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Another victory for Gamergate!
everyone already knew it was shit
at least attempt to be original by posting the numbers of players or something
stop posting this meme game
We should buy the game ironically then leave sarcastic positive comments.
haha cant wake up lelel xd
>muh giiblegoobar
Can i play as Wu's husband and fuck his ass?
Is his Tumblr being in full damage control? Sup Forums will shit on any game that gets negative reviews, be it made by a woo man or not.
Was it sexism? Transphobia?
People think bashing GG still works after the leaked logs. And if that doesn't work they'll derail the thread into talking about Sup Forums boogymans
Is she the next Catlin Jenner?
Right now he doesn't talk about it at all and focuses on pro-Hilary tweets.
>leaked logs
oh i am el o eling
pretty much, they are bringing up something irrelevant in trying to strawman the legit complaints/negative reviews away
But Sup Forums is not a boogeyman. They're the ones responsible for turning this board into a place where you can't discuss videogames anymore.
Please. You could barely discuss video games on Sup Forums before Sup Forums existed.
>he thinks people care about the logs
>thinks Sup Forums was some utopia free of consolewar shitposting and non-videogame threads before Sup Forums ruined it
This game is the next ironic masterpiece.
It has more entertainment value in how shit it is than most good games can provide. Not even David Cage could wreck a train this badly. It doesnt even have the passable graphics of a Quantic game. Its facinating how terrible it is, like how did this shit even happen? No one actually pay money for it though. Money is for genuinely good games.
>all womyns game
>made by all womyns
>it's shit
wow, color me surprised!
If it was truly as bad you say it is it wouldn't win any awards.
Consolewar shitposting is still videogame-related.
Current Sup Forums is basically a right wing Neogaf: everyone uses videogames as an excuse to push their political agenda.
Awards mean nothing. It's just advertising.
Consolewar shitposting is against the rules of this board you enormous faggot.
This is true of all shitposting
All of it
Ironically posting memes also attracts people who wanna spam pepes all day. Ironically pretending to be retard makesretards feel at home.
Never be ironic on the internet.
>During the mission, Unknown chastises Holiday's driving as having "not improved since Tselinoyarsk."
Why do they call it Revolution 60? Is it because you'll be revolted 60 times over?
That's how many twists it took to unscrew his dick.
>A game that is described as a combination of Mass Effect and Heavy Rain
>Made by a developer that spends most of their time crying on twitter
>Originally released on IOS
I honestly can't see how this would have ever been a good game. Not only is Wu new to making games, but the inspiration alone was a massive red flag. Add to it tons of people reporting that it's a technical mess even for advanced systems, the updated version has awful neon colors that actively hurt peoples' eyes, generally terrible looking character design/art style and you've got some real trash. Hell, I saw someone post a screenshot a while ago where you could very easily see a seam in the skybox. Fucking hell, blending that shit is like game creation 101.
Only outcome I see here is that Wu will completely ignore the criticism and act as if it was a crowning achievement, or some random group of vaguely sexist/racist/-ist will be blamed for "unfair, hurtful reviews".
>check creators Twitter
>Rambling about how deep the games characters are
>Praises herself for being stronk woman
>Pro-Hillary shit
Why does Sup Forums care about his?
Sup Forums was and always shall be shit, but now you can't even shitpost properly without every thread going down in flames about niggers, Xe pronouns, and shitskins bogged down with Sup Forums memes.
Video game awards arent worth shit.
The only awards that have any backing are the Keighleys and no one takes them seriously anyway.
Primarily because it's hilarious to watch a train wreck from someone who is so loud and obnoxious on social media.
Sup Forums tends to be attracted to failure in whatever form it comes in. This board, and many others, feeds on that shit.
Somewhat unrelated, but anyone have that screencap of Wu essentially false flagging in the forums for this game? I may be getting some details wrong, but if someone has that I'd love to see it.
Phil Fish got awards for Fez because of his corrupt indie connections as well.
>posting lowtaxes faggotry here
Revolution 1 to 59 weren't up to Brianna's standards of quality. With the 60th one, they finally nailed his vision perfectly.
You mean her vision you shitlord
I don't have the picture but you're remembering this correctly, he posted a thread asking "is Brianna Wu a terrible person?" without realizing he was logged in with his dev account. He deleted it relatively quickly but the fucking idiot reposted the exact same thread under a different name. I can't be fucked to do it but you can probably find the pictures by searching the quote above on google.
I don't care either way, I just like watching lolcows get milked. Also Sup Forums was never good.
Sup Forums was never good
All that footage of Brianna "working" on something and it looks like some Indonesian Mass Effect knock off.
What a waste of time.
>psychological horror
What the fuck is up with those tags?
It's a bold and direct response to the prices of video games.
Fez is a good game user, if a little 2deep4me on the puzzles.
>Sup Forums
Now I know your a retard.
Something Awful is the Grand Emperor Turd of the internet, but that review is pretty gold.
Now I know you're reddit.
>If people weren't posting this shitty game on Sup Forums it would have even less sales and publicity
You idiots think that memeing and making fun is hurting it.
Something something you need to be reddit yourself to know what's reddit something something.
Fucc auf.
>not a Wu man
ya blew it
gotta be northkorean to know northkorea is a communist dictatorship
Oh shit Brianna Wu is going to make $200 instead of $100. Sup Forums does it again.
Normally this means a good couple of hundreds maybe a thousand sales.
In this case you're talking tens if that.
This game cannot be shilled, it cannot be saved.
This game cost more to kickstart than it will ever make.
How's Sup Forums right-wing again?
I imagine those are the exact feelings he feels every day he wakes up.
For starters, you can regularly see people using the n word or the f word.
How much did it take to kickstart?
cuck is a word often repeated here
>you feel like you're in the future, which is a better alternative to being in the present where you're playing this game
Spoiler that shit you heathen.
>Sup Forums then
>Not racist
>Accepting of gays
>Sup Forums now
>Extremely racist
>Hates gats
>Sup Forums is now full of Republicans
What went wrong?
are you triggered manbaby?
meant ni**er and f*g
Stop assuming you asshole, I'm a shitmaden
we dont condone that kind of language around here, newfriend.
Niggers fuck my anus
Nipper and fig?
No it's the mods and redditors fault
Fuck off leddit
How rude. Please leave
>What went wrong?
regressive tumblrtards, mainstream media shitflinging everyones opinion if they dont agree with them 100%, as a reaction people go over to the other side
Niper and fug?
You can ironically give your money to me instead. And i will sarcastically thank you for it
>august 2014
>muh sexism
>muh misogyny
>muh 'nobody takes women in gaming seriously'
it's like insurance from criticism
What happened to him anyway? He just kinda fell off the face of the earth
It was delayed 10 times.
The backers are fucking pissed.
>muh 'nobody takes women in gaming seriously'
well when "women" (remember, he's actually a man) make games like this, it's a pretty big indicator of why they're ignored.
Why am I laughing at this
>But Sup Forums is not a boogeyman. They're the ones responsible
wow get help you fucking retard.
What kind of brain does a person that backed this game have.
I wan't to know how they go through their day