Sup Forums says this game is good

Sup Forums says this game is good.
You play it and it's awful.

What's this game?

clearly it's shadow of the colossus

Clearly you're an asshole

No you're just retarded

I've met a lot of people who think that SotC is boring, why is that? I thought this game is fun.


After all these years I'm still mad. fuck you, Sup Forums. Never again will I listen to you guys.

Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines

In no universe SOTC is awful, I mean you can dislike the game because of your shit tastes, but if you truly consider it awful, you really need to rethink your whole life.


Every game.

>Alice Madness Returns
>Nuts & Bolts
>The Conduit
>Skyward Sword

Sup Forums hates all of those games
The fuck are you talking about?

Trusting Sup Forums is like trusting IGN, you are going to get fucked either way

I don't understand how someone can like this game

I think my taste is very Sup Forums-core. I don't think I ever hated a game suggested by Sup Forums and I loved most of them.

Final Fantasy XIV
It's just kawaii uguu WoW.

Monster Hunter and Titan Quest

>The Witcher

I get why people like it, but lord did I go in expecting a life experience and got out with a lack of care.

Does it count backwards too? Like something Sup Forums rampages and whines about but turns out to be at least okay?
If so,
>Tree of Savior
>Dragon's Dogma
>Dragon Age Inquisition

fuck me this post hits home

He knows how to trigger Sup Forums

Those are my #2 and #3 favourite games.

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy them.

Since when has Sup Forums whined about dragons dogma?

Dark Souls
Shadowrun Returns
Company of Heroes 2

half life 2
post gc nintendo games
weebshit otaku pandering like neptunia

>Shadowrun Returns
Why is it so boring? I just can't play this game for more than 20 minutes

In no universe Undertale is awful, I mean you can dislike the game because of your shit tastes, but if you truly consider it awful, you really need to rethink your whole life

play dragonfall/hong kong, they are far superior

and nobody here says returns is good, it's shat on in every shadowrun thread

in reverse? I like battlefield 3, especially the campaign

Hahaha are you insane
No one outside of the mentally unstable freaks from the general on /vg/ likes XIV
Seriously man

this is the kind of question that has no right answer

Sup Forums was shilling the fuck out of that game last year.

kys, please

Because it was a good game last year (only at endgame) but its gotten super stale now and the godlike ost is the only thing I even care about it for anymore.

you can't play it because you have the attention spam of a 10 year's old user

t. South American, hailing from the land of ADHD Level 2


I want to like it, but it's so repetitive.

A very small subset of madmaxfags enjoy the first one for it's A E S T H E T I C
The gameplay is boring as fuck in the first one and the "muh guns" selling point only comes into play in borderlands 2, at which point the writing develops leukaemia.

Basically Sup Forums being contrarian for the sake of it.

>play shadowrun returns
>self proclaimed CRPG
>it gives me 8 different ways to say hello
>all give me the exact same response

That's because it is boring, your character has absolutely zero impact on the world or its inhabitants.

Not a single one. I know what i want to play and i inform myself before buying.

Lana Rain

Bf3 campaign was nice, 4 was shite

You're a good man

Diablo 2.
