>he doesn't have a hacked 3ds
literally no excuse
>he doesn't have a hacked 3ds
literally no excuse
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll hack your dick into pieces
I hacked mine only to realize there's no games worth pirating.
Jesus fucking christ, you should be using a new 3DS XL with those gorilla hands.
I already have all the games I want, though.
Might do it so I can play the new Puyo game when it comes out since it's never coming stateside.
I have money.
But I do
>hacking = piracy
emulators you stupid cucks
What emulators can the shitty hardware of the 3DS move?
it's the GOAT for SNES and earlier
I just got the NDS flashcart forwarder working, so now I have all of my icons nice and neatly on the 3DS desktop.
I already have a PSP for that, faggot.
If you're hacking your 3DS for anything other than pirating games, you're a fuckin' idiot.
I hacked my 3DS because of these threads. Now I can finally say this: FUCK OFF AND NEVER POST HERE AGAIN NIGGER, GO SUCK PLAILECT'S COCK SOMEWHERE ELSE
3DS is old hat. Have you hacked your Vita yet, Sup Forums?
LOL it's always hilarious watching poor people fight eachoter.
It's alright man, maybe next week McDonalds will promote you, or something.
post yfw not a pirate.
I do, but the 3DS library is shit compared to the DS one. I already owned MH4U before hacking, and the only games I actually care about that I pirated are SMTIV and Digimon World ReDigitize. Everything else is pretty underwhelming, especially compared to the DS library with tons of hidden gems and cool japanese only games.
I guess I have DQVIII and SMT Apocalypse to look forward to, but still. Both the FE games suck, and KI is ok I guess. Haven't played LBW, but the Zelda remakes are decent, but that's just it, most 3DS games are decent, or ok, or remakes. Very few HOLYSHITMUSTPLAY, like on the DS, with TWEWY, Radiant Historia, Phoenix Wright, Ghost Trick, the Castlevania games, Jump Ultimate Stars, etc...
3DS is a shit handheld desu.
Even the Pokemon games are underwhelming. SM look alright, but XY suck, and I doubt either will compare to the Gen 4 and 5 romhacks. Also, no Pokemon Conquest, no Metroid Prime Hunters, no Megaman games. Gunvolt looks ok, I might play that...
Post your pirated games, boys.
Before you give me shit for the new Ace Attorney, I've bought physical copies of every other game in the series and bought Dual Destinies. Capcom can get fucked for not releasing Spirit of Justice on a physical cart.
Will likely once support ends, until then I like to buy the worthwhile games that interest me and support developers so that the next handheld/console continues to get support.
I really don't want all gaming to become microtransaction mobile garbage or Green-Light shovelware on steam.
Between my nds flashcart and my hacked PSP, I can run:
Turns out the piece of shit PS3 I never use can't be hacked (super slim). Back into the closet for it.
You can still buy games with a hacked 3DS.
I hacked mine mostly because I'm not paying for 3DS DLC and it allows custom themes. Also, there's also the trying before buying angle.
>t. manlet
Nah, fuck supporting Nintendo. They can get fucked.
>literally no excuse
not being a manchild is a strong one
>t. poorfag
lmaoing at your life
I don't want to do something that might fuck up my 3DS and have to buy another one because of my incompetence. Custom themes do interest me though, personal touches to handhelds/consoles always make playing them more enjoyable.
Nintendo aren't the only ones developing games for the 3DS, I want developers like SquareEnix to see that Dragon Quest is still wanted and sells, for example. As well as Atlus games.
I do, and I started the new ace attorney yesterday thanks to that. And I'm going to pirate DQVII too. I'm only buying one game on the 3DS and that's Chase: Unsolved Cases Investigation Division.
The current method of hacking is pretty much idiot proof as long as you can follow directions. I hacked mine months ago with a much less elegant method and I say this as someone who couldn't manage to get my Wii hacked with Bannerbomb because for some reason some things wouldn't install even though I followed the instructions.
If it makes you feel any better, 2DSes are $80 brand new now, so that might be an option to pursue if you want to get your feet wet with hacking.
>hack 3ds
>Download loads of games
>let it catch dust
If I decide to jump into it early, it will likely be to play games that aren't ever going to get localized, even then I have family with 3DS that they would likely give or sell to me retarded cheap.
Either way, I've found it to be worthwhile. Not as worthwhile as getting a DS flash cart (man I miss the DS years), but still worth it. I'm a Picross fiend, so getting the Club Nintendo Picross titles was worth it by themselves.
Like you I also plan on picking up DQ7. It's the only DQ I don't own and I want Rocket Slime 3DS and Theathrythm DQ localized.
Tell me about it. I did the a9lh stuff and everything. Shit's fully hacked and I don't use it. My issue is the fucking battery and the controls to be honest which I can't even fix anyways.
I'm not tech savvy. I can't even jailbreak my iPhone.
My hacked PSP is amongst my most prized possessions. Has anyone hacked Vita yet? I would like to try out the one or two games that were made for it.
ive tried so many fucking times, It wont work... :(
Digimon World is pretty fun.
It's never coming west, and a fan translation is nearly finished. Seriously, fuck Nintendo for region locking consoles, half the good games on 3DS are Japan only.
>Has anyone hacked Vita yet?
Yes. 3.60 got hacked.
Also tried to hack my vita, I can get to the last step and it just wont
work ...
Check out /hbg/ over on /vg/, let them know exactly what's going on. They might be able to help you out.
I have firmware 11.0
How fucked am I?
>If I decide to jump into it early
By now you can't even call it early.
But I did hack my 3DS. I already legitimately own most of the backlog worth playing, but it's going to be nice when games like Sun/Moon come out in the future.
How good are your soldering skills?
Or do you have/know someone with a hacked 3ds?
Nes/SNES/GB/GBC/GBA/master system/mega drive/cps1/cps2/mame2000/neogeo/ngpc/
I went through the whole process and it ended up needing some EmuNand backup to work which I didn't have on my computer, so now I have a downgraded 3ds which I can't play hacked games on.
Guess I learned my lesson.
>owning a handheld
>owning ANY nintendo product made after 2006
>being a literal highschooler that plays his gameboy in the cafeteria by himself with his anime keychains and nekomimi hoodie
What guide are you following?
Alright so I fucked up updating emuNAND 9.2 to 9.6 and now boot to black screen. I can still enter homebrew browser so there's that. How can I restore 9.2 back using only HB menu?
I did, but that was back in like January. I need to update to Luma and al9h now I guess. I'm just worried about fucking it up, even though I was able to downgrade and everything else mostly hassle-free (I lost my Pokemon Shuffle data, but that was a blessing).
You should be able to launch sysDowngrader and re-do the 9.2 downgrade.
I feel so bad for buying an O3DS. I can't emulate shit on it.
Earlier than I intend too.
I'm also interested in Beyond the Labyrinth and Medabots.
I'm not saying it wouldn't be worthwhile, but once I cross that line I'll likely find myself trying to support games less.
I to would like Rocket Slime, Theathrythm and both Monsters. Also I hope the sells from the 3DS titles, Heroes and Builders will bring XI over in a timely manner, and maybe give us Heroes 2 between here and then.
I was on Part 4 but that seems to have gone
Gotta replace the top screen or audio ribbon cable before I can, but I'm too lazy.
You mean this shit?
If you started with a vanilla, unmodified 3DS, you don't need an EmuNAND backup. That's only for people transitioning from the old RxTools/Cakes method of CFW to the newer, shinier A9LH.
>tfw i bought a brand new old3DS a year before the n3DS is announced
fucking kill me
i just bought a vita
Oh cool, thanks user. So do I need to go back to a point since I've spent time trying to get the backup? Like back to Part 3?
Firmwate is 11.0. 33 what are my options?
i have a 2ds. is it worth getting a New3DS (maybe XL)?
Well I bought it at launch. 250€.
>he doesn't have a hacked Vita AND 3DS
Step it up shitposter faggot
90% of SNES games I've tried worked fine. The New 3DS can't handle anything higher than that, so what are you complaining about?
Read Part 3, skip over anything you already did. After that you're done.
my 2DS has Firmware 11.0.0-33E
is there any way i can hack it software-wise?
Genesis. Genesis Plus GX core plain doesn't work and Picrodrive keeps kicking me out, though it worked just once.
Collectorfag here
I'm only interested in hacking my 3DS/Vita because of the digital only games. I can get those right?
Yes and it's even easier. There's an application that downloads them directly.
>being a literal highschooler that plays his gameboy in the cafeteria by himself with his anime keychains and nekomimi hoodie
user, you don't have to project like that
For you and the 5 other fuccbois asking in this thread
Even on the Vita? That's the one I care about more
Oh nevermind then, I don't think so.
Oh. I wasn't aware the N3DS could handle Genesis.
There's your excuse
I bought it at launch too. Got a 3ds XL later on and a New 3ds ambassador edition. I'll likely buy a further one once the price drops due to NX launch. My wife is on her 3rd too.
Monster Hunter
> any other device can have as many and more emulation apps. Even XBONE.
> there is no good games to pirate
> no western games, only japanese weaboo shit
Why the fuck would I waste my time with this.
I don't own a N3DS yet and I don't want to risk bricking my current 3DS.
Also, I don't feel like there's a point in getting a N3DS with the NX on it's way, which is supposedly a handheld/console hybrid.
>i got hacked 3ds and vita
>i still don't play any games
this is the life
>implying anyone has a vita on Sup Forums
The hacking came too late
Can I play DS games off my SD card yet?
Not yet. Soon, probably. Give it another month.
Soon, maybe
This is my last resort
Huh? I don't even own a manchild device you pathetic numale pleb.
and if I don't have access to a second DS?
am I fucked?
Yes. As far as anybody knows, software downgrading on a standalone 11.0 3DS is impossible. You either need a hardmod, or another 3DS.
Emulators = piracy too
is that a flash cart? I've been looking at R4i and Sky3DS+..... any advice on which one to go for?
get sky3ds+ senpai
>projecting this hard
it wont be backwards compatible. Handhelds are devices with a relatively low lifespan, getting a n3ds in the end will guarantee you to be able to play the games for a long time, at least until emulation is 100%
>Buzzword posting
No. A hardmod refers to taking the system apart and tampering with the physical NAND chip.
True but what I mean is I don't know whether it's worth getting a N3DS since it's likely that far fewer games will be coming out for it soon.
This tbqh senpai
I already did. But, due to circumstances, my R button fell off and can't really play some games. Can you hack on the latest firmware? If so, I might grab that new 3DS mario bundle and hack that.