Days Game FOUR K screenshot, holy shit! PS4 PRO!
Days Game FOUR K screenshot, holy shit! PS4 PRO!
Horizon looks better but Days Gone is definitly a looker.
shame the gameplay is trash
You're not a real biker if you're a nomad.
I didnt watch the ps4 thingy.
So are all games upscaled to 4k?
Whats the great feature about this then? Most households have 1080p. And a 1080p game will look the same as a upscaled 4k game, except it gets blurrier
sonyggers are eating up shit again.
Did Sony save gaming with the pro?
That looks upscaled and pixely as fuck.
I want SOA watching dullies to go and stay go.
jesus christ how can you be this desperate to defend a company? how little life do you have?
>2008 hardware
>native 4k and 30 fps
what the fuck is wrong with people? how ignorant can you be to even think that's possible?
drones are retards that play the role of useful idiots who shill promotional bullshit. nintendo and Sony drones literally live in a state of dementia
Someone post the Uncharted picture.
You know the one.
You'd expect PCucks to actually know more about graphics than Sonyggers but nope.
How can PC even compete?
It's bait, you dullard.
But that is what based cerny said during the press conference
A 'custom' 4k solution using state of the art filters
The filters are there to hide the upscaling artifacts
Isn't this just temporal interlacing?
how can you tell?
The problem with Sonyggers is they'll take any temporary victory they can get even when the writing's on the wall and they'll soon be disproven. They plug their fingers in their ears and ignore any signs to the contrary while screaming SONY WON. It's why they get so butthurt when they lose an exclusive because they can't think ahead.
what the fuck is the point of 4K?
It just means that the games are going to look worse as the LOD textures become more apparent and its going to run like shit.
Why not use this new hardware for better, more intricate gameplay?
Or at the least making shadows not look like jittery blocky shit.
Or having proper reflections so we can finally be rid of the eye cancer that is screen space reflections.