

lol no

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Right? Everyone already either torrented it or got it from Jast.

My cousin bought me a copy for muh vita a year ago.

But he's a guy

You've had at least 7 years to play the game. Just pirate the original PC release.

I will buy it when it goes 75% sale.

Or played it on Vita/PS3

Isn't it just upscaled to 1080p?

it's like VN devs are begging people to pirate their games, holy shit

Why the fuck are VNs always so expensive? I can buy something with a better story and gameplay for less than half the price of a shitty VN.

Cheaper alternatives
PC Physical: rightstufanime.com/SteinsGate-DVD-Rom-Game-Windows-Best-Edition

Vita Digital: psprices.com/region-us/game/104517/steinsgate

PS3 Digital: psprices.com/region-us/game/104516/steinsgate

this, why the fuck do these retards think that the weebs that play their shitty flash games will put up with the same shit as the retarded weebs in japan?

Somebody answer this please, is it native 1080p or upscaled garbage.

Also, does it run at 60 fps or not?

I don't think it's worth 30$, but it's still pretty good.


>run at 60fps
>VN needing to run at anything past 10fps

Probably the same reason anime is so expensive. It's a small niche industry that's set its ways in stone, they put out horribly expensive products that a small amount of people buy instead of even trying to do cheaper releases for the mass market.

At least be happy they're trying somewhat reasonable prices in the west (usually...). In Japan they cost more than triple AAA releases.

>does it run at 60 fps or not?
Its a fucking VN

4th top seller.

Native. It's based on the PS4 version.

>does it run at 60 fps

just want to the backgrounds desu

Why aren't you buying the superior VN instead?

Gotta have that smooth text scroll.

I have the physical copy that I paid about 23euros for. The general weeb scum populating steam would pay 60dollaroos for that without batting an eye. They know they get away with that pricing because of stinky weebs.

It's a VN so chances are they'll be $15 each until hell freezes over

I got one so far.

Because I want the cat box to lie still on the bottom of the sea.

doubt it, this only happens if the vn is extremely niche which stein gate is not.

Here is an even cheaper alternative

>Buying VNs on Steam
Seriously hope you guys etc

steins gate is hot garbage with terrible art anyway, wouldnt pay even $10 for it.


Why not? There's patches etc should you want your H-VNs to be relewded

>H-VNs to be relewded


I know Steins;Gate isn't lewd. I was asking the guy why he objects to buying VNs on Steam. The usual response is that they're censored.

yeah no, last fucking time i'm falling for this meme
it wasn't enough that whenever i booted up nekopara vol. 2 i was practically notifying all my steam friends "hey i'm jacking it to catgirls lmao", but they actually expected me to pay 10$ for an H-patch

fuck right off, i'd rather just pirate

you do know you can pirate the h patch right? also >caring about friends

Just appear offline, man. Also pirate the patch.


Danganronpa and Zero Escape are not traditional visual novels, visual novels have no gameplay. They are visual novel point and click adventure games.

But in most cases games of those nature have free patches you can download off their respected sites.

what's the point in doing that when i can spare myself the effort by pirating the entire
game creator is pretty based from what i've seen but even then it's not worth supporting her because of all the hassle tied to VNs on steam

That's what I said

>copy and paste over folder
you are right user, do what you want.

why does a guy have tanlines like he was wearing a bra?

why do her eyes look like nightsticks?

Already have on ps vita

Not bad since it still cost 90 fucking dollarydoos in store.

I didn't see said post.


You answered your own question.

no, why did he wear a bra? I am not asking how the tanlines were made I am asking WHY

He wants to be a girl.

because he wants to be a girl.

>complaining about 30$ for S;G
That's a good pricetag for it, though.

He's doing it wrong then.

>chinks or any slant eyed fuck trying to be girly
ew fuck that

the guy in the pic isn't trying to be girly. he's just a eunuch.

Eunuchs are as much girls as modern day post-OP trannies are. IE: Not really.

Also fun fact, Steins:Gate boygirl and Jun Watarase are the only actual gender dysmorphic traps in VNs, animu or manga as compared to just a crossdressing or naturally very effeminate males like. say. the term coining Bridget or say Mare Bella Fiore.

Next up on our infomercial is "If I wish really hard and listen to voodoo noises can I grow a vagina?" With our guest correspondent Christian Weston Chandler!

what about steins gate 0?

>buying the original steins;gate NOW when steins;gate zero is a few months from release


It seems VNs are expensive to make.
>Supipara costed us over 100,000,000 yen

Why wouldn't you get both?

What is steins;gate zero?

First, stop buying VNs from Steam. It gives the developers the idea that releasing censored stuff for the "steam audience" is a good idea. In some cases the +18 patches can take months to be released or never (fuck sekai project btw). Buy VNs from other shops that don't impose censorship (denpa, MG, JAST websites...) instead of Steam.

Second, why didn't you already play the JAST version, or even the previous fanmade one? Is it because it's on Steam now? Well, fuck you.

A new S;G game.

Maybe if you're playing in Japanese.
English assets are lazily upscaled from JAST's 1024x576 release.

>First, stop buying VNs from Steam. It gives the developers the idea that releasing censored stuff for the "steam audience" is a good idea. In some cases the +18 patches can take months to be released or never (fuck sekai project btw). Buy VNs from other shops that don't impose censorship (denpa, MG, JAST websites...) instead of Steam.
Doesn't apply to S;G since it's not an eroge.

>Second, why didn't you already play the JAST version, or even the previous fanmade one? Is it because it's on Steam now? Well, fuck you.
It's the higher definition PS4 re-release.

Googled your pic and regret I did.
If anyone ever need a better example of men that had it rough and example of "toxic masculinity" this shit right there is this.

>Castration was typically carried out on the soon-to-be eunuch without his consent

>Records show that the Vietnamese performed castration in a painful procedure by removing the entire genitalia with both penis and testicles being cut off with a sharp knife or metal blade. The procedure was agonizing since the entire penis was cut off.[145][146][147][148][149][150][151] The young man's thighs and abdomen would be tied and others would pin him down on a table. The genitals would be sterilized with pepper water and then cut off. A tube would be then inserted into the urethra to allow urination during healing.[

>During the Yuan Dynasty, eunuchs became a desirable commodity for tributes, and dog bites were replaced by more sophisticated surgical techniques.
>Dog bites

>hundreds of teenage Korean boys were castrated and then sent to serve as eunuchs at the Chinese court once every three years.

And thats just asians I know not humans.

Is it censored?

Steam version is based on the PS4 port, retard. And it's not censored.

It's not a fucking H game. Are you dumb?

>Second, why didn't you already play the JAST version, or even the previous fanmade one? Is it because it's on Steam now? Well, fuck you.

I did. I'd quite like to play the version with 1080p art assets.

Same story as s:g or a sequal?

Reminds of the story of the last eunuch of China, who died in the 90's. He was castrated by his father as a kid because serving in the Imperial Palace was the only way he could help his village against the local boss. When he managed to recover, the empire had already fallen.
He still served the emperor, but as a simple servant. Ironically, he had way more power in communist china.

on the plus side
>A study on eunuchs has found that they live 13.5 years longer than non-eunuch men as a result of a lack of testosterone, which reduces the likelihood of participation in risky behaviors, such as violence.

this is probably not counting those who died from the procedure though. poor kids.

The font and video quality of the Steam release are fucked, just pirate JAST version.


>user wants to be a weeb but his friends wont let him
how can you be so beta

>An alternate ending to Steins;Gate that leads with the eccentric mad scientist Okabe, struggling to recover from a failed attempt at rescuing Kurisu. He decides to give up and abandons his lively scientist alter ego, in pursuit to forget the past. When all seems to be normal, he is seemingly pulled back into the past by meeting an acquaintance of Kurisu, who tells him that they have begun testing a device that stores the memory of a human and creates a simulation of them with their characteristics and personalities. Okabe begins testing and finds out that the simulation of Kurisu has brought back anguish and some new unexpected tragedies...
From myanimelist.net/anime/30484/Steins_Gate_0

Remember that deus ex machina near the end with that video mail from the future?
It's the story of how that came to be.
So chronologically, it takes place after S;G.
But the events of S;G 0 have to have happened "before" S;G's ending could happen.
And the story begins where it diverges, which is near the true end of S;G.

So yeah, it's a sequel, prequel, and something in between all at once.

>It's the higher definition PS4 re-release.
>I did. I'd quite like to play the version with 1080p art assets.

just pirate the translation.

>He doesn't use wallpapers for his ringtones

So I should play S:G, get all the endings, then play S:G 0? Will S:G 0 come to steam? oh and S:G has 0 gameplay elements, right? (only VN i've played are danganronpa and zero escape series).

>oh and S:G has 0 gameplay elements, right? (only VN i've played are danganronpa and zero escape series).
Nope. It's a pure, bona fide traditional VN with text and text only.

Only the pre-rendered cutscenes are stretched (I assume they got lazy and couldn't be fucked to re-encode the subtitles on a higher res video).
Aside from a handful of minor fuckups (like ), everything's fine.

is it worth it to play the VN if you watched the anime?

Yes. There's a lot more content.

S;G doesn't use traditional choices.
All player interaction is done through the phone.
You choose whether or not to pick up phone calls.
You choose how to respond to text messages.
You choose who to call/text or if you even call/text at all.
S;G 0 has a JP PC version and incoming English PS4/Vita versions. No word on Steam.
S;G 0's choice system is a little more streamlined. The story in S;G 0 is only affected by calls and not the messages, though the messages will give you different snippets of useless text.

The anime fucked up Moeka's death and made Tennouji act in an out of character way.

what site is that?

definitely. cut content and changed story.

like the fact Nae witnessed her fathers death in the VN, which made her a crazy psycho which ended up time traveling back to stab Okabe

no it didn't

>paying for one episode

>minor fuckups
The font kerning looks like ass, there are wordwrapping issues like lines beginning with spaces, and the phone text has no wordwrapping whatsoever.

Is that a claymore on the shelf?

>Future Gadget No. 4. An instant super-humidifier. Uses electric heating coils to quickly boil a large volume of water. This generates enough steam to fill a room of 12 square meters, though it can only be operated continuously for a few seconds. It looks like a claymore land mine, which appeals to military otaku. Its name is a reference to the stealth action game, "Metal Moa Solid: Rising".

Torrent where?

The MAGES. font looks exactly how it would on a flip phone though.

Is the steam version dubbed?


>people actually buy visual novels