Baldur's Gate

I'm contemplating starting a new campaign, heavily modded and all that, and I'm wondering whether there is any reason to pick up Enhanced Edition for that.
It is supported by Big World Setup and there seems to be some mod content exclusive to it.

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Jon did nothing wrong !

Well, I'm slightly more sympathetic to his cause after learning why he did, but come on, wanting to become a god by siphoning the life out of an entire species?

i tried playing baldurs gate 2 for the first time but i quit 10 minutes after character creation because i had no idea how the combat worked. how do i into this game?

do you know what weapons your characters are proficient with?

There's a tutorial.

>I'm wondering whether there is any reason to pick up Enhanced Edition for that.
I've never really used mods, so who knows. I have been playing through with the Enhanced Editions for my current playthrough, though, and it was worth the $10 or whatever I got them for.

Literally everything wrong, not that the elves were blameless either.

>because i had no idea how the combat worked. how do i into this game?
What, specifically, are you having trouble getting?

It's a turn based game (combat rounds, specifically) it's just that actions progress in real time instead of clearly discrete rounds like, say, nwn. If you're having trouble working out how combat progresses, go into options>feedback>visual feedback and turn on 'no cosmetic attacks', so you only see actions that actually take place.

Mechanically, it's a pretty straightforward D&D based game, except because of the arcane AD&D rules you want THAC0 and Armour Class to both be as low as possible.

Aerie best wife.

She is, but the pregnancy was just hilarious.

>i tried playing baldurs gate 2 for the first time but i quit 10 minutes after character creation because i had no idea how the combat worked. how do i into this game?
If you're starting with Shadows Of Amn, I recommend making an Undead Hunter. It's a paladin toolkit and they're immune to 'level drain', which will make your life way easier later on. Otherwise, Fighters are good for a beginner. They're very strong until late into Throne of Bhall, and even then will swing their weight.

The combat is 'Real Time With Pause', so think of it like playing an RTS except you can always hit space whenever you want to freeze the game then give as many people as you want new orders.

Here's the combat system in a nutshell ignoring all the complex stuff:
lower THAC0 is better.
lower AC is better.
lower saving throws are better.
Higher HP is better.

When a weapon gives +X THAC0, it actually lowers your THAC0 by that amount, making it better. +[insert number here] weapons are extremely good.

Agreed, but ugh, I really wish they hadn't cut most of her romance content, or at least somebody had been able to go back and flesh it out more.

Also, running into Dorn in II and then immediately purifying him was funny as fuck.

i'll try and keep it short on some of the hidden mechanics you won't know out right:
-The game runs on "rounds" and "turns"
-Each round lasts 6 real time seconds
-Each turn is 10 rounds long (so 1 min)
-A level 1 character makes only 1 attack per round. As you grow in level the number of attacks per round increases if you're a melee class. Even though you will see characters doing attack animations, remember that only 1 of them per 6 sec will try to actually hit the target. If it doesn't you need to wait another 6 seconds. The rest of the swings you see are all just cosmetic.
-You can see how many attacks your character can perform by looking at the character information (pic related)
-Spells and "weapon proficiency" can increase attacks per rounds
-weapon proficiency will also increase your chance of hitting your opponent when you make a swing (that isn't cosmetic). You can find out which weapon your character is proficient with in the character sheet also. (pic related, it's the + next to quarterstaff) The more + you have the better chance of hitting the target you will have with that weapon and the more attacks you can make. You can increase weapon proficiency when you level up, but you can't do it every level.

>attacks per round 5
>mage: level 11
oh wait obviously your using MMM nevermind.


There is no reason to buy EE unless you want to pay for more bugs and tumblr writing.

I never played Baldurs Gate but I played Neverwinter Nights and I like it. Will I enjoy Baldurs Gate?

If you thought a game as shit as NWN was good, BG should blow your mind.

Depends, what Neverwinter Nights did you play and what did you enjoy about it?

probably, but you will need to actually manage your party now

The first one, of course. Mainly the story but I also like the the d&d system of combat and inventory mangement.

why do you think it's shit? It'S pretty solid imo

i'm gonna make a fighter and try it again then. thanks guys.

BG has a much better story than original NWN campaign so chances are good that you'll like it.
The only significant difference is that you'll have to manage the whole party instead of just main character.

Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition










Haer' Dalis

Jan Jansen









Are the classes also as diverse? Also should I play the enhanced editions or originals?

The main NWN campaign is pretty shit, mostly because it was a glorified tech demo

But Shadow of Underentide and Hordes of the Underdark are some pretty awesome games.

I mean that was almost identical with NWN2 except with Mask of the Betrayer instead. Storm of Zehir had virtually no story but some very interesting gameplay ideas, its just that the map editor was such hot garbage no one really worked with it like they did in NWN1.

Shitty, shallow combat thanks to no party control, main quest so simplistic it's sub-first time DM level and they copy paste it for each chapter and in the expansions, nothing to discover or chance to ever go off the beaten track, awful writing and zero interesting or unique environments to experience because everything is made with the prefab toolset pieces rather than actually handcrafting something unique for the game.

Overall there are less classes in BG because of 2nd edition rules and NWN was AD&D3 already.
Enhanced edition adds slightly more character customization options to the first game because it uses BG2 engine. So if that's important to you, go with EE.

ok, thx for the input btw

I wouldn't buy it, just a matter of mod compatibility.

No problem man, I'm sure you'll love it.

Haer' Dalis

Great list though desu. Made me laugh.

I don't buy games you silly

Oh but you can.
But why would you want to?

>Enhanced edition adds slightly more character customization options to the first game because it uses BG2 engine.
For the record, the BGT and Tutu mods for the originals both do this as well. If you want EE over the originals, it's for the three new characters and/or for ease of installation.

Who's the best rogue to bring along for disarming and lockpicking? I installed the party memebers won't fight mod to have keldorm with viconia and edwin so it can be both alignments

>an entire website dedicated to this

For fuck's sake

Why was Icewind Gate 2 aborted?
I would pay good money for this.

Different strokes for different folks, or something like that. A lot of people get that mod anyway purely for the sake of the extra banter it adds. More fun banter is almost always a plus.

I wonder how hard did that Dragonsiege abomination flop in sales.
I'm aware of that but it's much easier to just get EE and play it as is for a first time player, rather than trying to figure out modding from the get go.

I actually played it, there are a lot and very descriptive sexual encounters

What was that ultimate cringe dialogue mod?

If you're getting EE just so your mods will work you shouldn't have many problems with it.
EE doesn't alter anything from the original game and everything it adds can be pretty easily ignored.

>Who's the best rogue to bring along for disarming and lockpicking?
Jan Jansen is the best, Imoen is functional and can get you through the full game (there might be one or two traps she can't disarm iirc), Hexxat will do the job, but why not get someone who can cast spells too?

Nalia, however, is garbage tier as a thief. She literally can't even unlock and disarm all of the shit IN HER OWN HOME.

I'd say to go for Jan, and if you can't stand his bs about turnips, then go for Imoen instead. I am biased towards Imoen though, so take that with a grain of salt.

>tfw she dies from a broken heart

that's the one

>it's much easier to just get EE and play it as is for a first time player
That is basically the one real positive of EE I mentioned. We're agreeing.

BG1 or BG2?

BG2 has this nagging "rogue" problem where there isn't really a good option regardless of what you want to find. All the rogues are multiclassed, and many of them don't quite have enough points to disarm all traps/open locks you'll encounter in the game even with items. So usually you have to carry a bunch of potions to get the truly tough stuff.

Yoshimo is perfect, but you can't keep him unless you force a rather unusual bug in the game. Jan Jansen and Nalia don't have quite the points, so really that leaves Imoen who is trapped in Spellhold. Going to spellhold early requires going through most of the main campaign, and preempts doing the silver dragon (if an evil party). Hexxat in the EE was supposed to be the "fix" for evil parties but single classed rogues suck because they will always have ONE attack per round.

It's annoying, but a good compromise is to just put up with some subpar mage/thief like Nalia and Jan, then drop them once you pick up Imoen. Kick everyone out of the party except Imoen temporarily at some point, and then have imoen (or yourself) drink some int potions and scribe ALL scrolls you have picked up along the way. If you have ToB, you can erase spells and rescribe them to keep gaining XP. So imoen (and yourself) can gain a lot of XP she might have missed from your adventuring

BG1 its more of an issue of what you want in the party and rushing to find the rogues asap.

I see, thanks.


BG2, I'll keep your tips in mind, thanks.

It's one of the main reasons I played a fighter/thief in BG2

What about this one?

Berserker/thief is fun as fuck. Assassin is fun too.

>Jan Jansen doesn't have quite the points
He does, especially if you take the time to run around picking locks early on.

It's a very dirty tactic you can use to boost xp in both games. Have MC + one thief (kicking everyone else out of the party and telling them to wait at the nearest inn or whatever) then raiding every house in the city, unlocking everything you can find. The real beauty of it is that no-one cares if you unlock their chests and drawers. It's only if you open them that they suddenly get angry.

Doing that alone will net you enough thief levels for Jan that he'll be fine for opening any lock and disarming any trap after that.

In BG1 it's even better. Either a solo thief can race around FAI/Beregost/Nashkel and hit ~level 6, or you and Imoen can do the same and both hit ~L5 in almost no time.

Just make sure to put all early points into Open Locks (until it's at 100) then get 'find trap' to 100 after that.

Why does that even exist? She's already a... why?

>hating on Jan
His bantz with other party members, especially Keldorn are pure class though.

The one involving him telling Keldorn a story was pretty good. I just can't stand Jan as a character though. I put him in my team for the first time (doing an evil playthrough, just finished Saradush in ToB) and while it's great to have a multi thief instead of a dual thief, I still wish I didn't bother with him at all.

she's muh waifu you fiend

A walking pun dispenser.

>punch me in the stomach

Good fucking god, that mod is horrible.

>Saerilith sandwich

I love having a good 4-7 options in dialogue desu, but that's just fucking insane.


>Saerileth sandwitch


afaik, the creator of that mod is a certified hambeast

So, what did everyone choose?

Kensai/Thief is my favourite.

You should try it once, just to have a few laughs.

I chose regret, still hasn't changed me though, instead I continue on doing the same shit over and over again.

Love, hatred, power, betrayal, 13 or 15. I don't know which of them I'd pick without the context.

How bad is Dragonspear? I beaten BG1 and in the middle of BG2 (everyone and their mother has magic immunity and thick armor).

Mediocre writing, but it's nice to have a connection between the first and second games, even if it's retarded.

>instead I continue on doing the same shit over and over again.
I know what that's like ;_;

Pretty good choices. Never really felt tempted by 'power' or Ravel, though, and 'nothing' always felt a touch too fatalistic to me.

Magic immunity isn't that big of a deal in BG2 since you can use Spell Sequencer and then chain 3:

Greater Malison
Lower Resistance/Pierce Magic

And then anything starts eating shit again from spells. It can be enough to do one hit kills with Harm, Flesh to Stone, etc. even on Dragons.

What about the BGT solution? The Duke of Baldur's Gate sends you south to investigate the the brooding conflict betweem BG and Amn (actually they realized you're a Bhaalspawn and want you away from their city) and you get ambushed by Mae'Var who was hired to capture by Irenicus.

To be honest, it's not good.
The writing is a step down from BG and some characters have completely different personalities.

Also, the story isn't great and most dialog options are 1) good 2) snarky 3)evil asshole

>How bad is Dragonspear?
What really pisses me off is that it has no right existing. Going straight from BG1 to BG2 will leave you slightly overleveled for 2, if anything.

>but it's nice to have a connection between the first and second games
The whole vague memory loss of the protagonist pairs with that 'lack of connection' quite nicely imho.

>Immunity: Abjuration

I think that fits the story perfectly desu.


>In BG2

I've never tried one except in BG1. Does Quivering Palm ever actually hit against difficult enemies?

Monks are both level hungry and item hungry. They offer nothing approaching the utility of casters or rogues, they just become immune to fucking everything

>Dumb bitch wants to lead a crusade of mortals into the 9 hells for selfish reasons


Still, I somehow made it.

>drow pussy
Pick one

9 hells? in what's supposed to be BG1.5?
Next you'll be telling me that they fight liches or some bs.

You want to enslave drows?

Nathyrra was the better choice of drow pussy despite being fucking worthless as a mage/assassin

Seriously? That's fucking incredible!

What party did you use btw? The closest I've come to beating it was with a good-aligned party, but I didn't get enough levels for Aerie so she couldn't chain contingency.

You have to stop her from taking dragonspear castle, which sits on top of numerous ways into the hells, because everyone else seems to understand that it's a supremely bad idea


wasn't he a cuck?

Yes, he wasn't a bro also, turns on you on several occasions.

I started a game as a dragon disciple and kinda regret it, the bonus are pointless and the breath attack a pain to use, not worth losing a spell per day

Also good party:
Sarevok, Aerie, Imoen, Anomen, Keldorn, Fighter/Mage PC

I started as cavalier, I fucked it?