What a gigantic scam.
Other urls found in this thread:
Shut the fuck up, it's good enough.
I'm sure all of ten people will give a damn.
does he have feminist frequency to thank for this
So let me guess, they had stretches goals that were made and met, but cannot deliver?
Seems to be a lot of comments there on the kickstarter claiming they're okay with it. Why are so many people who KS shit pussywhipped?
>Game is released
>Dev is being transparent about not being able to do WIi u and Vita ports instead of perpetually lying and hiding it
>Said ports were just parts of a stretchgoal
Who cares?
>undertale shirt
i'm not even surprised.
>Ask for more money on the promise of making ports
>get the money
>don't do the ports
Yeah man, who cares??? I don't know about you but I use Benjamins to light my cigarettes.
If it wasn't a guarentee and the dev said it wasn't why are you bitching for being a retard and giving money? What the fuck were you expecting?
>consolecux cucked
>for a 2D action game
Not even 30 seconds after my post.
>who cares?
People who donated on the impression that the game would get alternative releases outside of Steam.
This is why I don't back anything on promise.
the kid is 12 and can only afford a vita cut him some slack
What is he even going on about? Both the Vita and Wii U have numerous Game Maker games on them. What makes Hyper Light Drifter so different?
Nobody cares about ports.
I'm just sad all the stuff from the trailer isn't in the game. It was more varied then what we got.
>wii u
it's still a bitch move, even though the game is good
>Nobody cares about ports.
Except all the people who donated expressly for them.
>>Ask for more money on the promise of making ports
Stretch goals are a carrot, not a promise.
>People who donated on the impression that the game would get alternative releases outside of Steam.
>This is why I don't back anything on promise.
Never ever be the kind of retard that backs something without proper research and reading up, especially on stretch goals.
I don't back anything anyway.
The only thing I'd ever back is a known company looking to use crowdfunding to gauge the interest in localizing already created titles into other markets. I'm still amazed no one has taken up that gold mind.
So I don't have to do anything I say I will do so long as I don't say "I promise."? Nice.
>Stretch goals are a carrot, not a promise.
try harder autist
Is he refunding the backers that were going for those versions? If so it's "wow that sucks but whatever", if not he could be facing a lawsuit.
Meh would care if the game was actually that good but they were not even capable to add those extra areas, weapons and all they had even shown on their dev blog.
Would like to know but did they change later the story when they found out their member had that illness or was that planned like that from beginning.
First trailer gave a completely different feeling somehow but maybe they just felt like it, heck.
Anyone who knows?.
Either refund or change platform, whatever they want.
Did any kickstarter scam face a lawsuit so far?
I don't care about this game at all but looking at this made be giggle
>he could be facing a lawsuit
highly doubt it
As a dev in the industry, your word is law. It's not the same as if you're at your moms house and she's saying she's gonna make you tendies if you promise to clean your room and you don't so she does it anyways. A promise is something your backers and your market look to when needing a definitive answer because breaking a promise essentially winds you in the dirt so essentially yes, the dev never promised anything about ports and therefore it wasn't a serious expectation by backers except for the sparse few who probably regret having a wiiu or vita anyways.
Several Kickstarters have faced lawsuits when refunds are not provided and each time the courts ruled that full refunds had to be given.
That said they're providing refunds as an option so it's whatever
The guy has a very serious heart condition and is physically unable to continue working on the game, so he's cancelling the ports and issuing a refund
What exactly is the scam here
There's been a few, irrc.
Reading up on 'the first' major one involving a team that raised way more than their goal, using funds to pay for personal things rather than fulfill promises.
In this particular suit, people had pledged a specific amount for a goal item, but were never given them.
They knew about the guys illness way before development.
That's kind of why their company is named "Heart Machine"
As I recall, from the get go the kickstarter said that the vita and wiiu ports would be the least likely to happen. If not from the intro, then relatively early on. I'd dig for the evidence but anybody who is mad about this probably isn't worth the time.
What does make me bummed is this. the game was good and fun, but I expected more. It was short, the enemies not nearly as varied or interesting as I expected, and I expected more areas, bosses and weapons (though the latter seems less important).
I enjoyed it. I don't regret backing it. I hope heart machine can make more stuff in the future and improve as they do.
>The guy has a very serious heart condition
Allegedly. How do you know he isn't lying? There is precedent considering he lied about the Wii U version being made.
That's too bad. I still think for software KS needs to separate money based on platform and only deliver the money collected on a platform once support is achieved. That would also help devs gauge interest and would stop money from smaller platforms that might be disproportionately large in the funding from disappearing.
Its a great game, and the Linux version works well. I hope more people get the chance to play it.
Retards gonna retard I guess.
First of all, it's not like the dev "Did nothing", it's a matter of them trying but realising they are either not capable enough of fulfilling the goal or just not having enough money/time. To top it off, they are offering refunds or change of version.
If you had any idea of how game development work, you'd know this and maybe you'd be a little bit less stupid about both funding and not funding things. It's one thing to have ideas and concepts that seem great on paper, another to actually realise them. And not just for time and money related reasons, this is a game, which means that the game mechanics, areas and so forth needs to be good and fun.
That is more than likely what happened with most of the stretch goals that weren't realised, they just either weren't fun at all to use in practice, broke the game and made it too easy or just didn't add anything valuable to the gameplay at all. The devs aren't lying about anything, they're just realising that they went into deep water and now have to go back on some things.
To top it off, the people that made this game was more than likely not very experienced either. It's something you have to take in consideration when backing projects, because inexperience usually means delays and things getting cut out. Rarely it's about devs "Just" being lazy but rather grossly underestimating the time it takes to make a game.
Another common problem is the fact that stretchgoals means added work and time, so it's perfectly natural that delays will happen due to this, yet consumers do not realise this and devs for some reason fail to mention this.
>Shantae still coming out on Vita.
All is right with the world. I couldn't give less of a fuck about this greasy dude and his hipster shit.
So he faked a heart condition so he could cancel the ports and issue refunds?
Is he the world's most retarded scam artist?
Also his doctor appears in his vice interview if that helps you closer to believing it
It was a goal added to make more money
This shit to me is a scam.
wtf I hate kickstarter now
>Is offering refunds or another version of the game
Wew lad
>retro indie garbage
I'm sure the whole planet cares
this is why you don't use gamemaker if you want your game to be multiplat, folks
And what's happen to the people who backed the project because the Wii U or the VITA version?
Not the first project using VITA and Wii U fanbases.
because he literally offered a refund to anyone who wants it?
>making GAME is your life long dream
>get heart problem
>dream becomes even more difficult
>know that even if you accomplish dream, you will live and die in agony
>drifter has cough up blood cancer
>kickass and vomit blood regularly
>even if he saves the world, he still drops dead from cancer
T-thanks Heart Machine.
They get a refund like I said in the post you replied to?
I know, absolutely horrible.
I'm mad about promises broken here too, but he is offering a fucking refund. As in you have lost nothing but the time you spent rubbing your retarded face up and down your wall while waiting for updates while the rest of the world says 'that fucking sucks, might as well do something constructive'
>GameMaker game
No shit the ports were canceled. They would literally have to remake every single thing about the game.
In what way can't the Vita handle game maker?
People even used the henkaku hack to port game maker itself to the vita.
>the game was good and fun, but I expected more. It was short, the enemies not nearly as varied or interesting as I expected, and I expected more areas, bosses and weapons (though the latter seems less important).
>I enjoyed it. I don't regret backing it. I hope heart machine can make more stuff in the future and improve as they do.
Pretty much my stance on the whole thing as well. The game is good and fun but it could've been so much more.
Still, they did make an obvious effort and they continued to update and support the game even after release so I'm happy to have been part in making that game a reality.
>>Axiom Verge
>Microsoft Windows
>Xbox One
>Wii U
>PlayStation 4
>PlayStation Vita
it's like a parody of itself
Similarly, I'd be happy to pa for a sequel or remaster or dlc sort of idea in the future if they ever rebuild the game and add in the content that wasn't there, assuming a reasonable price.
My biggest thing with the game is I reached the endgame and thought "Is that it?" because I expected so many more bosses, so much more lore. The thing I was most exited about was my own hype, the idea of other drifters who use light (like the searing redlight mentioned about the beastmaster).
I guess I was hoping for megaman meets dark souls, to be blunt.
one man dev, too
and he did all the art and music
Wow a game dint come to shit consoles what a shame.
I mean its not like you can run it on your moms shitty laptop or anything, NO you must use it on something that makes you a titally autist for carrying anywhere outside your home defeatting the whole point.
Woe is you for spending pocketchange you'll get back anyway.
and he is privileged to not have a heart disease.
Shut the fuck up when your betters talk. He doesn't have a heart condition and he is a con artist. Don't agree then go to reddit.
>dev realises supporting two dead systems isn't worth the time or resources
>offers exchanging key for any other platform or a refund
how is this a scam?
>What a gigantic scam.
they even ripped off the name, what do you expect.
At least you got a game.
Remember this shit?
Thank god for some retarded angel investor helping bail out this retarded tumblr fag who stole my money and strung us hard for 3 years.
My first, and only, and last, Kickstarter.
>those comments
w e w
I can't defend them. Literally tumblr showed up after I gave him $100 when he only had $4,000 to his name.
this looks cool
what happened to it?
>basegame on PC is released with content cut from stretch goals they made
>idiots still buy it, knowing they're getting less than what they paid for
At least the desperate Wii U owners can't buy it because they have nothing else to play this year and who would buy a shitty pixelated game that rips off everything else on Vita?
I swear Sup Forums is so full of children.
Nothing happened to it; that's what happened.
People kept putting pressure on seeing actual gameplay, nothing did, and the spineless tumblrite finally gave up, and someone bailed him out for those asking for refunds.
Needless to say I asked for my money back and spent it on my own vices and more videogames.
At least we're not losers like you
what a shame
>this looks cool
Come the fuck on you're the reason scams like that one succeed.
It doesn't show anything that even resembles gameplay, it's just a looping animation where the clouds don't even work right and develop odd gaps.
>this is what a typical Sup Forums post is now
People like you need to leave. Anyone who started browsing during and after 2012 need to be IP banned on sight.
>IP banned on sight.
You know what needs a blanket ban?
Any mobile phone networks or mobile phone MAC ids / image.jpg .
Ban evading shitposting crappy reply posters.
You mean 2008?
>What makes Hyper Light Drifter so different
It didn't sell well enough for them to want to do the work to port.
Why the fuck would you use anything besides mobile to browse Sup Forums? This site is only good for funposting in short bursts, at home you have many better things to do.
>at home
>ever leaving home
What kind of normalfag are you?
No, the site as a whole dropped incredibly in terms of discussion and increased post count over time like he said in 2012.
I personally blame Sup Forums, Baneposting, and later in 2014, Fappening.
>Why the fuck would you use anything besides mobile to browse Sup Forums? This site is only good for funposting in short bursts, at home you have many better things to do.
I hope this is ironic because this is exactly the type of poster that is 100% cancer and fucking new.
Kill yourself if you're not being ironic, I bet you visit Sup Forums, the epicenter of fucking faggot / normie / retard posters.
How many stretch goals have been cancelled so far?
I heard this isn't the only one, some people were complaining when this was released
>Can't even pretend to link to other boards
finally a (You)
This nu*bullshit is going too far.
>Still waiting on Vita and 3DS Mighty No. 9
>absolutely no news or info on when they are coming
Your welcome
There were at least two extra zones that didn't make it into the game as advertised
There was suppose to be a lava area that's completely absent, and the sky factory has been reduced to ~4 rooms, none of which are the ones shown in the previews for the game.
I like playing indie games on my vita.
Are you allowed to post Fightstar lyrics on Sup Forums?
I took a guess and I was 100% right. A newfag, shitposter and someone is part of the problem.
Kill yourself immediately and fuck off back to facebook.
Was this any good?
>It's a "guy pretending he doesn't have a fb account for oldfag cred" episode
Pretty good action adventure game.
It's short if you rush it, long if you 100% it because more than half the stuff you can find and do is completely optional.
Can be pretty challenging at parts too.
Heavens no. It's a classic case of style over substance
This reminds too much of "dance on the floor" FFXIV endgame.
At least I don't have to rely on retarded teammates this time to beat something, but I am so done with "dance the floor" pattern mechanics.
>unoptimized game maker game
>core gameplay feature is pastel colors
>numale's heart barely beating
>criticism sends him into an early grave
I legitimately do not have a fucking facebook account. Why should I?
I don't have a facebook account just like I never jumped onto the myspace train and all that othercrap either.
This shit is literally "I don't watch TV" of this decade.
Cool. Thanks. Guess I can look into it more from there.
Well, that's the only boss that does that so you won't have to deal with it too much.
There's the in your face smash shit samurai cat where the trick is get out of the fucking way of his charge and trick him into killing his own adds
The fat frog boss that's just kind of easy. lure him into the bombs that get thrown.
The four mini bosses in the south that include a bullet hell, an archer that you have to catch instead of the usual other way around, a scythe dude where the trick is just learn his fucking pattern, and phantom ganon.
Then the final boss
Yeah, there's only 8 bosses.
Some of the hoard fights are tougher than the bosses though imo.