Monster Hunter Thread

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>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.

>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.

Do you ever sleep?

I'm excited for the reveal on the 15th though

So which armor has the best A E S T H E T I C S?

Do you think we'll ever get Stories in the west?

male barrioth x

Rathalos obviously

It dies in 4 fucking hits.

Love Malfestio male gunner set. Stylish af

It respawns infinitely

And trying to kill it while Hellblade explodes your ass is a good way to get carted.

>put a trap down for the dino
>the fucking pig triggers it instead
>dino murders the fuck out of it with its tail

I wouldn't put money on it, but who knows.

i think our odds are good since they dont have to dub voices

Why there is no spider in gens?

Then they would have put in the entirety of MH4's roster in, save elders nobody likes


No. Its not mainline. And is cute and stuff. So some retarded gook at crapcum hq will decide fithly gaijins won't 'get' it. So they'll slap a "no export for u" on it. And ifc their decision will be based on absolutely no market research / study /consultation etc. Purely their own opinion.

Uh. No. This a bunch of gooks we're talking about.

See, dq7. 8. Terry's adventure dqm. Etc. All've been out for years now and still no export.

Ffs. Crapcum themselves said lol no grank for mhg

If Capcom does their research then they'll know people are sick of 240p, since 2010.

Why is ranking up such a chore in Gen? On one hand, I'm glad I don't have to fight a ton of Rathalos variants, but on the other, hunting the exact same monster 2-3 times gets boring fast. It almost makes me want to go back to 3U and 4U.

>in Gen
>I don't have to fight a ton of Rathalos variants

I realize OP is joking, but do people actually have a problem with Bulldrome?

I'm only HR2 right now.

He dies too quickly

It's the 'goddam bats' mon. Pretty much all it does is 0 delay turn charges and 0 delay instant charges. Plus its so small retards with ls etc only ever trip teammates and never actually contribute.

So you could say its the mon that exploits the retarded playerbase

Fighting any two monsters in the same area is annoying, because this adds a significant element of unpredictability to the fight.

Relic/EX Rebellion

>all these hyper quests going up from the villages
>hyper Nibelsnarf resembles that one boss from Shadow of the Colossus

Tips on how to do Out of the Frying Pan with L.bg?
Deviljho is pretty easy but fucking tigrex keeps fucking me up. At what point should I use smoke bombs?

4th gen arena has a fence, use it.
Back in my day we had to fight both Tiggy and Narga together the whole time.

>it could be Cross G
So would they call if MH GG in the west?

I would suggest picking a real weapon like GS or Hammer.

What about Generations Ultimate?

fashion mixset

Why don't you share the set and skills my compadré?

Fasion hunter is best hunter.

Uroktor s and storge mix nakes a gunslut set that's actually usefull too.

Plus HR Bulldrome has a move where it charges around the arena for about 30 seconds, while it turns to try to hit you with each pass.

Trying to fight another monster while dodging it, especially one which can do as much damage as hellblade, is actually pretty difficult.

Source: I'm OP and I did Hellblade VII yesterday, and I can say unironically that it's one of the hardest quests I've ever done, having completed 3U and 4U as well.

>actual armor armor
good taste my man

Don't have the 3ds on me right now, but it's a mixed set of astral+blue guild+spio cura s+hayabusa(or other helmless headgear).
The skills are purely depend on your talisman and jewel, my current skills are crit eye+2, weakness exploit, and resuscitate.

>not dressing like a weeaboo clown
finally, someone with some fucking taste

So is there recommendation list of minimum atk/def for the various special permit ranks?

whats wrongs with clown suits?

>no gravios and retarded subspecies
I really can't see why spider is not in the game

400 def is enough for anything.

>all those rath chicken bone monsters

What set is that? cant into moon


Male moshgarl/scarecrow man looks so fucking cool. Too bad the skills are probably shit.

I've only been up to dreadqueen 9, but going as a gunner with ~300 defense was enough to tank enough to not get one shotted

are the dual blades with 2 elements shit?

Learning hammer is fun as hell. I don't think there is a weapon more satisfying than the hammer. Once you get that fucking homerun KO it feels fantastic, especially if you do it like 20 seconds into the fight.

Problem is I spend most of my time trying to hit the head and I'm thrown around. I don't hit the body at all.

This makes solo hub runs like 15 to 20 minutes long. Also if I don't get to hit the head, like the monster just keeps agroing to the cats so my slams miss, I get insanely frustrated.

It's the only weapon where I genuinely get angry that I can't hit the fuckers head. The more angr you get the worse you start to do.

Out of all the weapons, Hammer is the only one that this happens with. Even with CB if I miss a KO I don't get upset.

Also Hammer makes the enemies quick to tire, but fuck me does it feel stupid in this game.

>Fight for 3 minutes
>Have done 1 KO
>monster leaving to other map
>in other map it shouts and we continue
>hit it once
>it leaves again
>leaves to a map to eat halfway across
>try to prevent its supper
>barely manage to do it
>it's still tired, yes!
>leaves instantly to another map
>in rage mode so that bypasses it being tired
>out of rage mode 5 seconds later

I fucking just... how do I get good at hammer time lads? I can do a KO and two. I've done some amazing shit online and solo, but hammer just feels weakish as damage goes.

Hit shit other than just the head especially when solo. When they get tired, or do something like rath triple fireball where you have ample time to triple triangle their head, do so.
Online you can stay glued to their skulls a lot more due to knockdowns and mounts being more prevalent.

>mfw the games blatant input reading causes constant whiffing because a monster will turn or move backwards a single pixel out of range of your attack

Fuck you Capcom

I'm sad at what became of Espinas.

What happen

>tfw no mhgenerations on vita

Grew some horns

The biggest kick in the nuts is the fact that it respawns after some time. Im honestly getting tired of capcom actively trying to make quests and monsters annoying.

>Dirty Fencer
>Marathon Runner/ Fast Charge
>KO King

I use the Kita Star set and holy shit, while it may not be an optimum DPS set, The fun I have while using is and hammer is second to none. I usually get 3-4 KOs a fight. You just need more practice, once you begin sensing/predicting KOs, you have begun hammer time.
>"Goodnight, Sweet Prince" Shoutout
>KO monster
>Dick hardens

>deviljo does that 180 bite
>I'm ready with a slam
>here it comes
>the fucker stakes a step back every time
>miss the slam


>adept evade
>do the level 1 charge uppercut to its face
>miss by an inch
>no damage, no nothing
>do this 5 times a row
>slowly start to get frustrated
>just start slamming the monsters asshole

Or, online

>do adept evade
>blue charging
>going for the face for a super slam

>a longsword faggot trips you, lose the charge
>a pellet spamming gunner hits you, lose the charge
>a greatsword idiot thinks the head is his zone, does an overheard strike and sends you flying, lose the charge
>a dual sword fag says head is mine area and hits you, lose the charge


I thought being lance online was hell. Hammer is far worse. After a while you just start doing slams on the head area and if people fly, they fly. They usually learn not to fuck with your area after a while.

Seriously though why are Japanese online like polar opposite to Europeans / Americans online? They give you leg room and avoid tripping online but we get these faggots who treat the game like its a fucking race.

Looking a bit thornier

Does it at least have that docile gimmick still?

Not released yet. Probably they'll show more at TGS

Please give me your set. I've yet to have any hammer specific sets. I've been running with just attack up large and critical in MHGen. No sets at HR6 seem to have KO in them and I've completed every quest there is.

Fast Charge seems bad for hammer because it puts you into the shitty spin faster and you don't want to use that online or the slam since it sends people flying.

I seriously thought there'd be one or two KO sets in MHGen but I haven't seen any HR ones.

If there is a hammer user, and ANYONE else is hitting the head, I will intentionally target them with friendly fire. You faggots have had 10 years to learn.

any rooms?

i dont mind helping with low rank shit

Man this is what drives me away from hammers the most. I feel like shit when all of my teammates are hitting continuously while I try my best to reposition everytime and get only a few hits in. It feeld good to KO, it really does, but when you don't, even if your teammates dont say shit, you can still feel the shame coming in.


You are a good ally. Help us beat this logic into the SnS fags who think they get head priority now

Kita Star, gem in KO
I have;
Pro Dirty Fencer
Soul of Bherna
Knockout King
so all in all;
fire res +15
halve hunger
marathon runner
stamina thief
knockout king


Barioth Z

You're cool

>tfw I ntr hammers with KO lube and shoryugeki regularly
Ohhh my hips wont stop moving on their own~!!

I'll try this but I don't have any godly charms to get Knockout King just like that but I'll try this.

Think the best KO charm I have is like +3 with OO.

>mfw when oils were a mistake and will never return

that is EXACTLY the charm I use

Thing is with Oils you only do either KO or Exhaust.

Not both.

Online SnS usually leave me room but not always. It seems like these faggots intentionally coat their dicks with KO shit when they see a hammer, so we can KO the monster faster.

But every time it's me, the hammer, who does the actual knocking out. Never the SnS.

Hammer does both so Hammer has priority over the head.

>mfw SnS is literally just DW now with just spammier shit
doesn't even make sense that they can use items with weapon out AND have coatings

Capcom what are you doing

Honestly, out of all of the Zenith monsters they've shown Espinas is the one I like the least.

But if the fight is good I could easily care less.

>join a random room to kill time
>Deadeye Garuga IV with a hammer user
>2 man the quest and notice the cat's name was shadbase
>hunter was using the slutty female voice option
>make a comment about Shad's art
>kicked from the room after the hunt

Doesn't top the double furry room I found myself in but it was a laugh

Hey are these armor sets in MHGen? I know the hammer is.


>mfw video posted in 2009
>that's over 7 years ago
>that music
>that editing

Still, good old classic hammering.

Who the fuck is the game even for? Kids in Japan already play monster hunter. Why the fuck would they need a rock, paper, scissors version with kids in it? I can&t believe anybody in the west would even want that shit. You get to ride a monster, but you can&t control it in battle. How shitty is that?

Man I've just fucking given up on going for the head.
Like seriously I'm fucking sick of being tripped by DB wielding Kirito wannabes and GSfags.
Don't get me fucking started on CBtards

My biggest annoyance with SnS fags is that they have a literal blade to cut the tail, yet they think they should lube it up with KO and constantly trip the hammer at Head. It's like the opposite of teamwork

>tfw i will never find the double furry room

Why is that hammer bros are best bros? everyone else is measuring e-peens in a co-op game

Capcom saw how popular Pokemon ripoffs are doing, so now they want a piece of that action.

>bro meemee
Keep sucking
Keep riding

I bet you worship HHers too

So its like Yokai Watch when it comes to battles? Not like usual RPGs? Fuck. And I thought it looked good.

You just proved my fucking point

This is a real Rajang.


Can you a real Rajang?

In FU there are no charms.
Nargacuga set gives you only:

>Evade Distance Up
>Constitution +2
>Attack Down (Small)


+8 slots.

With a weapon with 2 slots it's possible to gem in almost any skill, but in Freedom Unite gemming in an entire skill means you also get the negative.

That's why the negatives exist anons. In FU gemming in a skill meant you had to get a downside. Not anymore though. Negative aspects in gems mean nothing anymore.

Keep sucking our dicks boi
Please get then wet for me

People like you are why I never play online

Wow user, you are so cool and hardcore

>double furry room


XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXD niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice

Aww! Dont you wanna play with me? I'm a bro HHer, you know!

From what I've seen the fighting system is more complex than originally shown with special moves, knockdowns, clashes, and what not.
And then there's some breeding system where you can make abominations unto god like a fire-breathing Lagombi.

I'm just interested in it for some possible world building with what it is like to be in the MH universe and not be a hunter.




>our dicks
what did he mean by this?

I'm a hammer bro and you're not one. Also as a hammer bro when I see a HH it's like we know what's going to happen.

Keep being mad son.

I did this without evasion, GS.

It was pretty intense.