>Game Impress Watch: For the 4K HDR patch for existing titles, will it cost money? Or will it be free?

>Ito: It will be different for each title. I believe it will depend on the thinking of each licensee.

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Probably if the developer thinks they can get away with it. Most third parties won't be able to do it, but Naughty Dog could for TLOU RE:RE

I think this means that the publishers will be the one who decide, sony are leaving the window open for the option so they can take a cut of any profit.

dissapointing regardless, though the clickbait title naming isn't helpful this is for existing titles not actual future patches for games, but i imagine the next 500 replies will ignore that entirely.

jesus what's next ? if you want a bug fix pay 2 $ ? " but its just 2 $, you are poor or something?"

Damn, Sony, the fuck's happened to? You used to be cool back in the day.

It's not Sony's decision if games will get patched beyond their 1st party titles. It's up to the publishers.

Expect the likes of Ubisoft and Square Enix to charge you.

>Sonyggers will defend this anyway
>"the only people who complain about this are people poorfags who have no money lol"
If you defend unscrupulous business practices you're the definition of a cuck.

Okay, but it looks completely sane move for these jew masters though.



this is the future of games
i dont want to believe
but i cannot deny it

Do people still go to Kotaku as news source or is this just shilling a click bait article?

Right that fucking does it, ordering a 1070 tonight.

The latter, which is why everyone that post Kotaku articles need to be banned permanently.

It's entirely up to devs how they make use of the pro. They can not improve their games at all, they can make the pro version worlds better than the normal version for free or they could charge for it. In the end just don't support what you don't like.

Also just a reminder that none of you would work for free. The person optimizing the game for the pro post-release isn't working for free either.

>pretending to be a console gamer

>knowing names of graphics cards

my immersion

>Bethesda tries to push paid mods
>PC users slam Steam until Gaben has to tell Bethesda no

>Ubisoft tries to push paid updates
>As Sony does paid online(and lies about providing servers)
>"i-it's not Sony's fault, don't blame them guys, buying another PS4 when the first one still doesn't have games is totally reasonable"

Sony fans truly are the goodest goys of all

You didn't expect devs to work for free, did you?
I will be more than happy to pay up to 20$ for PS4 Pro graphics unlock DLC.


The whole scare falls apart when you consider third party games ported to PC will work on a variety of cards with differing specifications.

So whoever got the idea that its significantly more work to make a one setting up version for the PS4 when a third party game will most likely also appear on PC is taking advantage of your stupidity.

I-is Xbox safe?

playstation and xbox are dead
i genuinely can't wait for a third party to come out with an alternative

Hi Sup Forums i want buy a new console ps4 or one who's the better system ?

And i've already a Wii U.

>t. poorfag

third party devs being jews like always.

Don't know about you, but I'd pay for patches to fix bugs in games long dropped in development because of sequels.


>I've already a WiiU
>I have already a WiiU
Fuck off Britain

You already own the best system this gen. Don't bother with the PS4one.

anyone saying ps plus isn't worth the money has never owned it. I got rocket league for free on launch. That alone paid for several months of ps plus. Ps plus pays for itself easily, even when 20 of the games in a year are shit, the other 4 of them being good already pay for the 60$ spend

You honestly expect this wont affect the Scorpio either?

both systems are a fucking joke, don't bother
if you REALLY need one of them get a PS4 tho because the bone is still worse

PS4, Xbox One is fucking worthless. PS4 at least has stuff coming out for it and slightly better multiplats, plus if you don't own a Vita there's tons of HD ports available.

>WiiU is the best system this gen


If third parties are going to charge for patches on Playstation why wouldn't they on Xbox?

>pay for service
>get game
>stop paying for service and you can't play said game
>this is somehow free
Fucking sonyggers

>until Gaben
>Sony fans

Bruh take that Gabe cock out of your mouth before trying to make a statement. Volva is quality cancer.

it's only for games that came out before october
after that it's gonna be free

>$0.02 has been deposited into your PayPal account

You motherfucker

>paying for HD upgrades

fucking consoles man HAHAHA

this is a $60 upgrade on consoles, and a $0 upgrade on pc

haha, best part is, sonyggers will defend this shit even though they shit on WWHD a few years ago

>when you consider third party games ported to PC will work on a variety of cards with differing specifications.

They don't tho. Most games are horribly optimized on most rigs on pc. That's kinda the whole thing about consoles, being completely optimized for the system.

They would actually have people sit there and test the game on the new specs and optimize. On pc devs optimize for the most mainstream rig and then just release the game and hope it works well on other rigs too.

>Ps plus pays for itself easily

PS+ is literally pre paying for games that are chosen for you.

It's not a bad deal but it's still the definition of being cucked since you play the games that noone else wanted to play.

>That's kinda the whole thing about consoles, being completely optimized for the system.

That WAS the whole thing about consoles and is not true about PS4/Xbone since they use the same architecture.

Which is also the reason as to why there are so many multiplats.

Which is also the reason as to why owning either system should get you branded as a retard.

The game has to be ported and optimized to consoles. While 60$ is still far too much for a game that old, expecting it to be free on console is retarded

That's a fucking joke, when I was active on my PS3, yeah PS+ was worth it

literally the day the PS4 came out, everything went to shit and it isnt worth it anymore, especially with the shitty as service that shuts down every month and the price hike

nah fuck off

why isn't the controller 4k?

what is your point? It is still ONE specific hardware-set to optimize for.

Use archive link to don't give money to this guys.

>It is still ONE specific hardware-set to optimize for.

Yes, the one that is used on PCs.

Coding to the metal is currently a meme.

its games people wanted to play ages ago. As someone who almost never buys games on launch the deal is great since i get to play all the great games that i did not care enough about to buy years later for basically 2 bucks

okay. I paid for ps plus since ps3 (mainly for cloud storage because of garbage hdd) and it was fine on last gen, because games they gave were okay. But now with indie trash they give every month and always down psn it's just feels like an insult. This months game lineup is okay, but holy shit were we waiting long. Too long

This thread has convinced me to switch to PC.

Is there any reason to even own a console nowadays?

you are completely wrong

So what, there is work going on to update these graphics, just skip the Starbucks for a few days, the games are going to look amazing in 4K HDR

the only reason to own a console is if you like Sony games like uncharted, or money hat japanese games like Persona

I really like Persona, but I dont want a console so I am in a bend here

Ho boy, Sony fans really don't get the picture.

Gaben isn't above criticism unlike Hirai who fucks his audience in the ass and gets praised and defended for it.

Exclusives. That's the only reason

the service had it's first downtime in almost a year recently

also i have not had a singlee month were i didnt like atleast one of the games on ps4. Furi was great, journey is great, heck even the fucking no-name coop competetive tetris game from recently is addicting as shit.

>cool when

Sorry if I seem like I'm illiterate, but I just need to clarify.
So paying out for patches, is basically coughing up money just to update a console?
I apologise I'm just finding this really hard to believe.
Is this actually real and will Sonyggers ACTUALLY defend this?
I just, I don't even know anymore.

that's nice if you enjoy it, but you are fucking crazy to believe that the quality of games that were presented has not dropped and the price hike actually is justified

PSone era
You know the time before you and the majority of Sup Forums was born.

Persona 5 is coming out for PS3 and you can get a second hand one pretty cheap.
That or you could emulate it at 5fps for free.

Protip: if PSN+ was good they wouldnt force Ponyfags to pay for it to be able to play online.

I think he was talking about the library of exclusives. I mean, its pointless even talking about hardware and multiplats when PC always wins.

>Yes, the one that is used on PCs.

you make literally no sense.

do you not understand how optimization works? They have ONE specific cpu, they have ONE specific gpu they have ONE specific amount of ram.

yeah and I do own a PS3, but since I've been playing on my PC lately, it's hard to go bad to shit resolutions, the PS4 version runs at 60 yeah?

I dont want to buy a PS4, so yeah implying the PS3 version is going to be localized, I will go with that version

Stop whining like a bitch and get a job you filthy neets.


i dont understand your logic. It's triple a games that are completely shit 99% of the time and still you ask for them? Also indie has absolutely no effect on what the game itself is you do realize that right? Having no publisher doesn't make your game ass. Furi was amazing rebel galaxy is mindless fun and each of hose games costs you under 3$ with ps plus which is less than you spend on a fucking soda propably.

ofc they will, but why would you want to pay for old games just to make it 1080/60

hi mr. trump

That's what happens when the competition is weak or non-existant, Sony is cu-cking us up. I expect them also to start raising the ps+ price yearly to support the great services and "free" games.

I hope the xbone gets some love so Sony can step it's shit again.

I feel that if console players actually cared about frame rate and resolutions, they would've had a PC by now since it's the only platform to deliver

>sony won the war
>time to get cucked sonnygers

And the best way to do that is sell you a console that's barely an upgrade

Welp it was a good 31 years, but modern gaming is pretty much over for me.

Who else /vr/ here?

Lol. Imagine shelling out the money on a new graphics card and monitor only to have to pay an additional sum per game just to switch to 4K.

I have no doubt Sonytards will defend this cuckoldry.

It's only a matter of time before they'll release enhanced textures as DLC.

>linking to kotaku

inb4 some newfriend calling me goober or any other ebin strawman

the price hike is only happening in the US since your economy is shit and they need to keep up with it. Also ps3 gave you triple a games from literally 4 years ago. The ps4 isnt even 4 years old. Once they phase out the ps3 for ps plus (they still have to pay for ps3 games every month) and the focus becomes purely ps4 you will most likely get 3 games a month and considering you are only paying 2.50$ for each of these games i dont see how its justified to complain when they only give you 10$ games instead of 50$ games.

It's like people have completely lost their any concept of value.

It makes sense, if Sony didn't allow them to charge, there's no way most developers would bother patching games that are more than a year old.

I for one am glad the PS4 Pro looks like shit because it saves me money.

yeah going back to that shitty flimsy controller and those shitty resolutions and framerates can suck.
I don't want to sound bitter but really the best you can do is just deal with it.
I'm not even sure if the PS4 version runs 60fps anyway.

goes to show you that the wrong kid died

They charge for it because psn was absolute shit when it was free. And no the current problems psn has are nowhere comparable to ps3 days.

funny how this is a problem localized to consoles
#godofwar3 #crashingonps3

>yeah going back to that shitty flimsy controller
hopefully it's one of those games that you can use a DS4 on

>I'm not even sure if the PS4 version runs 60fps anyway.
if it doesnt, that's really fucked

maybe it's some PSPro bullshit, the thing I dont get about that is I think the PS4 pro is a western thing, the PS4 doesnt sell well in japan to warrant a new version and japanese people obviously dont care about frame rates and resolutions

ps plus price was only raised in the US because your economy and currency is so dogshit

$0.02 have been deposited

twice the power for 100 extra bucks is not "barely" an upgrade

I can see fuckers like EA and Bamco charging for patches, but any developer worth their salt won't do something this petty.

how does that work? I cant expect the power draw to be very good

>Interviewer asks if free.
>Sony LITERALLY says it's up to each publisher to commit suicide.

"I believe it will depend on the thinking of each licensee."

>So far Ubisoft, EA, Activision all announced patches and have not even implied a paid patch.

But no, Sup Forums is retarded enough NOT to report TWO shit threads DIRECTLY advertising professional game gossiping whores kotaku, that made a story of out NOTHING.

kill thy selves.

you do realize pro versions of games dont just cchange the resolution of the game?

you do realize the title is complete clickbait and sony basically said the devs get to decide which means it will be free since noone will pay for it.

I didn't say that 99% of triple a is trash. I liked most big budget games in recent years. And I don't think that all indie games are garbage. I liked rocket league, furi is nice too. But they are exceptions, rather then norm nowadays. What I meant to say that compared to games that was given in last gen, current gen ps plus feels very lackluster and it even has the balls to raise subscription fee.

you're right,

upscaled resolutions and 30 fps with drops on the pro is not an upgrade at all

>wording things out of context



never underestimate the power of SEGA

If a publisher gets a chance to fuck you over for money, he'll take it.

I like how people blame Sony for PSN's problems when they are entirely caused by an outside source