I'll start
God Tier Open World Games
Mafia 2 is pretty good.
lets just make this a red dead thread, okay?
MAFIA I is even better but like in II there is not much to do in the open world.
Ok, when are you starting?
Mafia 2 totally shit the bed in terms of an open world, hope your memeing user
This is more free roamy than open world but Im still posting it
Can we have one thread without ironic shitposting?
Extremely underrated game, and the only game I've played with real, full-length tv shows and movies.
dude its fucking criminally underrated, swept under the rug and forgotten for generations. Im fucking buyin it
Behold, best game has arrived
Whoa, what a cool bait
GUN was good. Best wild west game
The first Darkness was amazing. Great writing, great settings, great atmosphere. Too bad it's locked on old-gen.
That Todd is way too tall.
Spider man 2, GCN
>Red Dead Redemption Lobbies were more fun than the actual Online Matches
They should have just expanded the Lobbies.
Every time I joined one I would just get instantly sniped by some nigger going 40mph on a zebra or gang raped by some 9 man posse. Were they only fun if you were on the giving end of that shit stick, or what?
get only 2/3 guy in lobby
was fucking sad
open world?
The Witcher 3
GTA V, deadly serious.
to be a god tier open world game you can't just have a good map, your gameplay needs to not be hot garbage
go to /vg/ then
>dead as fuck world with a shitton of empty space
Yeah no. STALKER has a good open world. Rdr does not.
Then I'm glad that TW3 has the best open-world RPG ever in an RPG. Other than perhaps Dragon's Dogma.
Stay mad you contrarian manchild.
I don't get the appeal, no place is interesting and the story is not good
I chose the second hardest difficulty and still it was just button mashing
also all that menu shit is fucking annoying and should just fuck off
ITT:pic related
>Morrowind autist enters thread
Know that we are laughting at you irl right this very instant. You fat basement dwelling neckbeard.
oh and even worse were that most missions were just follow the marker and pick up shit or kill a few monsters
Morrowind is a better game than W3 even without mods, come to terms with that or hang yourself.
Enlighten us on your superior tastes patrician!
you're probably some cuck who think oblivion was good
Fuck man, Im 23 looking fit and sociable, why this game is involved with fat wizard in cavern ?
compared to what, mafia? the mafia games were never open world. they were linear games that took place in an open world
yeah, I forgot about it, it's great western game
Most fun I've ever had in a video game. Me and a friend holding out in a barn for 2 hours against 5 salty bastards. Nonstop flying bullets and molotovs coming in the windows. We stood in the only two spots in the barn you could survive the fire.
>general thread atmosphere
The open world aspect of Mafia 2 was it's downfall though. There was fuck all to do.
And there it is. The anal-devastation over the Witcher that is red hot even to this day. I didn't even mention TW3.
Gotta love those dice-rolls amirite you braindead mongoloid :^)
just like LA Noireif you want la noire experience but without open world play crimes and punishment
no k
also for OP
minecraft :)
Translation: Sorry I was just shitposting as usual
if the open world world in it is so good why are all of the quest linear follow ur witcher sense ones?
You didn't have to, your posts are so recognizable you might as well be a tripfag
Destroy All Humans
Mercenaries 1 and 2
The Saboteur
Man, I miss Pandemic studios
>shitposting on Sup Forums as usual
There isn't some grand conspiracy against you lard-ass. Your saltiness is still cringeworthy though.
Mercenaries 2 and destroy all humans remain to this day some of the most fun games to fuck around in.
what the fuck are you even saying?
You're deadly wrong though.
What do you do in the open world? Yoga? Run around aimlessly? Have gunfights that you die in 2-3 hits? Play with the nonexistent Euphoria physics?
Not him but,
Drive cars I'll never own and listen to music. I realise this isn't exactly what I lot of people want but I enjoy it.
This desu.
I do enjoy it and it's exactly what i did in that game. Just gotta discerne that a good open world this doesn't make. You had plenty more in IV and the original San Andreas.
It's okay. Sometimes I wish that I was as easily satisfied as plebs like you.
>Please, please, look at me!
Oh, (you).
>I have no counter-argument
He's right though.
Though a good open world is subjective? If I found the map pretty and the roads fun then I think it's a good open world.
Yes, IV and SA are also good open worlds but I was just defending the guys claim of V being a good open world.
Passive aggressiveness is fun!
So if they throw you in a pretty map it's enough for you to endorse it in the halls of games that should be praised. Okay, i agree with the other guy, you're a pleb.
Spoken like a true pleb through and through.
You're forgetting I never claimed it to be praised in this hall of open world games I was responding to what this guy asked I enjoy the game and its map, simple as that.
Yes, how else would you like me to answer. I tried to be "objective" by admitting not everyone would enjoy driving but it's hard to claim that what I am doing isn't fun when I am doing it and it is fun.
Would I recommend it for others? No.
Do I enjoy it, yes.
No user, GOD tier. Not shit tier.
I'd like Red Dead Redemption more if there were a character creator.
I didn't know McCree had is own game?
There are hundreds of photos or videos by smarter people than you for demonstrate what you can do with GTAV gameplay and some free roaming. The only real flaw is that few buildings are explorable, but otherwise this is just shitposting.
>There are hundreds of photos or videos by smarter people than you for demonstrate what you can do with GTAV
Then why can't you come up with anything worthwhile to save yourself you genuine retard?
Go ahead and watch some of those "hundreds of photos or videos" again if you need to.
Are you some sort of retard?
>Ebin meme pic
I wasn't expecting much from a mouth-breather like you but this really takes the cake. GG WP.
Because to me, go around with a car and enjoy some activities with friends is more than enough to have fun. You're the one here that play the contrarian manchild just to emphasize his own existence.
>I have no imagination AND i'm shit at the game
Goddamn son, the fact that you didn't even mention how much detail went into the world building outs you as an attention-deficit child.
They're gonna have this in 2016 graphics with Marcus getting fucked by Lenni's feminine penis
also the rerelease if you really like Frank and photography that much
>retarded mini games that are mostly literal qte
U dun goofed bro
I remember a lot of angry fans because the hero was not Frank.
Was her game open world enough?
Morrowind is a legit good open world game,
>You fat basement dwelling neckbeard.
stop projecting.
Why the fuck wasn't there a plane, or at least a motor vehicle to access when you beat RDR, you know I mean, the game seemingly jumps 15-20 years in the future, and there's no advancement despite the fact you get to ride in a motor vehicle at one point, and you see progress of an airplane at others.
GTA games especially San Andreas and 5 (five), RDR, Midnight Club games
Red Faction Guerrilla
Gothic 1/2
Underground 2/Most Wanted
Witcher 3
Empty world with not much content.
Lots of shitty fetch mission as well.
Also forgot Mercenaries and Saints Row 2.
Empty world has no meaning
>Mercs 2 online coop on PC
I think thats the most fun Ive ever had gaming
Me either! Gonna go buy it so I can "ITS HIGH NOOOON!" In an open world game.
Is it really an open world? I've never played it, although I read that among the AC is one of the most liked with AC2.
>deadly serious
Why the need for this, aside from a few very vocal contrarians on Sup Forums and reddit, pretty much everyone agrees its one of the best games ever made
They're all open world, Black Flag just added pirate ships. Which was the only fun part of the game, and the only part of the game that isn't completely mindless hack and slash button mash shit.
They had legendary boss pirate ships and shit, it was pretty fun desu.
I played it through on the 360, but couldn't be bothered to play it for long a second time when it was free on the Xbox One with gold.
I hate that open world games still have over half of the map full of nothing. I've yet to play an open world game that didn't feel empty as fuck.
Did you try ADD medication?
It's high noon some where.
Ye but most of the islands are either small as fuck or linear