ITT: Underrated FUN games

ITT: Underrated FUN games

Too bad their moba sucks

Don't crossbow me bro xD

I don't know of their other games, and I don't care

I really did like that game a lot.

Why is the 3rd so shit?
After finishing the second one with a friend all I wanted was more maps and weapons. Instead I got a game that plays similar but annoys you so much with anything else that it´s not even worth it :(

First one was fun and I hoped for coop in the sequel
But... my wish came through and it felt watered down.. the entire thing.

Then the Moba.. my god it sucked.

1 is great
2 is alright but great with co-op
3 is irredeemable garbage on all levels

Fun games with shit sequels thread?

OMD2 is great, it's more of the same with the sorceress from the first one playable. Just ignore Unchained or whatever it's called, it's a shitty moba and not a tower defense at all.

I am not even trolling

"other games"? their moba -is- OMD. and you should care considering they wasted time on that f2p shit with pseudo required multiplayer instead of OMD3.

>mfw a buddy of mine who never played Orcs Must Die 1 or 2 says he likes Unchained
>he is genuinly surprised that I fucking hate it
>"I thought it's just like the other games, just multiplayer. Stop being a hipster, user!"


>Lent out my PS2 and some games to my sister and her bf since I wasn't using it at the time.
>She breaks up with him, she gets everything back.
>Except for Godhand
>It's now $50+, when I originally bought it for 5 bucks at gamestop.


>caring about 50 bucks
stop being under aged and unemplyed

Stop being retarded with money.

>being angry about 50 bucks you can't get back
>being retarded
pick both

>ITT: Underrated FUN games
All Zombies Must Die.

>if I pretend not to value money, I might impress them
You're like those niggers throwing bills around in shitty rap videos.

it has nothing to do with valuing money you idiot. being emotional about 50 bucks YOU CAN'T GET BACK, is just under aged nonsense.

I think he'd only get it if it happened to him.

>good game or game series
>everything's awesome
>genre shift to current-day cash-in attempt

It'd be like if Unreal Tournament turned into an arcade rail shooter in the late 90's and then died. Or it'd be Monday Night Combat all over again.