAP, looks like someone got BITCHED.
>idiots buy this shit, even though it is all peer2peer
I remember when you idiots said the same thing last gen.
I still require a PS4, because not all of my weeb games are making it to PC.
>best console ever made with a high number of quality titles
How to spot a Sonygger 101
>best console ever made with a high number of quality titles, something the wii didn't have
Honestly, people still believe this? It wasn't even as good as the PS1. Each Sony system has been worse than the last.
And didn't the PCbros eventually WIN the never ever war?
as opposed to microsoft
wew lad
>Paid research
Normies will fall for this FUD.
This is why these shitty xbox faggots and nintendocucks all have to join the mustard race, because the only thing that is better than a playstation is a +$800 PC.
But PCs don't have TV's or buttons
>But you can always use a controller or adapt-
It's not the same
>massively outdated wikipedia list
lol so desperate
>It wasn't even as good as the PS1
it played all ps1 games natively, that alone makes it better than the ps1
Why people are loyal to sony of all companies never made sense to me
They are literally dishwater: the company. They make walkmans. Sony systems are the blandest, most basic fucking things on the market and they never get any worthwhile exclusives anyway. The ps1 looked like a fucking CD player and why anyone even decided to jump ship to them in the first place is beyond me. And what's it been since? Stockholm syndrome or something? Sonyponies are DESPARATE to defend them.
Kek lets see these fat losers spin this.
roflmao, moving the goalposts, much? And then posting VGchartz and some literally who? At least TRY, user. I know you're fighting back tears as you type, but try to see through them and face the logic.
lmao keep crying and reaching for 5yo lists, bitch
People like defending the best company in any field. Doesn't mean they're perfect just better than the competition, and in this example, miles ahead of them.
They make the most well rounded games, and support true innovators and take the best gambles to stretch what a video game could be and truly can only be hated by biased, cynical fanboys.
make me laugh some more, please
MS will never fully commit to the gaming sector. Focussing would actually lose them cash in the longer run.
They might wake up but they're too fat to do shit about it.
Xbox Live was always better than PSN. Poorfags would piss and moan about paying for online even though I usually paid $35 to $40 a year by looking for a deal. I'm sorry but it was well worth the price.
this doesn't surprise me in the slightest
>look at my upload/download speed via ps4
>it's always on the third of my real speed at best
>if you don't shit on sony you must be a loyal fanboy
The desperate logic of an ultra butthurt PCuck who suffered from console war PTSD
I am just going to keep rubbing salt to your wounds
All this shilling is gonna do is the sales of the PS4 are gonna go to their head and they'll fuck up the PS5, just like the PS3 launch
It'll change six more times before 2017 so maybe you'll like it eventually
Seriously, it is the simplest shit to navigate seeing its made for mouthbreathers who cant pc
You must be at least 18 years old to post on Sup Forums
>mouthbreathers who cant pc
t. steam big picture(tm) mode user
Not surprising
I had both the PS3 and 360 and I only ever played the Xbox because the PS3 felt so fucking cheap and slow
Finished MGS4 and never touched the console again
>T-they'll fuck up next time! Y-you'll see!!
No people learn and so do giant multibillion dollar companies like Sony. Now that the gaming department is it's biggest sector and billions are on the line, we won't be seeing a fuck up again.
Where were you when Xbox finally took over the console market (again)?
I was sitting on my couch playing Halo 5 and I get a call from Phil Spencer.
>Playstation is kill
still waiting on real proof, user
please stop crying
>mfw Xbox Scorpio is literally confirmed to be 4x more powerful than PS4
Honestly feel sorry for sonycucks
>please stop crying
winners don't cry, user
want me to keep blowing you the fuck out?