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>open up friends list
>you have no friends

>Have 30+ friends
>only talk to one of them regularly
>For about ten minutes, then he goes to bed

Having a list with 50 people and yet feeling alone is worst, better you never know this pain. None of my "friends" care for i like or what i do nor share any intersts with me other than the stuff we play, wish i had the guts to remove them all and say fuck it but at the end i know the cycle would repeat itself and my list will be filled with people i have nothing in common with and wishing the people that looks interesting in my opinion would actualy add me.

Add me! We can keep each other on our friends lists and never talk to each other every so often, and not play games together!

Wanna be friends?

>have 20 people on friends list
>only 3 of them are ever on
>only 1 talks to me regularly
>he's a super annoying autist with shit taste in games

kill me

Do you like tight boipucci?

>after many years finally have a friendbase
>"friends" dont respond
>"Y-yeah A-user, I was (excuse)" and/or X is now away/busy

All I do is draw, play chess, and contemplate suicide

well why don't you post your id then?

Tfw can talk to least 10 people on friends list of 44 and know we all have same interests.

Sucks to be you guys.

>add people as friends for trade threads
>delete them right after
I don't want to talk to any of you faggots.

Because I don't want any of you retarded mouthbreathers on my friendlist


weeb detected

this is why you are forever alone user

>only have a group of 6 friends after 7 years of using steam
>can talk about anything with them because we really know each others
>mfw some people have a library of +185959515 friends and add random fuck all the time

will anyone be my friend

>Mind if I keep you on my friend's list you seem like a cool guy :)


Nope. I do have some weeb games but i play mostly roguelikes. Try again.

>5 year old account
>never added a single person

Fuck people tbqh.

>Have over 100 friends but 1/4 of which are people I know irl

meh, i should probably purge everyone else but there's no good reason to remove people from that list.

I try to keep people on my list and chat from time to time, but christ is it draining to always have to start a conversation. It really makes you feel unimportant.

yeah, sure

Suicide is painless. It brings so many changes.

this 2bh

Same here. But some of the randoms have become quite good (online)friends over the time. Sometimes you just meet the right people.

then make a friend with me

Don't be ashamed, I'm about to willingly wipe my friends list. I'll be back to that soon and it feels great to have a fresh slate.

I tried to add some of you, but you guys deleted me because I was too boring. I'm sorry, I'll do better next time.

Its better to be friendless than have people who only talk to you and want to play games with you when they get bored of/run out of people to play with whatever garbage they're currently addicted to like OW, Dota, CS, etc and then pretend like they're your best friend

>wanting some annoying fags messaging you constantly

>No clingy fag to chat with


>tfw want to add some people from Sup Forums but my games list is utter shit and I'll probably get mocked for my shit taste

I barely even use steam anyway

>send game invite
>they have the app open and aren't even on to play
>person in game
>send message
>get message back 2 hours later
>oh I wasn't playing then sorry
>get friend invites from random people
>they don't follow up or play with you ever
Consoles are so much better at the social aspect.
>friend invites actually matter and don't get sent out like candy
>people are usually actually playing games they have open
>microphone is the only viable option so you know if someone is responsive/a good person to add
>no friend collectors or people treating it like a social site, or people sending youtube videos or memes to your profile
>everything posted in social feeds are recorded gameplay clips or screenshots

>have around 30 friends
>stopped playing with one group a few months ago
>only game people want to play is CSGO/DOTA2 or LOL(or any free 2 play game)
>no one to play games with
>now play old/singleplayer games that never played before

why did steam go to shit? seems like people want attention? be an e-celeb and post le epic may mays instead of playing games and having banter

>nobody wants to message me anyways

>managed to stay friends with somebody for 2 years now
>the thought of losing them is soul crushing and i don't think i could handle being alone again
i'm scared Sup Forums

reply to this post or your friend will die in your sleep


>best friend online is someone I met playing UT2004 and we still play games together 10 years later

>threatening your child with sausages


Add me

might as well ask here because steam friend threads are shit, anyone want to play the new titan quest with me? i dont have it installed yet so i cant play right away but im willing to have a go at it with someone. always wanted to play a diablo-esqe game with someone but my friends are all lame. im in aus if that matters. i dont shitpost much

>1 VAC ban on record | Info
into the fucking garbage

It was a lot of work to convert my friends and siblings into TF2.
Now we are 32 people and have out own cozy server.

Am i the only one who wants to be alone?

You better not be talking about me, fucker. That matches someone on my friend list.

>tfw 25 and feel like I'm too old to make new online friends

>That one game that you'll never find someone to play with
What's her name Sup Forums?

World of Warcraft

Adding someone from Sup Forums is a shit idea 9/10 times because they're either
>an insufferable weeb
>a faggot
>clingy with tons of emotional baggage
>any combination of the 3

>open up friends list
>Friend from /r9k/ messages me
>They do this daily


Tell me about it. Also when I talk to someone they always seem slightly hostile.

add me up losers


mechwarrior online

pure cancer

>recently cleaned my friends list on my 11 year old account
>all those distant memories
>all those feels

>log into steam
>bf says hi cutie!

Is it ironic or what ?

I'd add you, but after years of online spoggling I've learned it's best not to pitty-add; a mistake made many times.

>Play games X, Y and Z
>user 1 adds me from X game
>user 2 adds me from Y game
>user 3 adds me from Z game

>user 1 invites me to X game when I want to play Y game
>user 2 invites me to Y game when I want to play Z game
>user 3 invites me to Z game when I want to play X

>Have to come up with excuses why I can't play
>End up just being offline while im playing games

I'm an asshole, you deserve it for adding me on friends

>add people from Sup Forums
>they never talk to me
>I never talk to them
>too worried about what they might say if I delete them


i envy you, you get to play your vidya in peace

This is my thing too
Maybe we are even already friends and we would never know

>friendlist is full
>75% of them are spammer.

I'm down my man.

Steam name is Kahel

>mfw one of my friends is neet and doesnt do anything with his life until next spring
>he plays league and is miserable
>i get him payday 2 and he admits he didnt have so much fun in at least 4 years
I feel like a better person now.
>he gets all heists dlcs and asks me to play with him
>i do, whenever new stuff comes out i declare to get it so he wont have to waste his neet money


You can pirate payday 2 dlc i think, without any reprecussions
And you should sibce the devs dont deserve the money.
Wish i had neet friends

mfw over 50 friends online which i play with most of them regularly


Guild Wars 2. Smite. E.Y.E. Terraria. Fractured Space.

I'll never find anyone to play any of those games with.

It's only natural for people like me, at 25+
No one will talk with you, play with you or whatever.

you can have friends on steam ?

mfw billionaire hedgefund kid with maxed out friend list who begs to play with me everyday and literately women fighting their way into my penthouse to have actual sex with me.

>invited 422 days ago

I feel like a loser with only 20 friends ;-;

I think you're being too ironic.

Don't even joke about suicide, user, life is never too late to fix. God bless you.

>Friend from /r9k/
I'm sorry.

>actual sex

damn that sounds good

>have nearly 100 friends
>can't even remember who most of them are
>end up in offline status constantly to stop people messaging me asking me to join their games when I'm trying to play something else

My uncle used to threaten me with his sausage. Now I fap to traps and claim that it's perfectly straight.

>have 33 friends
>only talk to like 3 of them semi regularly and one of those almost daily when our time zones sync up
>feel lonely the rest of the day
>don't want to delete the other friends because of the memories
It sucks

god bless you for trying, user.
kys though.

Anyone here play Rocket League or MHG and want to be friends?


>have 32 steam "friends"
>used to talk and play games with them for years
>now working and always tired and realized I am lonely at home, even if I come online and talk with these "friends"
>they start to distant themselves from me
>still have all of the 32 "friends" on my list but none seem to want to talk to me or anything
>I only work only to come home and play games on my own
>this will be something I will be doing until I stop doing it

This is me but I have more friends than you so nur

If you buy me GE2 I'll play with you user.

I've tried talking to some of them but the conversations are only a few messages long because we don't click anymore

add for boy butt

>start playing coop games with people from various /vg/ groups
>my friends list now looks like an anime cast