Alright lads, let's settle this

Alright lads, let's settle this.

Other urls found in this thread:

i can't bring myself to vote ;_; it'll happen when it happens...

Vote or Die motherfucker.

It'll happen when it happens. Nothing worth getting excited about until Capcom show something off.

just face it. there won't be a DMC5.
it's time to move on.

I dont want a new devil may cry because its simply going to be another anime buttonmashing shitfest for the kids that invaded the franchise at DMC4

>it's time to move on.

You should read this article:

The way the director words himself about the future of the franchise is very interesting, almost as if DMC4SE is a hold over until they can get a proper 5 ready.

It's happening.
>The Devil May Cry collection outsold DmC.
>Capcom released special edition for DMC4, showing they're willing to work on the original series.
>Capcom recently bought the copyright for the title "Devil May Cry 5"
It's happening. Don't know how. Don't know when. But I know we'll meet again.
Some sunny day.

Aside from DMC3 + Style Switcher, DMC4 objectively has the deepest game mechanics in the series.

>faggots stop liking muh precious franchise!
DMC has always had fucking weirdos as part of their fanbase. Get your head out of your ass.

>The Devil May Cry collection outsold DmC.

Sorry, but that's just factually wrong.

Vanilla DmC has sold 1.8 million, DmC:DE sales is not known because it hasn't sold over a million, but you can assume DmC sold about 2 million overall.
DMCHD sold 1 million.

DmC was still a financial disappointment and 1 million sales for DMCHD is seriously amazing for a collection, but DMCHD selling more than DmC is misinformation. DMCHD was probably a much better investment of time and money though, seeing as it's just a HD collection and DmC is a fullblown new game.

>>Capcom recently bought the copyright for the title "Devil May Cry 5"


It's okay to let go, friends. It's okay to let go.

I voted "not coming" so that way I won't get disappointed if it won't and pleasantly surprised if it will.

>DMC4 objectively has the deepest game mechanics in the series.

and this somehow means it is the best games? Id rather have an actually good game with good enemies to fight topped off with a non-retard appealing artstyle than a combo simulator that still loses in depth to any fighting game, not to mention fucking hack and slash games that actually focus on that aspect of combat (ninja gaiden which has hundreds of combos)

Oh it's just the cancerous DMC1 autist. Nevermind lads.

>w-waah u-ure some namefag

what? DMC1 is literally what the series was built upon, yet I also like DMC3 and DmC. Its the seventh gen anime retards like you who think that a single title (the black sheep) literally represents the entire franchise just because it appeals to the most retarded people out there, garnering a playerbase of MLP furries and autists like no other game


Ok. Your opinion is so shit you won't even get a (You).

have you not heard of DMC3 or something?

Are you retarded? I just said I like DMC3

DMC3 had a gothic, horror-lite artstyle, a shakespearean story, tough bosses and actual enemies that attack you instead of lumbering for you to LE STYLE ON XDD with your flashy anime shit

>not flashy anime shit
look, nobody liked Nero, but for fuck's sake user

Don't have it anymore. It wasn't actually that recent. Shortly before DMC4:SE

Yea thought so. You deceitful cunt.

How would be DMC5 start anyways?
Continuation from 2? I guess it could start with the motorcycle sound being from Nero looking for Dante and we get some Nero/Dante adventure in Hell or something like that. But then we would have Nero and maybe it would turn out to be like 4 again, where half of the level is recycled

...I liked Nero.
I'm Dante fanboy #1 but Nero grew on me. When you add human dna and supernatural creature dna somewhere down their genetic line you're gonna end up with an anime protagonist. It's inevitable.

>Liking DmC
>Pictures of Donte from tumblr
>Implying DMC3 isn't flashy anime shit
>Can't write a post to save his life

You are cancer. kys

Between 4 and 2 somewhere hopefully.

>Liking DmC

An actual full game that tried something different rather than being a worse rehash of DMC3 with an anime artstyle

>Pictures of Donte from tumblr

You might be actually retarded, but simply googling for images about any subject will net you 50% of the results from tumblr even if you pick them up from google images- its you autists who never use images on an imageboard that should be publicly shot

>Implying DMC3 isn't flashy anime shit

the only challenge in that game isnt to LE STYLE XDDD in the lack of any actual combat

>Can't write a post to save his life

coming from the retarded memespouting kid who made a meme arrow list and typed "k-kek k-kys cancer"? Go back to 9gag

Fuck, guess it caught up. The collection DID outsell it for several months, but I guess a newer game is just always gonna have more lingering sales than an HD remake.

They'll never follow up on DMC2, that game is forever pushed towards endless non-canon.

DMC's story isn't that complicated anyway, it just needs to service the action well. They'll do some typical anime cliche and it'll work fine.

Devil May Cry 5™, you're welcome.

>all this denial and delusion

Keep telling yourself that. Pretty sure that a new game will be announced just like last game and DMC4 did.

even if DMC4SE sold better than DmC (both versions), as it says, the future of the series isn't tied to sales.
it could mean what you're saying, or it could also mean it was already dead no matter how well it sold.
I hope you're right user, but knowing capcom, it's better to not hope.


It's been a while since I played 1 but isn't he a puppet/slave for Mundus?

>"k-kek k-kys cancer"
Why do you type like that? At least you're cleaning up your posts now that you've been called out on typing like a retard :^)

Are you the same DMC1 autist from a thread about a month ago who vehemently hated on DMC4 for the most retarded reason? Not because of "flashy anime shit" but because of some toxic relationship that somehow manifested into a hatred of the game. Top autism

When does the anime in DMC timeline takes place?

>A new Devil May Cry is coming and it'll be announced at TGS
>25 Posts

I feel bad for some of my fellow DMC-bros.

Between 1 and 4 I think.

I liked Nero from a gameplay standpoint

Thinking DMC5 is going to happen at TGS will only hurt you.

Even if you go by the leads that a new DMC is happening, it still doesn't look like it would be out earlier than 2018. RE7 and Dead Rising 4 are both out in just a few months and they were announced at this year's E3.

TGS threads during the past week as a whole have barely been getting any attention, oddly. We have one now at about 150 posts after 6 hours, but that's probably the biggest one yet.

Votes not posts. Was referring to votes in the strawpoll.

If DMC5 existed and was to be revealed in TGS, this would've already been leaked by now.

A new Devil May Cry is coming, and it's DmC2, I hope. I thought the first one was pretty good, and Sup Forums crying like babies made it even better.

Why didn't DmC get leaked then?

>Why didn't DmC get leaked then?

It kind of did. But It wasn't confirmed until the actual reveal.

Go read some of the comments for a blast from the past.

Where is "a new Devil May Cry is coming and it'll be pachinko machine"?

>Implying Pachinko isn't dying.

Gambling is possibly going legal in japan, and going legal means regulations out of the fucking ass.

No more gray-area easy exploitation bullshit.

Oh shit it's this autist again.

Is Dante the perfect protagonist? Is there anyone who could genuinely hate him?

Tryhards with sticks up their asses who hate cheery cartoon characters. Also killjoy edgefags.

he's a fucking white male

And? What's wrong with it? Mansplain this to me.


Yeah it's great.

Tons of people hate him and think he's annoying.

>Brad Pitt says working on an Interview with a Vampire was a miserable experience for him: "We were always shooting in the dark, and Tom was always so positive and happy."

He's the Tom Cruise of Video Games.


he gets a pass for being a minority as a half demon

Demons are privileged shitlord.

>he's a fucking white male.

He's half-demon you shitlord.

He's part of a marginalized group.

Oh yeah, whatever excuse for your power fantasy. Of course his demonic part, the reason for his strength comes for a male. His mother is barely even mentioned. Typical. Ugh.


Based as fuck DMC fanbase if I do say so myself.

It's a shame we don't know how much DMC4SE and DmC:DE sold since those two haven't passed a million yet.

My guess is that 4SE puts DMC4 at at least 3.5 mil.

My little sister enjoyed DmC greatly and loves Donte as a character.

Devil may cry better be coming or i may cry.

Good for her.

>It's a shame we don't know how much DMC4SE and DmC:DE sold since those two haven't passed a million yet.
Well DMC4SE sold over 175k on the PC so if we're optimistic we can say that it sold over 200k at least on the PS4 and over 70k on the Xbone.

DmC:DE however flopped hard as it sold like 24k across both platforms in Yurop so it probably sold like 50k in the states. Japs don't buy DmC so that's also a minus. Also DmC wasn't on the PC so that's one platform out as well.

He definitely resonates with the average rebellious teenager. But shouldn't she find him laughable? Isn't there a one scene where he flies through a camper naked and his dick gets covered by a matchbox? That's enough for women to friendzone anyone.

so Vergin wasn't kidding about his bigger dick

deepest lore

"little sister"

Sure... you dumb mouth-breather.

Does she also like desiccated squirrel semen? Whose dick does she prefer? The bigger one?

is having a younger sister than implausible?

My sister (cousin but whatever) beat the first Bayonetta and Korra and had no interest in the rebooted DmC.

>mfw her younger brother beat DMC4 on a fucking keyboard

>DmC:DE however flopped hard as it sold like 24k across both platforms in Yurop so it probably sold like 50k in the states. Japs don't buy DmC so that's also a minus. Also DmC wasn't on the PC so that's one platform out as well.

DmC:DE certainly didn't sell as well as DMC4SE but I don't think the sales were a total dumpster fire.

It's not a very good gauge, but DmC:DE has about 3000 ratings on PSN, while DMC4SE has about 6000. I think DmC:DE selling about half of what DMC4SE did is possible, then again it didn't get a PC release like you said.

Most likely 4SE sold better. Special Edition actually got mentioned in Capcom's financial report, something that digital sales were strong thanks to it, but nothing about DmC.

Blue orbs for my mates keeping the hope for TGS alive.
We in there

Yes, profits jumped 100% that quarter and DMC4SE was specifically namedropped. Between this and DMC appearing in their work pipeline a future for DMC seems not without hope.

This also basically confirms Capcom aren't doing quite as badly as people think, then again this was before SFV.

>DMC4 was 8 years ago
>Guts got off the boat
>Liru's game got released
>all we got in the meantime was FUCK YOU WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB
And somehow, I'm still here, waiting

At least the wait for EP3 is slightly longer.

DMC4SE isn't nothing man.

People wouldn't be speculating otherwise.

Why do people even want a new DMC? Itsuno doesn't even want to make a new DMC game. Are you really going to make Itsuno work slave or let his dreams come true (Rival Schools).

And besides we have Nier Automata to keep us comfy for awhile.

>Platinum whoring itself out to SE

Keep that garbage out of DMC threads please.

>Why do people even want a new DMC?
Are you retarded.

>Itsuno doesn't even want to make a new DMC game.

>And besides we have Nier Automata to keep us comfy for awhile.
It's more of an RPG. And what the fuck are you using "comfy" for.

7/10 got to me. You cuck.

>9 years since Ep2
>12 years since HL2
At least Capcom have shown interest in keeping DMC alive.

It's Capcom that wants a new DMC5 for the munnies. I'm perfectly happy with modded DMC3 and DMC4SE for life.

New Rival Schools when.

That means he want to make new Rival Schools, but after current project, since it means it's not RS he's working on.

Where's the "a new DMC is coming and it's gonna be a Bayonetta cross over" option?

Itsuno has said that taking a break from DMC with Dragon's Dogma has given him some new ideas.

>"a new DMC is coming and it's gonna be a Bayonetta cross over"

Bayonetta combat and universe a shit.

>Are you retarded.
No, you're the one that's retarded. Most fans are satisfied with 3SE and 4SE's combat. see >Wrong.
I'm not. He wants to make a new rival schools game his first priority. You're wrong.

>It's more of an RPG.
You're delusional. It's like you haven't seen any of the combat footage. Sure it has RPG elements, but the combat is pure action. If anything the RPG elements could be tied to things like the weapons having stats or water/fire att.

Try harder shill. It's a Poor Man's MGR at best.

Also, one guy (probably you samefagging) doesn't speak for all of the DMC fanbase.

They just refreshed the Devil May Cry copyright, numbers cannot be copyrighted.

>literally one user while we had threads about an upcoming game for years now
Take a weightless fucking step you cum sucking cuckold.

Capcom also announced that they're merging Monster Hunter and Dragon's Dogma into a single franchise.

Again... Source?

His wishes do not represent those of the company he works for.

Rival Schools is something that will NEVER come back, it's too niche even among Capcom's fighters and SFV's lagging sales mean that they won't greenlit any more fighting games for a long while (only exception being a new MvC, if requested by Marvel).

I'm sorry but I've got no interest in digging something as irrelevant as a copyright renovation.

It's standard procedure to protect their IPs, it doesn't necessarily mean that a new game is in development, unlike for example Pokemon's or Tales of's subtitles.


You can play more than one action game user, it's not hard. I play DMC3/4, Ninja Gaiden, Nioh, and I even play action rpgs too. Soon i'll add Nier to that list. And I bet I'm better at DMC3/4 than you are in terms of combos and perfect runs. You're probably just some lore faggot who rides the DMC train.

Most if not all Vergil mains from 3SE don't like Vergil in 4SE as much because he was nerfed for babies. Judging by this they are fine with 3SE because they believe that in later games the combat will cater to new era babies. And even Dante players feel the same way. The only character to even be hype for in a DMC5 is Nero simply because he lacked a ton of stuff in DMC4 and can only get better in DMC5 with a new arsenal of tools. Lady and Trish no one gives a fuck about.

Won't take long. Should be right up your ass.


There are hints of a new DMC being in the works, but a Copyright Revewal means nothing.

And I bet that I can turn you into mince-meant with my bare hands you cum guzzling faggot.