Just how hype are we?

Just how hype are we?

It's different. In the world of Pokemon, I guess that that's a good thing. I'm reasonably hyped, but I don't want to get my hopes too high.

>liking Pokemon above the age of 12
Kys disgusting manchild



I give it 6 replies before autismanon comes along and starts calling everyone a nu-pokecuck.

fuck pokecucks

stop shilling

I am not.

I mean I never played a Pokemon before and just finished Emerald about a month ago.
It's quite easy yet enjoyable, but I still don't understand how this game can be such a huge phenomenon.


I thought X/Y and ORAS were quite crap, but I'm hyped for this

I refuse to become so, but I'll agree that it's looking and sounding a lot better than Gen6 was.

Nostalgia + the allure of catching

Iuno, can Gamefreak ever make a single game where they smooth out single player balance issues and menuing/movement?


I'm gonna wait for a month after release, and then pirate it if feedback is good.

If it's too easy, then I'll just wait for the difficulty romhacks to come out.



this fucking gen is going to have too much new shit features for the sake of it like XY did. alolan forms will be hype tho

gewuner mad, as usual

I'm hearing a lot of people saying this may be the last Pokemon game before they just reboot the whole franchise, so I'm interested to see what they throw into this game.

>reboot a universe it has taken 2 decades to build

LOL. There is no reason to. The story is a backdrop and no one gives a shit how the games are linked. And if the reboot is to reset to a smaller amount of pokemon, they should just file for bankruptcy now.

>There is no reason to.
There are too many Pokemon.

They'll reboot it to go back to the original 151.


It will provide me with even more fodder for Pokeshota stuff for ages to come, so I'm hype for it.

Oh, the game looks rad too.

The original 151 have Evos that improve them and make them more viable. Steelix, Electivire, Magmortar, etc. The meta for the original is absolutely horrid too. And choices are far too limited with 151 pokemon to choose from. And tons of people have favorites outside of the originals.

>There are too many Pokemon.
If that's the reason, they can simply stop adding new ones.

Not "hype", but these trailers have been very promising.

I was moderately hyped until my husbando Gladion got revealed. Now I'm HYPED.

It's the only game I give a shit about this year.

Hopefully with it being more story-focused, the gameplay doesn't take too much a hit like most of the rom hacks and fan games out there.

>all of these weebs shilling for Pokemon
Fuck off with your late-90's backwash fad

yes i like nicki minaj self insert too