Why do games these days have so many fucking settings...

why do games these days have so many fucking settings? I hate feeling obligated to go through them all and I'm always worried about whether I have everything set "correctly"

it distracts me from playing the game and makes me upset if something goes wrong or feels off because I always think it's the settings and I'm never satisfied with what I pick

please tell me I'm not the only one like this

user, please! Save it for Thursday!

Use preset then double nigger

More control is always better.

Keep going.

>every fucking time i play OW, SC2, TERA or just about anything i always change the settings and regret it
You're not the only one. But i suppose it's good when you're stuck on lower end systems.

>wanting less options
>wanting less control over your own experience

You're fucking stupid.

It's not my job to tweak the game for optimal performance. I should be playing the game, not fixing what the developer fucked up.

what happened to developers just making the game work out of the box? what happened to them tailoring everything so that it worked fine instead of leaving it up to the person who buys it to make it play comfortably?

fuck you nigger I just want to play my games not dick around in menus until everything works right

Oh, alright.

The devs don't know what you or the next person are running for your system.
Want them to magicly pre-compile a build just for your PC?

Thank you.

One more for good measure.

I just came in here to post that I miss Mystical Ninja.

shut the fuck up you stupid fucking nigger not everyone has the same computer

Yes the developer fucked up because they offered a range of graphical settings allowing a wide array of users with completely different set ups in terms of power and performance the ability to tailor there experience , even though typically you don't even have too if you don't want to and can just use the auto settings option in practically every game and tweak it slightly if needs be.

>"wah wah look at all these scary options! I don't want to spend a few mins adjusting my settings it should just work out of the box fine for all PC's with completely different hardware, fucking lazy developers"

>all these fatty mei's

Get a console then and give your PC to someone who will appreciate it.

>making the game work out of the box
They do?

I don't even have a PC you faglords

I mean like how in overwatch you can adjust shit like your aim assist or in the bf1 beta where you can adjust your fucking FOV and other stupid gameplay related shit

things that affect how the game feels when I play it and having it all be adjustable makes me constantly worry about getting the right settings instead of gitting gud and I fucking hate having to worry about it

Have you tried not being fucking retarded?

then just find one setting you're comfortable with and never visit these menus again.

I've probably got a metal disorder so no I can't really do that

the problem is I can never find something I'm 100% comfortable with and I'm always questioning it when I miss a shot or something instead of questioning my aim

the only way it isn't an issue for me is if I can't change it in the first place

things like FOV and stuff are helpful, but they're not massive game changers.
A shot you missed with a FOV with 90 is in 99.9% of cases a shot you would've missed with a FOV of 120

>the only way it isn't an issue for me is if I can't change it in the first place

Simplest way to fix that would just be to pretend you can't change it. Never go into the options menu once you're all set up and you're good

this comes across more of a "you" problem and nothing to do with the developers desu

While I understand your feelings and suffer occasional "tweaking fatigue" myself, you shouldn't blame a developer for offering options for people who can and want to handle them, you should criticize the developer for NOT including presets or auto-detect functions for people who don't.

sensitivity and aim assist strength are definitely not minor things though and it's hard to ignore the urge to tweak it constantly

I can't just pretend the options menu doesn't exist man I'm too autistic

I'm telling you games used to be so much simpler years ago and they were way better for it

I miss having the sound put in stereo being the only thing I needed to ever worry about

>games used to be so much simpler years ago
>brings up audio shit
I'm guessing you don't remember sound card setups, huh.

you're not going got convince people that less, more restrictive options are preferential, also it being completely subjective if you believe bare bones options are better , MANY people would disagree

Do not sexualize Yae

I second this. OP is lowest common denominator.

OP has already stated he has a mental problem. At this point any further discussion is redundant.

I miss when retards weren't able to play games.

Me too.

>Figuring out IRQ conflicts

Those were the days.

Thanks doc