Is Witcher 3 the greatest WRPG ever made?

Is Witcher 3 the greatest WRPG ever made?

No its merely the best game ever made

WRPG/JRPG is absolutely fucking useless as a genre or descriptor for video games, and I was really hoping Sup Forums would eventually be smart enough to stop using it.


>greatest _____ game ever

just enjoy video games

A technical question - can you use both a controller and M+KB at the same time, like in GTA V for example, or do you have to just pick one like in Fallout 4/Skyrim?
And what about Witcher 2?

It's not even an RPG.

Not with those horse controls it's not

w3 you can for sure

I don't get why it's so special

Thanks user.
I generally prefer a controller for 3rd person games with no precise aiming (so not for shooters), but M+KB is still extremely handy for menus and stuff.

Great graphics
Great story and sidequests
Great music
So much to do

I have a strange bug - my horses tail dissapered and stayed that way till I got on skellige. The it's reappered. And that dissapered again.

not an rpg bro, so no fucking way

Far from it. Also it's a complete rape on the series.

>but M+KB is still extremely handy for menus and stuff.

that's exactly what i used it for. also in mkb mode you can see all your pots at once instead of holding down up and down to switch between them.

>Is Witcher 3 the greatest WRPG ever made?

in all seriousness yes

This is a bug they have tried to fix 3 fucking times and have failed, quality developer


Yes is the objectively correct answer to this. Bethesda and Bioware fanboys will disagree however.

I'm talking about the world and book series.

Also your list is literally
>good game>shit game>>>okay game

No. I stopped playing it because I found it sexist against women, and with very poor understanding of human sexuality overall. Something meant for teenagers but not for adults as they claim I mean how could this be allowed in the 21 century? But then again, they are from poland where abortion is forbidden so go figure.

When I read posts such as this it makes me feel good about myself. Because at the end of the day at-least I'm not as retarded as these lackwits.

Of course, The Witcher 3 is the best game ever made since Skyrim

I'm glad you liked Skyrim as well. Not sure why it gets such a bad rep here on Sup Forums

And just watch their cyberpunk trailer. A woman in corset with long hair? Do they really understand the concept of CyberPUNK?

>shit game

Shit taste confirmed.

w2 > w1 but only slightly

w1 was great but it was an aquierd taste. i didn't like it at first but it grew on me with time.
w2 was very different but great from the start

>Shit taste confirmed

>shit VA
>shit gameplay
>shit graphics
>shit story
>literally the only good thing about it is the atmosphere

The Witcher 1 is Fallout 3 tier.

Just no...

I was a big fan of the first two. TW3 is how to put it...generic blandshit, and the quality of the writting took a nosedive from the first two.

What's more insulting the game isn't even finished, Eredin had more character and more lines in TW1 and that game is not called The Wild Hunt

kys my man

>kys my man

good argument you faggot.

at least you dislike that bland piece of shit that TW3 is.

I've just finished the Baron quest and although I recognize the enormous value and effort put in the game, it's just too fucking boring. It's gonna get better at some point?

Yeah it's up there bro

>good arguments

Shit this and shit that is not a good argument

Also you're shit and so is your mom

If you don't see the appeal of the game at that point, then it's not for you.

You just finished the quest that was nominated as the best questline of 2015.

Basically the best thing The Witcher 3 has to offer.

There's only one more Bloody Baron tier quest in the game, but it would require you to play for at least more 10 hours.

B-but user how can you dislike the witcher? Geralt's sarcasm is fucking hilarious xD! I bet you like soulsgames you thebull94 fucking faggot cry about goty awards

>Bloody Baron tier quest in the game, but it would require you to play for at least more 10 hours.

What's that?

Carnal Sins.


Nice trips.

I do like Souls games... But I also can enjoy shitty games like Skyrim and Fallout 4. But even with those lower standars when it comes to open world "rpgs", the hand holding and dumb gameplay of Witcher 3 is just unbearable. It looks like a glorified TellTale game with bad writting filled with follow the dots sections. I think it might be by the contrast with the great world and graphics what kills it for me. The animations are also awful.

I don't think there's one greatest WRPG ever, but it's certainly up there

The one with the serial killer? Lmao that was so fucking terrible and straightforward.

Usually with these type of stories there's some kind of twist but no, the religious nutjob did it.

Also throw in another religious nutjob torturing women for fun in the quest.

Because the order of the eternal fire wasn't one dimensional enough already

> Using JRPG emo haircut
fucking kurwa

sure, but remember
there hasn't been nor will there ever be a good WRPG

I think we need a new term
Something like post-communist rpg

>Usually with these type of stories there's some kind of twist but no, the religious nutjob did it.

You FUCKING idiot, you fucked it up.

He's absolutely right. It's a shitty story focused action game, it has nothing on actual RPGs released recently like Underrail or Age of Decadence.

Your skills and stats mean jack shit aside from combat in Witcher 3, it's as much a RPG as Cowadoody is.

Well, I understand your complaints. I was joking earlier.

It was one of the few quests that actually put the world to some use and took advantage of its setting.

Most of the quests are fucking retarded anyway. Assassinating Radovid was fucking Skyrim tier.

WRPG is a dumbass term used only by people who play Japanese final fantasy spinoffs that has stuck to people on Sup Forums as a replacement for RPG in general.

I genuinely dislike it because Japanese RPG's are not special enough to be categorized as their own thing against everything else.

He brought up the obvious red herring in his post.

Guess I'm glad I skipped that because I would dislike the game even

have only played witcher 1, where the world isn't really open world. is witcher 3 also like this?Can i actually climb that mountain over there?

>I'm glad I skipped that

One of the last quests in the game.

It's basically "make your way to Radovid through random soldiers you've fought millions of times already and watch a cutscene". As disappointing as MGSV.

>how is the sense of choicse?

You got a character that wants nothing to do with politics deciding fate of whole countries and choosing rules of viking isles because people like choices in vidya and shit like that makes the player feel important

Map's fucking great though, Novigrad is the best city in video games ever.


>eastern europe
u wot m8

>greatest anything ever
>has god aweful combat

i fucking hate witcher shitposting, this and triss v yen threads are the only ones that exist

Given that even Witcher 1 is better, that's not likely.
Other better WRPGs include Vampire Bloodlines and Arcanum.

tfw I did not know that W3 combat sux untill I came to Sup Forums.

>tfw I will never have taste this bad

feels great man

Find me a more gorgeous looking game.

You can't.

>Sup Forums would eventually be smart


Witcher 3 is the best action RPG ever made. It would be perfect if the combat was as good as Dragon's Dogma. In terms of story and writing etc. it's basically the best ever

>buggy at release
>most quests are linear despite being a open world game
>unmemorable boss battles
>barely any enemy variety
>combat is barely average tier
>devs lied more than Todd Fucking Howard

if this is considered the best WRPG the genre must be shit

Is Regis the greatest character in the Witcher series?

what was meant by this?

It's not really an RPG in the original sense, so no.

It is simply the greatest *game* of all time.

>i like jrpg


who are you quoting?

Well he is certainly my favorite.

Do you think that the Final Fantasy series also aren't RPGs?

choose one

that the game is actually a dating sim

>More generic than Solid Snake
>Game is just 'I'll give you the thing you need to give to someone if you go over there and get me the thing I need' forever

First thing that caught my eye.

Running this on a POO computer OP?

is this a new meme? nobody ever complained about horse controls before,not even in most fierce shitposting threads
not to mention they are great, best horse on pc

>boring characters
>shitty combat
>bland world

Yes it's so good. It's so good that everyone got bored and dropped the shit days after playing it.

It's a european country.

>arcadey combat that favours reflexes over tactics
>press X to win potions for boss fights
>low enemy variety outside of that
>repetitive fetch quests
>game is pretty shallow and lifeless outside of the cinematics
>environment is quite samey throughout the three games

yeah no, Baldur's Gate 2 is still the best RPG of all time.

I can't stand the combat in the series.
It reminds me way too much on big rigs.

Pic related, TW series combat in a nutshell.


Loved it but then the DLCs were just shit, imo, and it's generally overhyped as fuck.

>get in combat with more than 5 enemies
>use aard to knock them down
>run over and finish them off for an instant kill and iframes while it's happening
easy as fuck even on hard, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun

>Assassin's Creed made by Polacks
I have literally no idea why people praise this garbage.

>Assassin's Creed


it's the best game ever made

>WP gave sony's best movie game a 4/10
dude that's fucking hilarious

Sup Forums realizes these are actual shills, right? When are we going to start purging?

No. TW1 is the best title in the series.

>I genuinely dislike it because Japanese RPG's are not special enough to be categorized as their own thing against everything else.
Yeah they are. Both thematically and mechanically they are different enough that lumping them together with all RPGs is wrong.

JRPG means turn-based combat without placement of units (front/middle/back doesn't count, x;y coordinates do) and a character-centric narrative with little to no customization.

WRPG may or may not be turned-based for combat, placement is important and the narrative is focused around the world the characters are in, not the characters themselves (although they may have a large impact on the world). Customization is very important in this genre.

Hope you enjoy getting spoonfed, newfag.

t. paid shill

I realise nothing! Witcher is the best! You shut up!

It isn't. It's a Reddit shitposter who is doing it to try and make Sup Forums hate TW3. Seriously, look up TheBull or whatever his fucking name is.

In the first place, TW3 is a fucking disgrace due to the lies, the downgrades, and the retcons alone. Redditards are the only ones who don't care about such important issues.

I unironically enjoyed The Witcher 2 more. Witcher 3 is a good game but the combat and controls in 2 were more enjoyable. It was also better optimized desu