What went wong?

What went wong?

nothing. they are fine

you posted it again

better shitpost about witcher 3 or josh sawyer you cuck
fuck rpg codex


That seems like a good place to start.


> visual novel
> how do I balance combat?
> (didn't play this one)
> bad visual novel without routes
> mediocre visual novel without routes but now you have waifus
> mediocre visual novel without routes
> let's make out successor to BG2 more like BG1
> russian shovelware by westerners

thank you

Wasteland 2 was fun

>Posting Divinity OS

That's actually a good game though.

You'd have a much bigger list if you had asked what went right, op.

>it's another reddit tries to pretend Dragonfall and Hong Kong aren't good games thread

Styg nerfed pistols. That motherfucker

kikestarter poo

> phone games
> good

>all this RPGCodex hat

kek, plebs

They were too OP back in the day.

They are fine as is now, I finished the game with a pistol build recently without any problems. Killed Tchort in 2 turns after destroying all the tanks

They are the most reliable weapon type in the game. No move penalty at all, no close range penalty at all, no STR requirement so you won't get any penalties if someone hits you with Crippling Strike, no skill requirement do your hit chance won't get crippled if someone lowers your skill. Craft yourself a Neoluger with laser sight and you also get +15% hit chance and tight damage range. Definetly one of the best sidearms in case your primary weapon is rendered useless for whatever reason.

They also get a +7 initative bonus if you get Gunslinger since last patch, which is awesome.

the middle horizontal level is what went wrong, dragonfall returns was mediocre, dragonfall is just the same with different story. didn't try hong kong but doubt it's any better

3 shadow runs game.

Fuck you D:OS was my GOTY

People keep giving praise just for existing

>Origonal Sin is a complete mess
>praised as a good game

>Shadowrun is medicore
>praised as an amazing game

>Wasteland tries to replace fallout and fails too
>still recommended as a replacement for fallout

>Pillars is barely playable
>praised as the savior of isometric RPGs

>I was only pretending

The abortion your mother wanted.

its not ops fault you have shit internet, 3rd world shitskin

>the amount of RPGCodex dicksucking for UnderRail simply because it was made by one person
>the amount of RPGCodex hatred for Pillars of Eternity because it wasn't the greatest cRPG ever made

Wasteland 2 is the only bad game on that list.
Shadowrun Returns was mediocre.

>>the amount of RPGCodex dicksucking for UnderRail simply because it was made by one person
Only for the first 4 years, he hired 3 other guys after that.

If you are going to be a dumb frogposter at least get your facts straight.

so what's underrail like anyways? i heard it's an indie rpg but that's all i know

Good turn based combat, exploration, worldbuilding and lore. Similiar to Fallout 1/2.

Single character niche rpg focused on character building, combat, and exploration. Very light on story, but the worldbuilding is still cool.

>very light on story

Good, now you won't waste your time on something you most certainly won't enjoy. Glad we could help.

Quick, give me your Pillars class recommendations. I want to start a new game and thinking of picking a monk, convince me otherwise.

Uninstall Wizard

>everything that matters
Fallout, Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Arcanum etc. were light on story too.

Dumb drakeposter.

divinity was bretty gud

pillars was ~ok~

unerrail is decent for indie trash

the rest are inexcusable garbage though. GOD shadowrun was shit, gets me heated just thinking about it

Divinity would have been fine if they did not basically force you into a fucking murder mystery in the first 2 seconds of the game like fuck not everyone is a tumblr/reddit fag reeee

Island Aumaua rogue gunlsinger.

>2 default weapon slots
>island aumau gets +1 weapon slot
>take a talent that gives another weapon slot
>4 weapons slots total
>equip 4 firearms
>take quick switch

How can you bring yourself to lay that game more than once? I mean, it was enjoyable enough for one playthrough, but PoE is godawful when it comes to replayability.

Dragonfall was great

>Fallout, Baldurs Gate, Arcanum
>light on story

played it once on release, now I wanna play it again with expacks

BG1 was pretty fucking light on story. But if we want to make it a comparison, Underrail has about the same amount of story as BG1, but also optional faction questlines.

Way too hard of a game. Even on easy it expects you to be prepared at all times and use literally everything you have. Imagine Dark Souls. Now imagine if Dark Souls was hard and not "lolz i beat dark souls im such a hardcore gamer" mainstream hard. Dark Souls is baby food. Anyway, some people have been tricked into thinking this is fun. Don't listen to them.

it's not similar to fallout in any shape or form, starting with diversity of builds and ending with setting which is a weird fusion of Metro-like underground postapoc, psionic and corporations

>implying they weren't
Fallout 1 story was almost non-existent and only served as a motivation to explore the game world. Fallout 2 wasn't much better in that regard.

Baldurs Gate 1 story was extremaly barebones. Baldurs Gate 2 was better in that regard, but chasing Irenicus was never the main appeal of the game.

No one ever praised Arcaum for the story, the game would be absolute dogshit if not for the unique and interesting setting.

You storyfags need to stop being so fucking delusional. cRPGs are not composed of only combat and story.

it's a great and very big exploration-oriented rpg with a surprisingly interesting world and lore
leveling up is done through finding special unique items which means killing all enemies is not a priority while exploration is heavily rewarded
it has probably the best balance between different builds i saw in rpgs in a long while, coupled with great rpg system with myriad of traits and nuances
enemies are surprisingly smart as well, they can fucking disarm your traps for example

>which means killing all enemies is not a priority
He can choose to make it a priority, though. And it's not a terrible idea for subsequent playthrougs.

>it's not similar to fallout in any shape or form
It is, a lot. Just because it's not a shameless copy doesn't mean it's not similar. Even Styg admits the game is inspired by classic Fallouts to a degree.

>starting with diversity of builds
True, but the combat system is similar. Extremaly improved upon and with a ton of new mechanics, mind you, but similiar in principle.

>ending with setting which is a weird fusion of Metro-like underground postapoc, psionic and corporations
Yeah, but it does give that Fallout vibe nevertheless.

The isometric look, post-apo,the first time you enter the caves through a pair of sealed doors at SGS is extremaly simliar to the beginning of F1, looking for drill parts fells a lot like looking for the waterchip, Junkyard feels like...Junkyard, etc.

That picture makes me drool.
I feel sorry for anyone that is so negative and salty that they can't enjoy (these) games. Definetly all among the best rpgs of the last years.

>Wasteland tries to replace fallout and fails too

Hahahaha, are you kidding? Wasteland has existed longer than Fallout. Wasteland was one of the biggest inspirations for Fallout even.

From wikipedia:
[Wasteland]'s general setting and concept became the basis for Interplay's 1997 role-playing video game Fallout, which would extend into the Fallout series. Game developer inXile Entertainment released a sequel, Wasteland 2, in 2014.

the thing is, some of us have been around for a bit longer and comparing the best rpg's of "the last years" falls short in comparison to the best rpg's earlier.
truth be told, i sort of wish i had never played the great ones, that way i could enjoy these newer ones more and then later enjoy the classics

I have played many 'classics' as well and still manage to really enjoy these newer titles.
What would you consider the great ones?

>i sort of wish i had never played the great ones, that way i could enjoy these newer ones more and then later enjoy the classics

Could be. Sometimes living in a third world shithole where RPGs rarely if ever get translated really pays off.

if we're talking about rpg's only then i'd prolly go with betrayal at krondor,baldur's gate 1 or 2, mainly depending on my mood and maybe planescape:torment. although i know there's a game that i would choose instead of bg 1/2 but can't remember the game now.
honestly though, betrayal at krondor is prolly the best of those, super enjoyable for me although it has quite a few flaws. don't really even know why i love it so much

What if PoE was just a world building game? I remember fuck all about the story other than seeing dead people, but I remember the fuck load of lore shit they kept throwing at me

yeah that could be.
a good example was fallout 3 and new vegas imo. i played fo3 like nonstop from start to finish, then started new vegas right after. i enjoyed fo3 when i played, enjoyed nv even more but had to take a break for like 2 days or something. some time after i had finished new vegas i decided i wanted more fallout, went back to fo3 for the DLCs but just couldn't enjoy the game anymore. i did play the new vegas DLCs later and enjoyed them though.
i don't really know why but fo3 started to bother me a lot after i played new vegas.

I've only played Divinity, Wasteland 2 and Pillars on that list. Which do I play next?

>yfw you'll never play Fallout 1 and 2 for the first time again
>No more good sequels like New Vegas
Fucking Bethesda and their shit audience

Then they should have picked any place but Dyrwood. Seriously, they picked the single most boring province of their universe for PoE.

That's something we can agree on at least. I haven't played Betrayel at Krondor yet, but have read good things. Baldur's Gate 2 is tied for my favourite game along with Gothic 2: NotR.

I understand that the newer crpgs aren't on the same level and I feel the same way. But these games are still good, not the greatest of all time, but still very worthwhile. I'm just grateful there are stil crpgs being made again.
I just try to enjoy each game for what it is. If you compare everything you play to your favourite game the whole time, you can never enjoy yourself.
That's how I feel, at least.

Think back on the past 30 years, and count the number of truly outstanding rpgs. True classics happen once in a blue moon, but that doesn't mean those that don't quite manage to hit that status can't be good.

Although I'd argue that Underrail with expansion actually has a shot at getting there. Come on Styg. I believe in your slav ass.

Nobody would honestly shit on Dragonfall or Underrail, they are two of the best RPGs of the decade.

i prolly should have said that i do actually enjoy the newer ones like divinity:os,new vegas and some others that i can't remember right now but i enjoyed the older ones more.
i'm actually really happy about cRPGs being made again, i liked PoE too and i'm really waiting for torment:tides of numenera and will prolly give cyberpunk 2077 (?) a try as well.
sure, it's stupid to compare to favourite game,which i don't really do until i've actually played the game through at least once.

anyways, any suggestions on rpg's?
i've played baldur's gates,fallouts (except tactics,BoS and only half of 4),icewind dales,arcanum,ps:t,nwn 1&2.
out of the games that aren't so well known, i would suggest avernums (if not all, then the remade ones) along with betrayal at krondor.

Ah, ok, it just seemed like you didn't enjoy any of the newer titles, that would be a shame.

As for suggestions: Have you tried the Geneforge series?
And also Gothic 1&2 of course.

Seconding Geneforge.
Be the megalomaniac nazi god you always wanted to be.

i don't think i said they couldn't be good, i might have implied it but that wasn't my point.
i said in another post that i do enjoy the newer cRPGs as well, just that i don't enjoy them as much.
there's prolly like 5 that i would call really excellent, another 5 that i would say comes close to them.
then again, i haven't played THAT much rpg's so i prolly have missed quite a few and some are a bit like rpg's but not really. depending on what the definition is.
some might call the old quest for glories rpg's when i would call them more adventure games but i loved qfg/hero's quest serie a lot as well

dragonfall, as in shadowrun: dragonfall ?
i played shadowrun returns through and later tried dragonfall (didn't play much) and found it to be just as mediocre as the original one. didn't get far into the story though so the story could be a lot better, still wouldn't make the game great though