Can we be sure Sean isn't dead? Shouldn't he be on suicide watch by now?
Can we be sure Sean isn't dead? Shouldn't he be on suicide watch by now?
haha yeah.....:^)
>Literally doesn't have to work another day in his life
Lets be honest user, you and I are more likely candidates for suicide.
The world is just so big that it's impossible to ever encounter him even when standing in the exact spot in the exact same building as him
Why would he be on suicide watch? He's made millions and will never have to work again
top fucking kek
He's made money and has enough apologist s to make it an average split between love and hate, the same as every other popular game.
There will always be retards like that.
His future in the video game industry is over, no one will ever buy another game from him again. What does he have to live for?
>no one will ever buy another game from him
Did you miss the part about the apologists?
Also people will use excuses like "oh he has probably learned from his mistakes by now".
Bethesda and Ubishit still sell games despite all they lies they tell.
How so? He was a programmer for Burnout before forming his indie company, surely he can still find work in the industry. But his career as a PR guy is pretty much over.
That's because their games are still fun. NMS is not fun at all.
All the money he made from the retards who bought the game.
Fucking game made around 10 million dollars.
Since his team is so small, he will see a fair share of that.
How much of that was refunded day 1? After factoring in costs Sean probably will be homeless soon.
No where near as much as the media and Sup Forums would make you believe.
The whole unlimited refunds was bullshit and many played more than 2 hours in the hopes that something will change.
I mean you can spend 2 hours just on the first planet getting first time excitement from exploring a planet and only realize it's the same shit everywhere much later.
He took a hefty loss but it's not like he's all out of money.
The perfect scam, make the game interesting for two hours before the whole sham falls apart-- just long enough for people to be unable to refund it
Its just be server issues because there's so many people on, so the instances didn't sync
>No Man's Sky
>Literally no man in game
My inner weeb loved this
Ohhh yes those guys lied but THIS guy take it to another level, he literally lied like theres no tomorrow. I really gotta give him props for his big cojones how he televised lies throughout the world in such fashionably manner.
...and aslo not forgetting during interviews, hes pretty much giving them whats made up literally seconds ago in his head
Is this yet another "Sup Forums blows something way out of proportion" episode? My non-Sup Forums browsing friends are all having fun with it.
If he had any honor he would commit Sudoku and live stream it
Were you not here for all the Todd Howard threads leading up to Fallout 4? This is the same old shit.
>inner weeb
stop lying to yourself
Most people who suddenly come into large amounts of money end up wasting it, though
I heard PSN and Steam offered extended refunds only for this game tho, so you can play for more than 2 hours and still refund it. There was a case of a guy played for ~60hrs and still got a refund IIRC.
He wised up and stopped tweeting.
Should have done that a long time ago desu
Why all the hate for No Mans Sky?
>make indie game
>Internet hyped the FUCK out of features you never even said were in the game
You faggots ruined the career of a potentially LEGENDARY developer. I hope you don't sleep at night.
fujos will be all over this
If I was on sonys private island sipping drinks with hot sluts, I'd stop tweeting too.
Dude is oprah rich now
>being this retarded
>features you never even said were in the game
I'm pretty sure he not only did talk about multiplayer he even showed it in a fucking demo. And factions. And other shit that have already been noted on forum posts everywhere.
>"The physics of every other game—it’s faked,” the chief architect Sean Murray explained. “When you’re on a planet, you’re surrounded by a skybox—a cube that someone has painted stars or clouds onto. If there is a day to night cycle, it happens because they are slowly transitioning between a series of different boxes."
>"With us,” Murray continued, “when you're on a planet, you can see as far as the curvature of that planet. If you walked for years, you could walk all the way around it, arriving back exactly where you started. Our day to night cycle is happening because the planet is rotating on its axis as it spins around the sun. There is real physics to that. We have people that will fly down from a space station onto a planet and when they fly back up, the station isn't there anymore; the planet has rotated. People have filed that as a bug.”
>potentially LEGENDARY
"j-just wait until this developer really shows what he's capable of...!"
He was kidnapped
and raep'd
Confirmed for dumb
Fuck off Sean
fucking liar
I'm sure he's just so sad with all that money.
They made like 50 million dollars. Poor guy.
it's down to 10 million already?
at first Sup Forums was 500 million, then 250....then 100... now 10 million
this guy will be homeless soon
>Internet hyped the FUCK out of features you never even said were in the game
This has to be bait, but whatever. By release everyone was going off actual information the developers had given. There was plenty of gameplay footage, interviews, etc. there was barely ambiguity when it came to what features would be in the game.
Early on when that info wasn't around people were definitely hyping themselves up, but you can't say that was still true by release. A lot of people thought they had a good idea of what was actually going to be in the game, and then it all turned out to be bullshit.
It's funny that I only ever see these comments on Sup Forums, because that's where people who don't pay attention to anything come to vomit their uninformed opinion on everyone.
Fucking this.
He doesn't care. He's rich.
Holy shit my sides
What would you guys do with all that money?
I would buy 1 ps3 with 1 game
Yeah the people who feel bad for him are retarded. He blatantly lied about his game to get sales, the guy probably doesn't even have emotions. He's probably coked up and fucking hookers right now.
>His future in the video game industry is over,
>accomplished liar
>made lots of money
>no future in video games
Do you even think before you post
Is he "our" guy?
It's unlikely he'll appear much in the media ever again but he's certainly not out of a job.
>ruined his career
You guys do understand how this business works right?
All he's done, is show investors that he's willing to play the game. They know that he's willing to say whatever he needs to to get the product off the shelves and people will buy it. It's not about the product itself, it's whether or not you can sell it, and Sean Murray has proven that he can do that. He's set for life.
which one?
If you did he would literately start shaking.
Name 1 game developer that doesn't lie.
I'll wait
Bill Gates
Randy Pitchford
Todd Howard
Sean Murray
Peter Molyneux
Jackie Chan
the reason he isn't saying anything is because he's on pr shutdown to make people forget about all his lies
see the dev blogpost where they basically glossed over all the criticism with "anyways, we're working on the game..."
Put on some fucking shoes, hippie
Make me, fascist
is this fucking real? wtf. i'm not very cynical, i'm a finance major so take that with whatever you want.
pretty sure this would be illegal in any business other than entertainment. you can't promise something and then not deliver it especially when it comes to preorders. maybe they jumped through enough hoops with the "alpha footage" gameplay disclaimers. pretty fucking crazy though. i can't believe preorders haven't been shut down yet by a regulatory agency. i guess consumers honestly don't care that much.
that or video gamers (in general) are just lazy af and would rather take to reddit and steam reviews to voice their concerns than actually file a complaint with a regulatory agency.
Yes. The butthurt over no multiplayer and intentionally letting IGN of all sites overhype them say enough.
yeah the vast majority of people don't complain
mostly "normies" do, about phone service, electricity, food, internet, anything
these retards owe said "normies" more than they think
that's fucking insane to me. i never was super interested in this game.
however if i preordered it, i would have written letters to basically every consumer regulatory agency explaining why preorders with video games are predatory in nature. guess i'm also really interested and know a lot about finance and business law though.
It's nice how some grandmas take their time to complain about food with regulatory agencies
such people really do good things without charging anything, just for the sake of it
Ghosts? Wat
yep. really quite the comparison.
he explicitly stated multiple times that you could see other people in game but the chances were incredibly low.
He compared it to Journey and Dark Souls multiple times.
There is no grey area here, we have the evidence that proves he lied.
>it's a "le Sup Forums is just being butthurt it's not that bad lol multiplayer" memepost
That's nice
Wow, look at how many complaints there are about the game that aren't multiplayer related! It's almost as if all the hate is well deserved because Sean Murray is a lying faggot
actually is
the grandmas don't realize their kids were ripped off with the no man lies bullshit
you know, they complained in tumblr and reddit and that's it
I noticed some anons were randomly bringing up Spore during some of these threads, so I went back and played it after 7 years.
It still manages to be pretty charming, albeit casual as hell. Maybe I'll finally make it up to the Space Stage and not get bored with it.
Anyone recommend the Space dlc?
>inb4 nice blog
nice blog
Some guy promised to hit fucker with a car. He probably lied, but who knows.
>Anyone recommend the Space dlc?
it's shit and has nothing to do with the space game
there's a few dozen hours of fun out of the space stage though. using the planet buster bomb is still pretty fucking excellent
Now go try Space Engine
Liked and Subscribed
Amazing! My mind is blown!
:^) subbed
When a game is refunded on Steam, do Valve charge the developers for it?
I swear its like you fuckers dont remember gaming in the late 80s and 90s. This shit hasnt changed what so ever, theres just more exposure now than there was back then..
Sean did nothing wrong, stop this witch hunt
I told you fags weeks ago when they hired that new rep team that he was done, he's no longer the face of the company, they shut him in the closet and got the PR company doing spin now
This kills the sides
>Implying games have standards and won't forgive him as soon NMS2 is announced.
How many times did people fell for Molineux scams? Remember the Ouya? On disc DLC? Single-Save Nintendo games?
Refunds man.
He is the new Molyneux, and if Molyneux cycles tells us anything it's that we'll have to wait until NMS 3 and a bunch of side projects then people will be not as eager to buy his scams.
> inb4 you would not buy shit if you get a large sum of money
Do you actually think he will even get a second chance?
As long as autistic apologists still exists, yes. And from a business standpoint he already is a golden goose. Sony will shill the fuck out of him just like Microsoft and Molyneux.
If you go into the game with no expectations, knowing nothing about it, it's ok for what it's worth.
I pirated it and had some fun farming for upgrades.
That said once you're done with that there is absolutely nothing to do. Most of the complaints are about all the features people were expecting because of what he said or misunderstandings or just being hopeful, I don't know, but weren't there.
If he makes another one people will be more cautious but if he doesn't promise stuff he can't make again people will give him another chance solely on the fact that "surely he wouldn't lie again". Even NMS is made much better with some simple mods.
not defending NMS but this is why they never saw each other