Post an image and others will recommend a game based on it

Post an image and others will recommend a game based on it.

The penalty for not elaborating your responses and only saying the game name is the posting of cringeworthy furry comics.

Other urls found in this thread:



Any Fallout game with dogmeat. Since whenever dogmeat does some stupid shit in game I almost think he's my dog.

Lisa because the Raven / Crow.



counter strike, and that map sucks too.

Eastern Mind: The Lost Souls of Tong-Nou

Thanks user! I didn't expect such an esoteric and interesting looking game recommendation. I'm 100% going to play this.

please post the cringeworthy furry comics

Fuck off

what the fuck else were you expecting?



Bloody roar : primal furry

Street Fighter
Not an image, but I'm curious as to what game could possibly be represented by this video.
>inb4 LSD Dream Emulator



hard mode: dont say MediEvil

Medievil 2


Looks a lot like a room in .kkrieger


>suddenly flipping out and killing everyone in fair battle where enemies are equally as powerful as you
Ring Runner.