hey Sup Forums can anybody help me, i have a R9 390 and i've been having this fucking glitch like pic related, those fucking white squares appear all over the screen, it's driving me nuts. anybody know what i should do except !
- kill myself
- buy a new gc
Hey Sup Forums can anybody help me, i have a R9 390 and i've been having this fucking glitch like pic related...
Looks like artifacts OP, how old is your GPU?
kill self
those are artifacts
your gpu might be too overclocked or it might be overheating.
remove any overclock.
download speccy and post a screenshot of speccy while playing (task out of the game and take the screenshot) to see the temperatures.
re-apply thermal paste if it doesn't void the warranty (if it is still under warranty)
if removing the cooler voids warranty and the card is still under warranty, just use the warranty then.
your GPU is either dying or just overheating based on the artifacts
currently use an R9 290x myself, mine used to overheat because I put a dust cover over the top - trapping the air inside and circulating the heat
I think I got up to 94ºC before I decided to try pulling off the cover, my max game temps now are 75ºC, a good improvement
bought last year's december.
will do that and report.
thanks guys.
maxed out at 83 degrees celsius
didn't overclock anything btw
That's high for normal use. It should be 50 or under at the max.
When did you clean your tower last time?
i opened it it's clean. but holy shit it spiked at 92 degrees.
capped at 78 with the case opened. i should return it if possible right?
is the inside of your computer cluttered with cables?
a bit of cable management can do wonders.
sadly 92 degrees can be "normal" on 290's so i'm guessing it can be normal on 390's as well.
downloading msi afterburner and setting a custom fan profile can fix that and make the card run at 70's instead of 90's
BUT even running at 92 the card shouldn't be giving you artifacts since these cards normally throttle at 94º
use your warranty, it's the best option.
oh i almost forgot, during the summer, if you live in a hot country like me, just keep the side of the case open.
cable management doesnt impact airflow at all (linus did a vid where he explains it with examples)
if the case allows it, try to install a fan directing air from outside the case right onto the gpu
but of course as said
warranty must be the first to check if it covers your problem
your gfx card is dying bro. happened to me multiple times before.
you might be able to solve it temporarily but it's on it's way out. RMA it while it's still in warranty
idk dude my 390 stays below 60c at all times. 83 is bad enough to cause artifacts I think.
This is what happens when you overclock too much or have high temps.
But 92 is nothing for a GPU, the materials can withstand over 110° easily. If it happens only in Dying Light it may be a driver or patch issue. What you could do is lower some settings to try and isolate the issue, dying light is poorly optimised. Try the draw distance slider, it's kinda broken.
thank you so much. i'll try to get the card replaced/get my money back, anyway this one seems to be FUBAR.
you've been life savers, thank you very very very much for your help!!!! and have a very nice day/evening/morning :)
Install latest drivera, this happened to me too and latest drivers always fixed it for some reason
Stop overclocking like a madman also works
>50 or under at max
CPU, yes. 70c is totally fine for a GPU
buy a new graphics card
>keep the case open
retarded advice, get a full tower case with 8x14cm fans, 4 intake, 4 exhaust, get dust filters, dont be a literal retard, if youre going to max out games you cant use a cheapo mid tower case with 1 fan
last drivers installed, no OC!
use ddu, it's left over bug from earlier driver
or your gpu is fucked, what brand? my sapphire never glitched
you're full of shit buddy.
you're a fucking moron.
acting like an elitist faglord isn't going to help OP at all and it only makes you look like a spoiled brat who thinks too much with his wallet and to little with his brain.
the price of a full tower with 8x 14cm fans is something only a few people actually can or want to afford when the same effect can be achieved by leaving the side of their case open for 3 or 4 hot months.
you're a fucken retard, fans are $20 apiece, anyone can afford it, get bent kiddo, back to the console kiddie shit dumby lmao
OP just rub my dick, put a BBC in my butt, and fort he love of god goahead and buy a couple liquid coolers. only $100 a pop if you get NGage coolers. this will solve your white square problem.
t. r9 380x owner
used to have that kind of problem
>card was so burned i needed to get a new one
i remember removing it-inserting back in would make the squares appear in different zones on the screen
Looks like a shader issue. Totally software related so that tends to be a simple fix but I'm assuming you're a consolefag since you don't even know what it is you're looking at.
So I have to immediately ask if you ever updated your drivers. Do you even know what drivers are?
>being this young and dumb
never again
What's important to find out is if it happens in every game or just this one. If it happens in multiple titles then it's a hardware issue, get a new card. If it's just in that one game it's probably a configuration issue or software issue. redownload and set it up again.
>pc gaming
Aaaaaaaaand it's gone.
your card is overheating
manually turn the fan speed up to like 70% or even 100%
>buying AMD
what are you, poor?
Try newer/older driver version, disable AA filters ingame and prefer higher rez, undo any overclocking too. Had the same exact kind of artifact with GTA5 when i used MSAA, the card was in VG+ condition
Also check if the game has different DirectX modes
Once I deciphered that language it turns out you too are a poorfag with a shit gpu. Who would have thought
salt in 8704p
>"Technically" amazing Games.
Only truth in that whole image.