Not scoring a cheap used gtx 970

>not scoring a cheap used gtx 970
>and playing everything on max for $150~

muh 3.5 is magic

Other urls found in this thread:

2006 called, they want their 1080p back

Nothing bad about 1080p Everything can look great.

Doesnt actually matter if you dont have good enough CPU to take advantage of pic related.

2016 called, console still wish they had 1080p

Where do you find gtx970 for 150




>gtx 970
>playing everything on max

pick one.

I have a 970 and play everything on max. Couldn't try dude sex or rotr tho. It's an amazing card.

There is no way you're playing current games maxed out with a steady 60+ fps on a 970.

I can't think of a single game where I can't.
Maybe there's 1 or 2 that I simply didn't play, otherwise it's 60fps max settings on everything.

Ask for a game and I'll tell you my framerate.

You're fucking delusional. I'm playing Mankind Divided on a GTX 1080 and it dips below 60 frequently. Why are you lying?

GTA V or Witcher 3

its a good card , meme card but good
i play most of the games maxed out (only in some i have to disable some stupid features like hairworks , godrays , msaa)

AC unity

I just said I didn't play Dude Sex you turbofaggot.

GTAV runs silky smooth at 1080p, and runs at 50-70fps on 1440p. I just lower the advanced slider for foliage and kept the standard one.

Witcher 3 is the worst exemple because they didn't even bother to optimise it and there are multiple guides on how to tweak it to optimise it. Mine runs at well above ultra settings 60fps without hairworks, which I turn on only for a fight with hairy beasst and it stays at around 55.

DOOM runs at 90-130.
Last Light runs at 65-70 at 1440p.
Ayylmaosolation runs at 40fps or more at 4k.
Dying Light runs at 60fps with the draw distance slider at half and everything on max, even the textures that are poorly optimised.

Forgot to mention I have a i7 920 at 3.7ghz and 6gb ram. I'll also add that I close most currently unused programs to save memory.

Are you retarded or just pretending? He literally said
>Couldn't try dude sex or rotr tho.

Sell that 1080 and buy a furyx or some amd shit. You don't deserve to own a superior nvidia card with a 0.5 IQ like yours you fucking retard.

i have 0 games worth playing released in the last 5 years , or announced for the future
why the hell would i update

I played Unity unpatched for 3h when it came out, 45fps max settings on 1440p. Didn't try 1080p because I didn't have a 1080p monitor at the time and was downscaling. I imagine it runs ok now with the billion patches.

mfw My rich uncle gave me a free 1070 and 250gb SSD.


>mfw i bought rx480 this very week 200 bucks 8gb
Did i fuck up Sup Forums?

>hurr durr I can run all games on max
>oh i didn't try the games that would disprove my statement
>m-master race

Bunch of fucking retards, I'd expect nothing less from poor fags who buy a 2 year old GPU. the 970 couldn't even max games out when it was first released.

or get a used r9 380 cheaper, for less Vram bottlenecks and updates that don't rape your performance

With my lousy pay as an apprentice I can't afford just a gtx1060

>he got only one 1070

Bullshit. I have finished the whole game and the framerate usually stayed at 80-100 with rare dips to 75.

Are you retarded or merely pretending. I said that I get 60fps max settings on 99.99% of the games I tried, and I simply couldn't try Dude Sex or rotr. What's so hard to understand?

I bought my 970 almost 2 years ago, new for 290 eurobucks and it's been the best purchase of my life, next to my 8 years old i7 920 that's still running perfectly.

I'll keep the card and the CPU for AT LEAST 3 more years.

>your reading comprehension

He literally said he could run everything on max, except for the brand new game he doesn't happen to have, you fucking brain-dead mongoloid

>being this much of an assblasted retard

A fucking 290x could max out games when the 970 was released and the 970 was way faster. It can run 9/10 games on max settings with the exceptions being stupidly intensive games like ARK or day sex which even $600 gpu can barely max out.

Use your brain for once. It helps.

I really hope you're being ironically retarded

It's because the benchmark is skewed in AMD's favour. Actual in game benchmark runs show better general performance and nVidia cards actually pull ahead of the AMD cards.

You'd probably expect an AMD biased benchmark in an AMD sponsored game though.

>people who give a shit about muh graphics
>people who shitfling at each other over muh AMD muh nvidia

You are all faggots who spend way too much time looking at shit and not enough time actually playing, I'll be over here with a nice steady 60 FPS and not giving a fuck about textures and shit

I'm a console fag of 360 and PS4.

That shit was CA$H user.


>tfw Uncle can afford a 3 bedroom in a good neighborhood.

>3 digits
>in 2016
No, thanks.

No, amazingly good price-to-perf for that money.
Sadly the cheapest ones where i live cost around 300€

fuck outta here man

Did you have brain surgery recent or something? By any chance could that be why your reading comprehension is so bad?

>I'll keep the card and the CPU for AT LEAST 3 more years.
That i7 is already bottlenecking your gpu in most newer games and that GPU has trouble reaching 60fps in newer games.
Please stop being a delusional faggot.

How many layers of irony are you under right now?

Sell your PC and buy glasses


I had a 970 ans swapped it out for a 1080.
I wish I had that magic gpu you have as it runs some things on par or better than my 1080 does.
Why did I waste so much money when this magic 970 could have done better?


You could turn that useless lighting effect bullshit off and probably run it just fine.

I fucking hate having to reapply thermal paste and hope nothing is broken

>playing everything maxed out

can you run two copies of crysis at once? nope

my brand new 1070 is so fucking great i can run halo 5 at 4k60 on one monitor while i run ffxiv at 1080p60 on my other without even breaking a fucking sweat

why the fuck would i buy a gpu that could only barely play games at medium settings at 1080p?

lol, its 2016 for fucks sake, who the fuck plays at 1080p anymore except for esports players?

enjoy 60fps in doom at 1080p medium settings while im having fun at 150+ fps at 2k nightmare WHILE playing crysis at the same time

>2016 called, console still wish they had 1080p

While this is true. I just want to point out that if you don't graphics whore you can achieve 1080p 60FPS at least on a standard PS4.

This is like the only game for some reason.

no you cant so stop being silly.

Found the girl if anyone cares...
no? just me? and the penis in my left hand? ok...

im not being silly, sorry you havent felt the power of 10 boy-o

Problem is I own a 1080.

>owns a 1080
>still doesnt understand the power of 10

jesus fuck, thats even worse than a 970 owner, switch to amd already... we dont want retards like you on green team