Haven't had sex in three weeks

>haven't had sex in three weeks
>losing my fucking mind
What vidya can help me think of something else?

3 WHOLE weeks. Woah, how do you even manage?

>haven't had sex in 26 years today is my birthday
>4 years until i become a powerful wizard

The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno

Is the "milk" cuming from that horse?


>three weeks
Try 30 years bud

>be gay
>have huge dick
>can't fit into boys

I don't want sex anymore.

is there any porn of lotus

>being gay
That was your first mistake, faggot.

Can you even imagine?

>ONLY 3 weeks
>already loosing his mind
look at this faggot, trying to make us all feel bad

>Haven't had sex in 20 years
>Already accepted being virgin forever
Life is good.

OP is three weeks old, somebody ban him

are you retarded? just fap and quit making problems out of nothing.

>Only got laid once
>7 years ago
>With a hooker

>tfw wizard at the end of the year

I sometimes go without it for months.
My girlfriend is cold when it comes to sex.
Play some Final Fantasy Theatrhythm: Curtain Call.
Solid game man. Get a neat Bartz/Cecil/Terra/Zidane party. For healin' and Chocobo powerups.

Lesson of Passion games
Shark Lagoon games

Happy birthday my Man !

>tfw reaching wizard status in 4 months
you are all small time

>been a wizard for two years

>my powers still haven't arrived

What do I do guys?

I haven't had sex in one month, I feel ua bro

I just want someone to piss on me

clearly you slipped up somehow
did you hug a girl???

I have sex regularly but I still masturbate like twice a day. I don't think thats normal

>tfw 26 in a month
C-can't wait until I'm a wizard h-haha

>tfw can't talk to girls without stammering and shaking

>haven't had sex in 23 years

Find another outlet for your libido.

>Normalfag central

I had my first, last, and realistically only girlfriend a few years ago when I was 28. I know you won't believe me, and will most likely resent me for saying it, but trust me: you're far better off not knowing what you're missing.

If dubs. Y'all will get laid this week.