It will flop won't it?

It will flop won't it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah. Ninty are going mobile anyway.

3ds successor with performance increases of leaps and bounds. The 3ds was the best selling console device in one of the previous months already. And NX will have all software output of Nintendo, no more handheld and console. HD Pokemon and Monster Hunter.

At the very least it won't do terrible.

Super Mario Run is an advertising opportunity too good to pass up. Hundreds of millions of downloads it will have, can directly advertise NX and Nintendo games.

When the fuck will they reveal this shit?

might be good, who knows

The day before it releases.

At this point I hope so. Nintendo needs a cold hard lesson that they cant play the "weak hardware sold on gimmicks" game anymore. The industry has moved on and the standards of hardware power are raised.

I'd honestly rather they dip out of hardware so they cant force faggoty gimmicks anymore and just make games for PC. No I'm not a mustard either you deflecting corporate nutlicking drones, I'm just a realist. The sad reality is, Nintendo is holding back its own potential and creativity for gimmicks and bad hardware. It makes me sick to see them release spinoff after fucking spinoff, and Amiibo locked bullshit after amiibo locked bullshit. As a longtime fan I cant watch their bullshit anymore.

I fucking hate that I have to disclaimer like that but the modern fanbase are fucking rabid denial drones, it's getting irritating as fuck

And kids still won't come. They will just scream and demand for more Mario on their phones and tablets and if they don't get it they will just move on.

To be fair, the PS4 so far is a single anomaly in the trend of the least powerful console ALWAYS winning the gen, and the winner right before the Wii sold on a gimmick too, as PS2 was a cheap DVD player.

NX can't possibly be something good. I had a tiny bit of hope before, but after that Direct and Apple surprise I just don't know man

What names for it would be good?

Nintendo aquarius
Nintendo uranium
Nintendo Neptune
Nintendo Revolution
Nintendo Vortex
Nebula Nintendo

i just really like space-related names

If it's just a console, then probably, but if it's a handheld, it'll at least do decent.

People are different these days you know. Notable kids and young adults, they want mature shit on powerful consoles
How I know? I talked to them

Nintendo needs to make things more story dense and a little more mature but still playful and charming. Kind of like their old games you know

It better fucking NOT have dual screens

>bb-b--b-b-b-b-bb-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but SONYYYYY

3DS sales have gone up since Pokemon GO tho

You do know 3DS was dead in the water for like 2 years till the price drop, right?

Also, the 3DS library is ass compared to the DS one. I'll pass. Might bother picking one up when it's hacked and possible to pirate in.

>frogposter is a retard
Who would have thought

I'm only bringing up Sony because they're the most powerful console at the moment. If it were the Xbone that was most powerful and winning, I'd have said the same thing.

We've been hearing about the NX for so long that it's weird to remember that it isn't the final name

Oh look, it's the "All of Nintendo's problems will wash away if they go third party" mindset again.

5 of those names aren't space related at all you stupid 12 year old.

I'm not a retard you fucking dipshit nintendrone

No not all of them would go away, but considering they'd become a publisher they'd have to crank out titles as the other companies demand them or be forced to have no market to sell product to.

Feel free to be in denial and deflect every point, it's what the modern fanbase does best.

Aquarius = constellation in space
Uranium = you're right on this one, but it gives similarities to "Uranus"
Neptune = its in space
Revolution = not space
Vortex = space
Nebula = space

And you said it was 5. You suck ASS

>not try to be less expensive than the vita
>more 3rd party games
>fuck that propriety charger/memory card shit
>bump up the resolution to stop autists finding a reason to complain about a thing that they will never buy
>Remove that 3D gimmick
>still use the dual screens

>but considering they'd become a publisher they'd have to crank out titles as the other companies demand them or be forced to have no market to sell product to.
People will eat most of Nintendo's shit up no matter what, what the fuck are you talking about

If it has Mario in the title it'll sell millions

That's not Nintendo's say if they become a 3rd party now is it.

get ready for hourly threads like this now that the "neo" happened to be sony's wii (aka repackaging last gen tech)

Yeah it pretty much is

The only way for Nintendo to save itself is to know its market. They don't. Some people expect them to have full on third party support. So what? So they can make another PS4 with just a few games of their own? Who's gonna buy that shit? The people interested in multiplatform trash are still not gonna buy a Nintendo console for it.

They need a different approach. They need to offer something that others don't have, and that's not weird gimmicks or last gen hardware. That's not "attempts" to keep the thing alive with shoddy releases but big, ambitious releases. Super Mario Galaxy 2 might not have saved the Wii but god damn was that game worth buying one.

>It will flop won't it?
we. know. literally. NOTHING. about. it. yet.

Yeah, and you can say goodbye to them ever making anything that isn't Mario/Zelda/Pokemon because the ROI on any other franchise would not be worth it.

The only thing going third party would do is speed up Nintendo's death, unless they go into pachislots or something. That's why they're so conservative with their money -- so they can weather a bad generation should it happen, like this one.

For how much you hate the modern fanbase, you sure like talking about them the first chance you get.

jobless kids have spoken! Surely all those neogaf threads made you a world expert.

>dead for two years
As opposed to selling well for the rest of its lifespan? 3DS library is fine compared to the DS. DS is the DQ and Pokemon machine. 3DS is DQ, Pokemon, and MH.

Keep telling yourself that.

>jobless kids have spoken!

Nice non-answer

>People are different these days you know.
Not really. Marketing ruled then. Marketing rules now.

>they want mature shit on powerful console
So the Scorpio is the winner already?

Well, I don't know why Sony and Nintendo are trying then.

>Aquarius = constellation in space
Zodiac, the water bearer, ancient myth, not space
>Uranium = you're right on this one, but it gives similarities to "Uranus"
It's an element you dumb fuck, and it's name comes from the Greek titan you imbecile. THE PLANETS AND CONSTELLATIONS WERE NAMED AFTER GREEK MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURES YOU DUMB FUCK!
>Neptune = its in space
Again, the name of a Roman God. Educate yourself.
>Revolution = not space
Yeah, definitely not space
>Vortex = space
Vortexes can't happen in space as there is no air. Vortexes happen here on earth all the time. See whirlpools, tornados, hurricanes, your fucking toilet
>Nebula = space
only one that is space-relatex congratulations.

You have a library at your fingertips. No excuse for being this dumb.

You aren't proving otherwise

>he didn't play TWEWY, Ghost Trick, Phoenix Wright, 999, Radiant Historia, or Jump Ultimate Stars.

Your loss for being a shit eating Nintendrone.

We already used Revolution, guys...

Are you retarded?

Sega was going to have a Neptune...

Are you?
>hurr look at all these space names
>only one is space-based
>the rest are derrivative of Greek myth or not related to space at all


You coulda said shit like Galaxy, or Astros, or Celestial, or Nova, or Relativity, or Warp, or anything ACTUALLY dealing with space. But you fucking didn't. Fuck off kid.
>IGN has recently posted an article referencing several unnamed developers that claim the console outstrips the Wii's graphical capabilities, stating it's closer to HD consoles than Nintendo's home console hero

What went wrong?

I'd say no. But that's not why this thread exists, is it now?

Are you retarded?
>hurr the name of a planet is not space related because it was named after a Greek God

nigger neptune is a fucking planet, the greek god is poseidon, neptune is roman

Aquarius is a constellation, ergo it's in space.
The rest I don't care to answer for, since it's very idiotic you're getting heated up I called it space.

Something is wrong with you.

Exactly. This guy has a mental disorder.

They decided that they could just win by not trying

And lo and behold, they did.

Apparently Ocotober or late September.

It's the same old bullshit.

They do this everytime. Comes out as weak hardware but "guys it can actually do X really good or Y so great" it's always the same shit.

Good god I just want the wait to be over

I don't know. As long as there's a MH on it, it has my money.

six months, and it undersold. Vita was dead in the water

>Aquarius is a constellation, ergo it's in space.
Cancer is also a constellation, but I wouldn't call it space.
You are an idiot.

You fucking shit-eating drone.
If it's a home console with Monster Hunter it's an instant buy. If it's a handheld, I'll wait a couple of weeks.

I'm pretty sure they're gonna go down the retarded route and call it the Nintendo Wii U2 or some shit like that

Are you saying you don't think it will reach downloads in the hundred million?

It is space related though.

Sadly, probably.

Still gonna buy one anyway, though.

We know that it's Nintendo hardware ostensibly being released in 2017, so it will be underpowered and uncomfortable to use.

>things never change
>except when they change for the worst

Come on, Nintendo hasn't tried in about 15 years.

>once it can be hacked

Where have you been?

It will do okay

Not good, not bad

>If a thing is named after something it can't ever be considered related to anything else
Now THIS is autism!

Roman god of the Ocean first, planet second. When people think of Neptune and Aquarius they think of water and tge ocean, not of fucking space.

I'm talking about the NX. I'll pick one up once it's hackable.

Yes. Nintendo will go fully third party (mobile) by 2019

normies with smart phones killed the handheld market.

Shit games are killing good games

Why Vidya games why

No. Just stop, as entertaining as your spergstorm is I'm afraid you might hurt yourself if you keep this up.



>says stupid shit
>gets called out
>hurr, you're just autistic
You must be 18 or older to post here kid. Now fuck off.

No, for real, you must have some severe degree of autism with the shit you've been posting.

Kek, 3 of those people ridiculing you right now aren't even me. You fucking suuuuckkk

He's right though. Neptune evokes the thought of water and the ocean. Especially since the planet was named AFTER the god because its blue color made astronomers believe it was a waterworld.

>says stupid shit
>gets called out
I think you meant to quote

>Uranium is a planet
>vortex and revolution are space related
Grade school is that way >>>

For me it reminds me of space, is that so wrong?

Even the mighty Sony is not brave enough to overspec PS4 Pro to not exceed that 400 dollars pricetag, and they are subsidizing a lot since they're a hardware company and almost everything is inhouse. Now question is can Nintendo do better? Better hardware for less?


The psych ward is that way >>
Maybe you'll find a nice nurse that can give you the right dosage

No, because for most people if you asked them what they think of when you say the word Neptune, they'll say the planet. Planets are in space. King Spergasaur over here is the only one who thinks of the god.

New Nintendo Wii 2 U 4 Real won't flop.

Amazing autism ITT

None of those are in space you fucksickle.

Vortexes refer to fluid dynamics, and the closest thing to a vortex in space is a black hole due to how gravitational waves behave. Overall though, the term vortex is rarely used in astrophysics as it totally misleads people in understanding the behavior of spacetime.

Yet if you say the word vortex people will think of space not water, retard.
Just like while Neptune is originally a god, people will first think of the planet. Doesn't matter what the word actually means but what the general image people have of it is.

The connotations are still space. And we end it there.

Anything else you say is irrelevant.

Why does Miyamoto look mean as fuck

Anyone who's decently educated will think of the God, considering the origins of the name, and the abundance of Roman culture in Europe, but I guess I'm expecting too much of the American education system. You guys still debate between creationism and evolution being taught in schools, and believe climate change to be a hoax.

>hurr, uranium, revolution, neptune, and vortex refer to space
uhhh, no they fucking don't. Read a goddamn science book for once you retard.

When you say vortex, people think of wind and tornadoes as it's most commonly used there. Only an underage retard who's never bothered to look into astrophysics thinks vortexes have ANY relation to space.

There is NO conotation to space you single celled organism. Are you fucking stupid? Vortexes can't exist in a vaccum.

naw, they'll call it the Wii UU

You sound like your mom beat you with a hose and put you in a basement while you were young. HAHAHA

Nintendo Internet Gaming Galore Entertainment Recreational System

Nintendo Vortex of the Neptune Uranus Master Space System