What does Sup Forums think of this game?

What does Sup Forums think of this game?

One of my favorite XBox games. Far better than DA 1 or D&D Heroes.

Good game. The co-op was pretty fun.
Also, I remember the water looking fucking incredible for the time.

I don't really remember much about. I only played through it once or twice. But I fucking love DA1. Played the hell out of it on co-op.

I wish it was on computer and I wish there was a third one after the teaser at the ending.

Fucking love it.

Only played the original but it was fun enough.
Dwarf best girl.

I wish i still had a ps2 and the game cause i miss it so much. Emulating it is a bitch

It's awesome. It's a shame, though, that spells start out so strong and then become garbage.

Really good game for what it was. I'm surprised there's not more games in this genre for the current gen.

This. I am so mad that there are no games like it


>this triggers the Sup Forums

Diablo 3 on console is pretty much the same.


This was my first fallout game and I sort of liked it.

It's a fun co-op couch game. Nothing special but I enjoyed playing it with a friend at the time.


I have a major fetish for dark elves

>Max out unarmed combat for Drow Monk
>Give all the weapons I pick up to co-op partner
>Wonder if there's anything more I can do to boost my aready broken DPS
>Realise adding elemental gems to my gauntlets actually adds to unarmed damage
That was a fantastic discovery. Monk was such a great class. I never really found much use for the Assassin skills you get later though.

My favorite game

Best damn coop game on the PS2.

Just to ask, can Dolphin at least emulate DA1 well? Heard PCSX2 has issues with DA1 and 2.

Now I really feel like playing it again. What is the problem with emulating it?

Just another game that semented the PS2 as the best console to ever exist.

Seriously, you cannot top that library of games, its simply the best generation of games so far.

I have always had audio sync problems and terrible framerate problems. Then again it could be me fucking up

I wanna play it now

How do I emulate this game properly?

Necro+Barb is the best combo. Haste the Barb who's using Hero's Arm with maxed Combat Reflexes and he flies around the screen killing everything in .2 seconds like he has godmode.

> CD Projekt was developing a version for PC, but it was ultimately cancelled.


What would you call this type of game?
Is there similar experiences on PC?


Is there any modern takes on the X-Men Legends games that were out around the same-ish time?

> Playing as Ysuran
> Getting to the tower where all enemies are immune to magic


Its pretty much Diablo in Forgotten Realms universe.

Ah, yeah. That seems to be the case. It just stands out as a different experience in my head. Probably nostalgia.

Is diablo a genre or a specific type?

Anyone? I wanna play it

I was a fan. I played more of this though. We co-op'd it on my ps2.

Hack and Slash + action RPG

You should check out "Titan Quest" its been remastered recently on steam.

I'll have to take a look at that

Champions of norrath is made by the dame people iirc, almost exactly the same

I wish more diablo clones had things like the ability to jump.

>jumping around killing shit in dark alliance 1
>ball lightning enemy
>slowly grows in size, then discharges lightning as attack and shrinks
>if you shoot it with lightning magic it instantly grows huge
>tfw wasting so many mana pots just shooting them with lightning and watching them discharge

does it emulate better than da2?

Awful compared to the first one and the Champions of Norrath games.
Champs>BGDA>Champs 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BGDA2

I wish it was on psn
or steam

Why? I don't see how it was worse than BGDA 1.

>Its true
>Feargus Urquhart wanted a port done by CDP
>Interplay cancelled it


Something about the combat bothered me. It wasn't as smooth as the other games which was a gamebreaker.
Also pic related was the last awesome game made by Snowblind. It was impossible in NG+ though because of that fucking part where you have to protect the door. Literally impossible.


>interplay is selling all it's IP's right now
>which includes baldurs gate

>he didn't play drow slut monk or based human cleric

What was your excuse, barbarianfags?

somebody fucking tell us how to emulate this

this game was fuckin sweet but i'm not buying DAII and a PS2 and a CRT just for one game

>all this nostalgia
try actually going back and playing this turd, it's awful in a lot of ways

I don't believe that actually includes Baldur's Gate. I could be wrong, but BG is part of the Forgotten Realms and DnD license and therefore it's just contracted out. I think Beamdog has the BG/FR/DnD license anyway since they've been doing the enhanced editions and that expansion pack.

Replayed both games with my brother just last year. We had a blast and tried characters we never played before.

It's fine in normal, but once you start new game+ you are forced to dualwield with every character. I think 1h+shield was viable too but it's damage pales in comparison

Have at least an i5 quad core, run it inopen gl software mode, set rendering threads to 4 or more depending on your CPU, use the latest dev build of pcsx2.


two big ass swords, one in each hand
>tfw mem card with character on it got broken
>never got to do druid questline

I remember leveling above the softcap of 40, being at 41 and a good chunk going to 42 with exponentially increased experience need and then my little brother overwrites my character
I played the faggy necromancer, but I was still pretty buttblasted.


Do i need any settings set specifically to run it correctly?