Dlc adds vampires that attack villages and can kill important npcs until you complete the dlc main quest

>dlc adds vampires that attack villages and can kill important npcs until you complete the dlc main quest

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>kill npcs

>and can kill important npcs

They can't.

you download the mod that forces npc's to run away when vampires attack

i cant. some merchant npc died for me. thanks alot assholes.

I fucking loved that shit, that dlc was actually good, shame you had no option to join harkon and enslave everyone, but thats bethesda for you

>important npcs
They can't kill essential characters, if you're labelling merchants and the town general scum "important" then you're shit out of the luck, since the radiant system replaces merchants and questgivers with different ones.
Belethor got shanked by a vampire, Ysolda took his place in his shop.
This was intended, Bethesda isn't this retarded.
They went completely backwards with Fallout 4, as every merchant is essential.

>shame you had no option to join harkon and enslave everyone
You know you can, right?

i fucking laugh that people killed father and basically destroyed their game. bet Bethesda said it was a feature.

>Random fucking merchant dies.
>Mild inconvenience that requires you to just fast travel somewhere else.
What a tragedy.

>none of the new vegas and morrowind characters are essential

No you can't. You kill him regardless of what you choose.

There's small tidbits of an ending where you can join him, but, like ending in which you could side with Miraak, it was removed/unfinished.

Who takes over if you depopulate a town?

>None of New Vegas

I always play as a moralfag and never kill anyone important. Shit, I need to replay it.

Stormcloaks\imperials random generic npcs, along a very high amount of guards.
They really nailed the radiant system in Skyrim, i don't know why they literally dumped it in Fallout 4.

You can't. Ysolda and most NPCs that take over are essential, so once they've taken their place, the town always has a merchant.

This doesn't happen.

>kill important npcs


New Vegas has children as essential, and Yes Man keeps respawning.

Morrowind gives you a message telling you that you've fucked up, and won't be able to go through certain quests if you've killed someone.

>Vampires kill random town characters, everyone complains
>Make game were they can't die, everyone complains



you basically the grim reaper.

>something happens in the game that actually has mild consequences if you don't step in and do something about it
>this is bad

fuck you, people like you are why we get shitty fucking video games now

skyrim is STILL casual as fuck and you complain about one of the very few things that was good about it? go climb a wall of dicks, you cock gobbling piece of shit. fuck you and your ilk for ruining my fucking hobby.

Bigger liar then the man

>imprission/kill his daughter
>he says its no big deal, he can get a new one
>highfives and virgin blood for the after party
>break into solitude, wasted, suck the blood of everyone with your magic
>that wizard vampire bitch who hangs in the castle asks to join you, how she's hated being wizard for so long to an incompetent retard like elisef
>agree, vampires roam the streets, people are kept locked and guarded in their houses as cattle
>harkon stays in solitude, says it's enough for now
>releases you to vampirise skyrim or go do whatever
>occasionally attacked by mercs or squads of heavy armored dawnguard, even though you wiped them out before taking solitude as your new capitol

They might not be able to kill them but they sure as fuck can break them. Had to figure out the quest ID for getting the altmer woman to test you for the college because some cocksucking vampires attacked. That's just the one instance I remember.

that happened with the DLC, too? That was a bug the game had on release - if a Dragon attacked while taking a tour of the mages' college the quest broke.

I guess some things never change, eh?

>They really nailed the radiant system in Skyrim
Damn I was starting to believe you were genuine.

someone can't hold your hand forever

>games then
>npc gets killed
>oh well i'll find another way

>games now
>npc cannot be killed because entire theme park design would fall like dominoes

Most people had finished the base game by the time the DLC came out

>Morrowind gives you a message telling you that you've fucked up, and won't be able to go through certain quests if you've killed someone.
Thats exactly how NV is, except in NV you just fail every quest that needs them automatically. Best system.

Holy shit I didn't know it was that great game. I always end up fucking around and never get to beat it as a different character.

>being a fagpire


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neo-Sup Forums will

If by good you mean bad, yes. You cant even get vampire followers aside from Serana. Fuck Bethesda.

Happened to me too. A farmer died for me and I inherited 25 gold

But how do we find the neo-Sup Forums?

>first problem is easily fixed by having vulnerable npcs run away when under attack
>modders fixed this within 3 days

Too obvious

is that still Ron Perlman?

There is only one answer.

>Didnt realized vampire killed blacksmith's wife
Fuck this shit

Well you can't kill Yes man and Festus (the robot at the Sarsaparilla factory, if you count him as an NPC). Everyone else can go and it could even make things even more interesting.

There's a difference between you killing them and them fucking dying at random when you need them for quests.

tough shit, pussy

that's why bethshit doesn't compare to series like Stalker

I had big hopes in being a vampire hunter. Turns out all you get is a shitty waifu and a new "save the world" shitty quest line.

>shitty waifu

The fact that they called them skyrim races, really bothered me

>want to be a vampire
>find rawr im a vampire :3 waifu
>has a fucking elder scroll you can't take
>unkillable and insufferable
>go dawnguard instead to escape her
>haha im dawnguard too lol
>somehow this makes sense

Get the fuck out of here.

You can kill absolutely everyone.

Only Yes Man that's essential, which is meant for the failsafe mechanic in case if you did killed everyone. Even so, you still able to kill Yes Man, except he always respawns.

>implying this is bad

>Playing Mad Max
>Get to a NPC with minor fetch quest or whatever that gives some intel
>He gets blown to pieces by a random mini-tornado

>sarcastic rape victim with a failed father complex

I did.

this so much
why cant i just be a vigilant and lop her head off
all you need to do is kill her and take the fucking elder scroll she has on her, and there wouldnt be a fucking problem

i think he means shopkeepers and blacksmiths, which they can

>rape victim

she got fucked by molag

Did she actually? The original vampire sure, but her?

First thing I did is download a mod which makes normal NPCs run back into their homes in case of a vampire/dragon attack.

>dawnguard dlc is shit because it's got vampire raiders and they can kill muh pointless merchants
>serana is hot doe muh waifu XD


>dawnguards mechanic of actually having consequences is a good attempt at making the game more engaging
>serana is crap though

her dad gets free vampire powers without getting fucked but he had to offer his wife and daughter

Ah, makes sense.


>fast travel to town
>vampires spawn along side you
>everyone drops everything to fight a pack of master vampires
>nearby fruit vendor gets fucking one shot
>guard shows up
>kills a thrall
>master vampire unleashing chaos, dead dead dead dead

Man, wasn't the vampire quest line utter shit ? Like you shoot the arrow into the sun and entire game becomes perma night cycle

I think it had something interesting features. I liked the double dragon fight and some of the puzzles. Interesting characters.
And shooting the sun isn't horrible either really, just ridiculous.

I prefer Dragonborn, but Dawnguard was okay. I didn't pay for it so I can't complain too much, as it gave enough good content.

literally git gud. kill the master vampire yourself, dont just stand there
and usually npcs dont die as fast due to moderate level scaling in skyrim. you cant have a master vampire unless your guards are also damage sponges.


Problem solved

>offer his wife and daughter
stop cuck posting, he din't, he had to offer 1000 peasants

>Implying molag bal didn't destroyed harkon boipussy too

the fact that this is the only thing that bothered you really bothered me

Fucking this
Jesus christ the best was the vampires, dawnguard was gay. I blotted out the sun every chance I got but it was annoying, there should have been a "bad" end where you blot out the sun and humans will eventually rebel.

>not joining the Dawnguard and wiping out the vampire scum with a sweet dwarven crossbow

Shiggy diggy muh niggy

"Too many NPCs are invulnerable, it breaks immersion!"

"NPCs are killable? Fucking unacceptable!"

I mean, I get that Bethesda is shit and tend to agree with that, but you can't really have it both ways.

>cast healing on vampire
>it doesn't die

>not using the console to revive the dead NPCs

Dawnguard falmer part was fucking neato tho.

>Fuck humans and the sun
>Does a 180
Who? Vampire waifu was always on your side basically. If you meant her, you are pretty fucking wrong.

If you're so great...

Serana was my first love

>an actual threat appears in a video game world.
awwwww poor baby.

The falmer stuff and the forgotten vale were really cool, that should have been the entire focus of the DLC, not the gay vampire crap
>shame you had no option to join harkon
his plan is retarded, the vamps would be exterminated in seconds if they carried it through

Nothing is as annoying as Oblivion gates when you just want to explore without doing the tedious main quest that goes on and on

Your character does a 180, I was playing pro vampire who became an elder vampire and wanted to blot out the sun.
Then suddenly I am forced to change my mind.

>NPC's randomly getting killed while you're picking flowers
>VS being able to kill NPC's that you don't want around anymore

Yea, they're pretty much the same thing, people just WANT to complain :^)

Ah, my mistake.
I guess it's a limitation to what you can do. I think when I went vampire route, Daddy Vampire betrayed me and that's why I fought back.

>first love
>in 2012

Reported for underage.

How can stealth archery ever be fixed?

Assume you can get your first love at age 8. 2012 was 10 years ago. He can be 18 thus.

Time traveler-san, did Trump win the election?

But I was 17 in 2012..

Which one?

No, Hillary does. She takes back a few things Obama did and makes a few stupid reforms to taxation. It's kinda boring and the Hillary memes are pretty shit.

Morrowind may as well have had it since you'll get a "you can never finish the main quest now" popup if you fuck up.

Hillary does and she ensures the extinction of all white men, white women will be handed out to the most virile brown warchiefs.

>Pop up
>Close it
>continue playing
>there is a way to beat main quest still

>defend this
I can't. There should have been more random events along side it, like thieves/bandit-npc holdups/serial killers/spider oil peddlers/etc

>he doesn't know about The Back Path


Why is his dumner a chink?