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So yooka laylee is the best? I can't wait!

Why do people pretend DK64 was any good?

Because of nostalgia.

But Nuts & Bolts and Viva Pinata are the best games Rare ever made user

Stop stealing my OC you faggot

Who said the prequels were bad though?


Whoa, whoa, whoa, Viva PiƱata is a great game. Why would you want to disparage it by comparing it to the prequels?

>perfect dark zero twice

There's nothing wrong with it. Maybe not as nice as BK but still a solid 3D platformer.

I don't understand why people like VII so much.
It was pretty mediocre and I liked I and III (or rather parts of it).

Anything not Jedi-related was the best thing about it though.
Also I really think that JJ has a 14 year old edgelord son and wanted to diss him.
I can't take any Kylo Ren scene serious, especially when I think about what the stormtroopers are thinking when they're around him

Everyone with a functional brain. They are legitimately poorly made films, even without comparing them to the original Star Wars trilogy. The directing, acting, writing, and even cinematography are all awful, and it's entirely because Lucas had full control and nobody wanted to tell him what a fucking terrible job he was doing.

They're all trash?

His scenes we're great, I laughed at most of the scenes with him after he took off the mask.

so this new game is constantly going to shove banjo kazooie nostalgia down your throat while also shitting over them and nullifying everything they worked for?

People just like to say VII because it wasn't the prequels, but the people who also say this just parrot what Reddit and the internet have said about the prequels for the past 16 years and only saw the movies themselves as once or twice.

VII is really bland with forgettable worlds and characters, forced humor with intentional pauses for the audience to laugh and not miss anything, and non stop action because if you were given time to think you'd see how bad it is. And on top of that its just a modernized ANH.

>Viva Pinata
Kill yourself my man that game is 100% dope

>Disparaging Kameo and viva pinata
for shame user.

Yeah, I understand. I keep hearing "oh man, Kylo Ren is so angry it comes out in a rage" but all I see is a child throwing a tantrum.

I think the intention of Kylo Ren is to be angry about everything because he is trying too hard to be bad so he can be the good guy in the later films
its intention was to be a modern ANH from what i read

Shut the fuck up

>implying you are just a parroting plebe who doesn't see the details in the pottery

>its intention was to be a modern ANH from what i read

Yeah and that's a factor of why it's trash.

So Yooka Laylee is going to suck?


I thought it was great excluding the deathstar 2.0

But Viva Pinata is good...

so... Nuts and bolts is better than Yokka laylee?


Your list is accurate, star wars sucks and all those games suck.

>Viva Pinata

Don't make me get that shovel out you cheeky lil shit

Fuck off Yookaa Laylee is gonna be great. Don't lump it in with the worst SW movie.

I enjoyed the movie but it still felt like it was playing it way too safe. Hopefully the next 2 actually take a more original approach rather than just re-using key plot points from the original trilogy.

Inb4 "all good people at rare left after microsoft bought them" meme

nuts and bolts would have been really good if it had parts damage in multiplayer

like if two people crashed into each other they would have to get out and frantically scramble around to pick up all the parts and make a new vehicle right there on the spot

yooka laylee is gonna be great and the original games are only good because of nostalgia

and the 360 games had teh best music

it all checks out really

It's true only until the point where you imply that Rare made any good games besides Perfect Dark.




So yooka laylee will try to bring it back to what made it great but do it poorly?

But viva pinata was fucking god tier

That is really beautiful.

I liked it, although honestly Finn and Kylo Ren more or less carried that movie. Rey being the textbook definition of a Mary Sue was annoying though, not gonna lie.