>excited for something everyone on Sup Forums hates
Is this what it means...to grow out of Sup Forums?
Is this what it's like...to become a normie???
>excited for something everyone on Sup Forums hates
Is this what it means...to grow out of Sup Forums?
Is this what it's like...to become a normie???
Is this the new Mass Effect?
Why doesn't it look any better than Dead Space 2?
not being a normie doesn't mean you have to jump on every retarded bandwagon that some other spergs on Sup Forums drum up
>have known the game is more exploration focused ever since it was first announced
>devs add scanning, since that would make sense for someone exploring new planets to have
>Sup Forumsirgins complain that it's going to be no man's sky all over again
We'll bang, ok?
>excited for Mass Effect after ME3
thats your problem user, im hopeful but lets face the facts here, DAI was shit and Bioware show no signs of change.
infact they're degrading even worse
It's just going to be DA: Inquisition in space
>ever listening to Sup Forums
>ever trying to "fit in" with Sup Forums
I found the problem, OP. You're also a faggot for letting a bunch of anonymous faggots dictate what you can and can't like.
being excited for an EA bioware product after dragon age 2 is a litmus test for brain damage
that does bug me, but it has nothing to do with the video of the protag exploring an alien ruin that everyone's nitpicking to death and complaining is the worst thing they've ever laid eyes on
the fact is, it's just cool to hate on bioware now. not that they don't deserve it, but you know they could make me:a the best video game ever made and tons of Sup Forumsirgins would still insist on letting us know how horrific they think it is
and don't forget: if you disagree, you work for bioware
Personally, I'm still on the fence. The game reminds me heavily of Dragon Age Inquisition and while I actually liked Inquisition, I don't know if I'm okay with Mass Effect transitioning to that.
Will need to see more content and how the gameplay plays out.
i would love for mass effect and bioware rpgs to be great again but it just isn't going to happen. all the talent left ages ago. their current track record doesn't inspire confidence, all they care about is pandering to make headlines and they still have some of the worst animation in the business.
Lost all interest when they announced you can only play as a humanpleb.
Environment art is actually pretty good, of what I saw. Character art, however, has never been Bioware's forte.
To hell with Flynn and his demand that the video be watched on a 4K screen though.
To hell with that.
>ever listening to Sup Forums
>the most cancerous board on this site with shittier taste than Sup Forums
>Trusting current Bioware
And I don't even hate Mass Effect 3, but Inquisition was the last nail in the coffin
Some of their pandering staff has been purged already and their new lead writer has shown some potential.
That being said, I wouldn't expect any miracles. If Inquisition is any indication, the game will make an attempt to be better than the previous installment but still fail to grasp the potential of the original.
Also, yes they need to outsource the animations to a better studio.
>listening to Sup Forums
>not playing what you think will be fun
its mostly autists shiposting. Look how many started chimping out in the Sony Meeting thread posting spam repeatedly.
Looks like Dead Space
Wait a fucking minute
>discover alien ruins in new galaxy
>has markers everywhere
Spoke with a QA guy from Bioware in person at a con and he hinted at Ryder being half alien half human. He said "I wouldnt say human but the player character is humanoid"
They can phrase it however they want, but it still won't be an Asari.
Well I'm looking forward to it.
You are the Aliens
> Excited for Frostbyte shit
DA:I was utter fucking shit, why are you excited for this ? Even if you borrow it, it's hardly something to be excited for, if you want some romance minigames go to playforceone
just came back from uni
had an overweight guy sitting there angrily shouting at what I suppose was his friend about how "transformers is objectively a bad movie" and other autistic stuff like that
I am now convinced that this is the average Sup Forums user
>excited for an upcoming video game
Sorry mate, still not a true normie.
Post the retarded asari running animation
not even excited for this at all.
I'm honestly afraid of getting excited at all for it. The short footage of it definitely looks good and if they can include high levels of exploration on numerous random planets, shit will be so much fun.
But it's Bioware and EA, and I just really doubt they can do it. Next thing you know, they'll be announcing some sort of social networking thing where you can share discoveries ala NMS with all your friends or some bullshit like that, "blurring the lines between single player RPGs and MMORPGs, introducing a social aspect to the game while maintaining a strong single player narrative" or some fucking shit.
I'm still keeping an eye on it, going to buy at launch + 1 month if I do at all. The lack of substantial trailers/information isn't so much a red flag as an orbital quarantine beacon though.
How many times do EAware need to shoot you in the head before you realize they dont make good games anymore?
I'm only excited for multiplayer if it's similar to 3 and to be honest I haven't followed shit about this game because I'm definitely not picking it up at release. So I'm pretty indifferent about it until I can be assed to figure out that information. Honestly there are 2 other games I'm excited for that are huge time sinks so by the time I get around to playing ME:A it will be $10, dead, or so riddled with bullshit DLC that I'll pass.
Zero times because my entire post was about how I'm skeptical about the game given their track record. We'll focus more on reading comprehension in next week's lesson user.
>Some of their pandering staff has been purged
source? I call bullshit on this since it's nu-bioware were talking about here.
>new lead writer has shown some potential
who is the new writer anyway? it isn't Karpyshyn and Walters is the director which gives me VERY little confidence for this game.
No, it just means you've become a shit-eater.
>mfw MC is Starlord
"The short footage definetly looks good"
Asari runs like a looney toon character.
"Maybe this time my shit wont taste like shit"
Just gtfo family
Yeah bro cuz he aint playin Neptunia and Undertale. High five bro!!!
Because Sup Forums determines the quality of a product. It just means you can think for yourself even less now.
Not him but fuck you sound mad as fuck at those japanese tetris games. Calm down
>You are the Aliens
Damn shame we don't get to be necromorphs
>people have finally become so contrarian that they've swung back around to liking bioware
if ever there was evidence that you faggots have zero self control
justify it to yourself however you like, i guess
Is he still mad?
I bet you play as Shepard's child. Hence why you have been chosen on this mission. Carry on the legacy and all
>He's going to buy a game made by the SJW Triple-A front in the Gaming Industry.
>He's going to play a game designed by a poo in the loo who's constantly hating on white people on Twitter and other social medias while Bioware ignores it and allows it.
>He's going to enjoy a game co-written by a feminist, man-hating cunt that has no prior fiction writing experience nor credentials, but was still hired by Bioware.
>He's going to support the Company that shat out ME3 and DA: Inquisition.
MA2 is shit
Hate is a meme on Sup Forums. It really is. Once it has been decided that Sup Forums hates a game it will be completely torn apart. Not a stone will be left unturned in the quest for things to bitch about. No issue is too trivial. Something that could be forgiven in a game Sup Forums likes suddenly becomes a deadly sin. And even though we'll all insist we don't care about race or gender or sexuality, let's invite Sup Forums over to join in the fun, because more hate is always good!
Sup Forums hates excitement, user. Hype is the poison killing vidya.
This mindset is the cancer killing Sup Forums.
Oh fuck, you're right. Let me reevaluate my life and go play some of the recently hyped new releases that actually turned out to be good games.
Fuck, there aren't any.
>recently hyped new releases
What, on Sup Forums?
>Really like Doom 4, because even despite its flaws it's one of the best FPS games made in years
>Apparently I'm now a Kotaku tier "numale"
the campaign is fine, just the multiplayer is tacked on Halo bullshit
the multiplayer is fine, the campaign is just thrown together locking door bullshit.
mp isn't anything like halo and you didn't play it if you think so
It's shit, just like halo