So is now the time to get this? The prices have dropped but I don't want to get it then a GotY comes out...

So is now the time to get this? The prices have dropped but I don't want to get it then a GotY comes out. But I also heard there isn't any DLC.
> In b4 someone spergs and says "Don't get it, it's right dank."

Really you've gone this long without it, wait for the price to go below $10.

Is this ever gonna come to Steam?

Wait is this out?

Literally didn't know.

Yeah, it's currently £26. So in reasonable range, not sure of dollery doos.

>> In b4 someone spergs and says "Don't get it, it's right dank."
nah, you should totally buy it and enjoy it


Confirmed worth equal to exact price of blank disk. Recommend waiting until you've forgotten about the existence of this all together and using your money for better things like shoelaces or fish food.


>they didn't put the big budget game with a tiny niche market on steam

gg EA, killing interesting shit since 2008

I've had this for around 2 months now but I still end up playing the first game more than I do this one. Don't get me wrong, shit's fun and all but it definitely doesn't hold a candle to the first game's level design. So far, anyway, since I've yet to finish Catalyst. Graphics are nice but blurry opposed to the first game's crisp graphics but the added ways to work your way around without resorting to combat is nice and the only downside is having too many sequences where you absolutely have to fight without any way to escape at all. Yes, sounds like a broken record here but unfortunately these criticisms turned out to be true.

I'm just glad I didn't get it for full price. And yeah, there doesn't seem to be any DLCs in the making and I doubt there'll be any sort of GOTY edition.

>supposed to be a skill based game
>you need to buy moves
>chimp characters (even if no one cares)
>chimp story (even if no one cares)
>piss poor optimization
>you can finish the game in one afternoon
>tried to shove open-world again

all they needed to do was to remove the bad aspect from the first game, to release tons of new levels and work on a level editor

I'm surprised when she actually became Tsudere for Icarus at mid chapters and wanted his dick at the end, I thought this game was an SJW game since Anita was invited to consult with this game.

Am I the only one who think Catalyst is visually disgusting?

she didn't consult, they literally just invited her over to the offices

Nah. It's way too blurry even at 4k res. The problem is their overreliance on post processes for a myriad of shit. It gets blurry even with motion blur turned off. Plus, the textures are really meh compared to the first game.

I'm waiting for it to go to £15. I liked the first one but I heard they ubified this one with a shitty collectathon open world.

waiting for it to get on origin access

I was thinking of getting that. 4 bongs a month is pretty good. Do they ever remove games from the vault thing? Like if a game gets put in for origin access subs, they won't ever remove it for access subs right, it'll be there forever?

This picture is false but god is she accurate about the shitty collectible they put in the games.

This, the art direction isn't bad but they got way overboard with the reflection effect and post-processes.

Why /v doesn't like this game ? Mirrors are working, it should be the second coming of the christ for this board.

>Why dont you like EA games?

I have an issue with the art direction too. It does not look like it uses much color bleeding.
This is what made the original so visually stunning.
The originals visuals were made with this in mind, something that was considerably more difficult with Catalyst being open world and had a time of day cycle.
Catalyst has color bleeding but the overuse of reflection effects and post-processing covers it up and makes everything ugly.

Time to replay the first Mirror's Edge I guess. It looks so fucking good.