What went wrong?

What went wrong?

What didn't?


just finish it amazing game !

planescape was such a bother, I quit after getting to.. what was it? the dust mother? dust monk? (lol what a stupid game already)

I'm not surprised to say this is just as poor in quality as its predecessor, its beyond me how anyone can enjoy such pretentious garbage, that was quite literally written by a teenager with a thesaurus on hand.

>What went wrong?
rpg codex jaded shitposters

It is way to late to cash in on the KS nostalgia wave.
It chose an ip beloved by RPGeezers and is doomed to fall short.
It will be on consoles.This matters to some people.


>It is way to late to cash in on the KS nostalgia wave.
are you retarded? they made 5 millons

Yeah, but they might not be able to do another successful KS again. Also, since the hype died down, the actual sales of the game might not turn out so great. The EA is selling pretty bad, but since this is a story-centric game that doesn't mean much. Yet.

delaying the game to put it on ps4 - a platform where it will sell no copies

>What went wrong?
Caved to the turn base shitters

only the wasteland 3 fig will tell
torment was never about combat so who cares

>not about combat
literally this

real time with pause is the worst combat system devised by man

Miles above Morrowind combat.

>video games are not about gameplay

people on the forum saying its in development hell LOL

rest in pieces

some games are not all about killing stuff son

Hasn't Fig been a colossal failure so far, though? Would they really try to push Wasteland 3 or PoE 2 there?

psychonauts 2 $3,829,024

it's out ?

of course not

Gameplay =/= combat

Hmm, yeah, that's not terrible. Although they said the point of Fig was to break the KS $5m ceiling and maybe push it up to $10~15m.

So the game is perfect and a catastrophe at the same time?
Interesting divergence in opinions. From the same person, no less.

>I am an idiot who equates gameplay only with combat
Some famous games without any gameplay:
Super meatboy(fucking hard non-gameplay)
>the one go-to argument by people too dumb to sit down 10 minutes and lear basics.
Go into detail about why or go home.

>combat isn't gameplay in RPGs

Well fucking m'emed, my fellow Redditors.

You can't beat that

nice retort you summer vermin

Is it true that it is SJW as hell?

mc is brown, one of your companions is brown and other is black
sjw as fuck

>My first question about a video game is not whether it's fun to play but if it espouses views that I find contentious

I fucking hate living in current year.

I haven't heard about anything particularly SJW, but I haven't personally played the alpha so could be.

he's just typical gg shitter, let him be

That's normal though. An Auschwitz simulator could have the best gameplay ever designed in this universe, it would still be an Auschwitz simulator, and people would react to it as such.

>people that don't no shit about the source material
>its SJW for abiding by the demographics of the setting in the source material
Why do I have to share a hobby with you retards again?

I was joking user since his question was simply stupid

If that actually happened Sup Forums would be the first to cry 'muh gameplay' in its defence. It's just bullshit how selectively this is applied here if something is deemed SJWish.

Kill yourself.

another cash grab attempt by nu-male jews with none of the passion or talent of the originals

it's out already?
i didn't even pay attention.

Nothing, it's great. People on Sup Forums just only hates vidya


No idea. Whats even going on with it?

>there MUST be an rpgcodex infiltration going on here
>because Sup Forums would never, NEVER shit on a game without such dirty manipulation

Sure thing, brah. Are you sure you are on the right website?

>there MUST be an rpgcodex infiltration going on here
there is, trust me

Whats rpgcodex?

More like Sup Forums is infiltrating RPG codex since words like cuck have become common over there.

so you're from codex just just like i predicted
please fuck off to your indie shit games

I have all platforms but its clear they wasted time to adapt everything for the controller and console audience. Now I dont give a shit, Original Sin 2 is out this year, but this shit is still in early access.

Is this even out yet?

I'm not I promise it's just something I noticed.

nope early access. devs are wasting time and money on console versions instead of releasing pc version and then enhanced version on consoles/pc.

it's all about localization
they probably could release pc eng version right now but they want to deliver it fully translated to the other languages just like they promised on kickstarter back then
that's why they decided to work with techland, to help them with translation

Planescape's gameplay is entirely in it's reactive dialogues and stat system.

No you kill yourself first.

Wait, what? This was released?

We actually could use a tycoon game in a fantasy setting.


Can you please elaborate on the reactive dialogue, I am intrigued

I think it is available on Steam Early Access?

Q1 2017 release date
and it is available on Steam Early Access.


Say this in Knutepunkt and you'll be thrown out of the premises.