Unreal Tournament 3

So what did UT3 do wrong that made it fail to get much of a following?

I can understand a shortage of game modes and maps by comparison to UT2k4, and there's no actual tournament and how its Facing Worlds isn't in space, but it seems to be well put-together mechanically otherwise.

It was the low time for arena shooters. The older games still held up while elsewhere people were more into shooters about modern day war.


The consolization I guess.
I honestly am not 100% sure. In a way the game looks really messy and the lack of good modes is concerning. I played it on PC quite a bit when it was released with some buddies whom I played UT2004 with almost religiously before it.
UT3 just didnt feel fun for some reason. We only play unreal tournament in lan meetups anymore, but even then its UT2004.
Arena shooters are a thing of the past sadly. Many attempts to revive the genre have failed and there's just no more place for them thesedays. I find myself to be a bit bored with the annual UT2004 playing.
Its a genre that hasnt aged too well, if that makes any sense. Its like the click&point adventure of first person games. A very small minority still likes them. UT3 maybe was released at a time when people started to move away from arena shooters.

>shitty console menus (mouse wheel scrolls up and down, right click backs out)
>most of the characters and factions are gone
>distinctive characters are now Gears of War people with armor "customization"
>single-player is a plot... thing
>Malcolm is an edgy thug, muh little sister big brother
>a CTF "F.L.A.G" is a real abbreviation for some canonical device... thing
>graphics are a typical UE3 shiny brown and bloom desaturated mess with no anti-aliasing
>some gun designs are questionable (Flak cannon)
>boring ass music
>not a lot of maps, missing classics

I love UT2004's characters, maps, music, and single-player football bloodsport manager thing so I just play it forever.

I fucking love UT3

>tfw its the last proper ut retail game

Why the fuck did they go with this "muh free crowdfunded perma-alpha XDD" shit for UT4

They have the funds to make a proper good premium UT game

>They have the funds to make a proper good premium UT game
because then they will go "lets copy shit of wars again"
and make everything slower add a retarded story cutscenes and ruin the game
>every complain during ut3 beta was ignored
i have no problems with the ut4 alpha other than the lack of players ,and the shit menu/browser
at least is better than
>matchmaking join!
fuck 6vs6 servers anyway

>timed console exclusive
>Gears of War aesthetic, which I'm actually ok with but it clearly didn't suit an arena FPS.
>lack of graphical features, characters and game modes on launch compared to UT2004. The Black Edition somewhat fixes this but it was too little too late by that point. i.e Onslaught and Assault were merged into the lackluster Warfare and Bombing Run + Invasion plus others were nowhere to be seen.
>arena shooters in general were simply falling off the map around this time too
>lazy and cobbled together single player campaign design, with a cliffhanger ending that will not get resolved.
>sluggish jumping/movement compared to earlier games

All things considered, the game wasn't that bad, just the main reasons it didn't sell too well. The weapons are actually really well balanced. I'd still rather get a new single player campaign Unreal game than a Gears of War 4 but that's never going to happen.

>character goes from slim guy
>goes to the gym
>time for steroids!

Gears of UT
Everything felt like you are made of boulders, and the weapon esthetics are all Michael Bay'd. It also kind of got caught in the undertow of the then new CoD4 and TF2. Really a shame because it had some excellent UT remixes.

>sluggish jumping/movement compared to earlier games

Why is this baseless meme still being thrown around. It's exactly the same speed as UT2004. You can say it's slower than UT99 just like UT2004 was, you can say it's missing dodge jumping from UT2004, but please, enough with this "sluggish" or "slow" bullshit. If you play on widescreen resolutions without FOV tweaks, then that's the reason why it seems slower. If you properly adjust the FOV, then the game feels identical to UT2004.

>missing dodge jumping
>not slow as fuck

Check yourself.

Apparently the F2P unreal tournament is being made on a shoestring budget, which is why it's taking so long for new content.. it's been what, two years now?

its still half a game while counting which maps are given a full graphical pass on one hand. i'm worried about the fact that it isn't being given a full retail treatment, since they don't have the F2P to fall back on like Evolve did. And the slow trickle of players able to play it RIGHT NOW means the risk of a portion of the player base getting bored of it by the time its in any sort of completed state.

That's why I'm avoiding playing it until its out of pre-alpha so that the content is still fresh to me. Also, not a fan of the new Skarrj design, i hope they don't mess up the other aliens. I get that they feel the need to use the same humanoid rig for animations, but they don't have to and really shouldn't for certain alien characters.

Not having dodge jumping does not equate to "sluggish jumping/movement" unless you want to make the argument that UT2004 was also sluggish every time you weren't dodge jumping. Just admit that you had an inaccurate analysis of the game, it's fine.

Well you're right about that, I'm actually ok with the movement in UT3, but a lot of people aren't so I guess I was just pointing it out. My bad.

ut2k4 pretty much killed unreal tournament by attracting a lot of casuals. ut3 was more of a return to ut99 which the casuals didn't like and people were still playing ut99 so the game had no market

Unreal/UT had always been basically an engine showcase more than it is a standalone game anyway.

i jump in to play a few matches every few months
prevents me from burning myself too much
would love making some map but still on 32bit

between that and the moba game (that seems to have more players playing it than ut4) do they share the resources/do you think they would have been better off focusing on one game instead?

I'm not the guy you were replying to. UT3 was slow and didn't reward high level of skill the way UT99 and 2K4 did.

That's why it died.

dat shock combo implosion tho

i suck at shock combo
specially in ut2k4 , at the alpha it seems easier or i got better (which shouldn't be the case i lost like 20% of my accuracy due to not playing fps)

That's a rather dumb thing to say considering over 95% of players will never experience or partake in "high level play".

I actually liked UT3 because it was closer to UT99.

what does highplay have to do?
if game is slower and doesn't reward you , you notice it , even if you suck (unless you manage to finish every match every without killing anyone)

- If you played UT99, why switch over? It's a graphical update you have to pay for.
- If you played UT2004, why switch over? It has none of the things that made you pick 2004 over 99.

what if i played ut2k4 because i was burned from 99?
>was burned from 2k4
>found ut3 shit
>ended playing ET

You are free to do whatever you want, user.

It was the latest in a series of games that are identical except for grafics
It deserved to fail, it's just a tech demo anyway

>Unreal had always been basically an engine showcase
But UT2004 doesn't even look impressive for 2004 tech.

eh i thought it looked decent at the time.
not outstandingly good compared to the others, but it's because ue2.5 mainly focused on physics stuff.
still good nonetheless especially for a multiplayer fps.