Styx - Master of Shadows

How is this game Sup Forums? It is on sale on steam, should I get it for €7,50?

What is the resolution? What is the fps? Can you disable the objective compass?

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>What is the resolution? What is the fps?


I think its pretty good. Only real problem are that halfway through the game they start reusing levels. And the jumps can be a bit inconsistent, sometimes I make jumps that I swear I was able to do fine before but I don't make it.

So yeah, go for it.

Can you turn off the objective compass that shows you where to go?

What is the resolution and fps?

i saw it too OP, it doesnt look like it's for me though. But i've heard a lot of people here say good things from memory. GL in your purchase if you do it.

I want Xcom to be on sale :(

Best 3D proper stealth game in a long while.

It's really old school and low budget.
If you can handle that, go ahead.
I didn't enjoy it.

>What is the resolution and fps?
Anything you want, baby

>Can you turn off the objective compass that shows you where to go?

Yeah, you can. You can also disable detection meters on the guards.

>What is the resolution and fps?

It supports 4K and the framerate is capped at 62.

>sometimes I make jumps that I swear I was able to do fine before but I don't make it
protip, hold the jump button and you'll grab the ledges guaranteed.

Literally google away, nigger.

You can somewhat uncap it tho.

Absolutely fantastic, thanks for the information.

But I am old school and like hard(er) games.

Turned it off after 10 minutes because of the writing
Straight faced fart jokes and epic quirky british humor, fucking cringe


Quite the victory

are you sure you played Styx?

What the fresh fuck are you talking about?

It's worth it for 7.50. I can run it at 4K with extremely infrequent drops (the furthest it's dropped to is 57fps) on my GTX 1070.

the price is fair for the game even at its original $30 i think it was. it's a good stealth game just keep in mind that it's not an aaa title. the voice acting can be weak although styx did grow on me. the animations are also not great

except none of the mechanics necessary for good stealth are consistent at all

Such as?