Sony: We may charge for PS Pro Patches


>Companies can now charge you for patches on mid gen consoles



Other urls found in this thread:

>linking kotaku


I just hope it's actually clickbait

It's real and the wrong link was posted you fags

>paid online
>paid patches
>upscaled resolutions
>sub 30 fps on most games, pushing the "Graphics over FPS" narrative for the sake of easier advertisement
>screwing early adopters in the ass when the hardware is barely three years old
Why do people support Sony again?

>PAY $399 + $2000 for TV


>console gaming
>dying only just now
Console gaming has been a rotting horse corps for nearly a century now.

something something "four victories in a row"

>yfw console gaming will die in your lifetime

it's a mistake in the translation. he's talking about the devs, not the consumer

take it down a notch, buddy


Notch made minecraft, he doesn't work for Sony silly

>paid patches
and I just deleted all my meme pictures.
non shitaku link.
>Sony ponies on suicide watch

in b4 PS4 games are remastered on PS4 and the previous remasters are re-remastered.

Look, you morons, distributing patches to millions of users across the world is not free. If anything, I'm surprised it took this long for the idea to become commercially acceptable.

If you have a PlayStation, you probably already have Plus. This is a complete non-issue.

Here have mine.

>tfw you didnt fall for the social engineering
Oh you can fully expect them to be, sony said it themselves that they are working on HD patches for the first party games.

This is bait. Do not reply.

Does Sup Forums agree?

time to save that money for a gaming pc or scorpio, sonnygers

>pay $60 for your game
>why haven't you paid us again for fixing the dogshit that we shit out?

I've been a console babby forever but honestly what's even the point anymore

What will they use on the re-releases to distinguish them?

4k? Pro?

They can't use HD because some of them already use HD.

They just keep twisting the knife
Gaming is just a twitching sack of shit at this point fuck sake

step down, kiddo

I expect the same will happen with it as well.

I'll pay for them

>buy 400 dollar system
>need to buy another 400 dollar system to play a better version
>pay 60 dollars a year to play half the game you bought
>now pay us to patch a game

and they DEFEND THIS



Another shitposting OP, another console war faggot thread

God you guys are pathetic
t. someone who doesn't own any gen 8 console

wew, sonyggers are even bigger cucks than i thought.

>out of context
>clearly states in the interview that updating the games and charging is clearly up to the developers

Sonyggers will choke on as many cocks as they can to please Sony.

would this actually work? like make your sking stronger, like biting your nails thickens your nails?

By the virtue of not being xbox, of course.

The PS4 is already way, way fucking worse than the 360 ever was

Console gaming has been dead since paid DLC and paid online was a thing. Corporate greed and mainstream attention killed gaming.

Nobody mentions this will happen with the Scorpio as well.

When you purchase a game you are actually purchasing a software license, which is supposed to cover things like this.

Accepting this is essentially going backwards something like 30 years regarding consumers rights

you can only shoot a dead horse so many times before it rots away
im just glad its almost over



see At this point most are just making their way to the center of the earth.

>B-but xbawks

>nobody here is old enough to remember Microsoft charging Team Meat $40,000 to push a patch for meat boy across Xbox live

worked for 50 cent

that actually happened?
game sucks btw

I am not sure, phil is pretty good with these kinds of things. I think if he puts his foot down to publishers he could stomp on the seeds before they sprout, it might stay a thing for ps exclusives seeing as sony is absolutely abusing those poor people who cant handle an ounce of peer pressure and are committed to buying any and all sony™ products. Guess we'll just have to wait and see

>We have gotten to a point in which desperate fanboys don't point to someone else doing some shit
>They point to their expectation of someone else doing that shit

Like I wonder if you realize how fucking retarded you look saying these things.

Like imagine apple fanboys going "Yeah well I'm sure the samsung S8 won't have an audio jack either", that's how dumb you look right now.

Ubisoft will charge Pro owners to patch Watch Dogs
Ubisoft wont charge Scorpio owners to patch Watch Dogs

You honestly expect MS will foot the bill for all the work on patches, hosting and distribution for every publisher out there?

Joke on you sony, I'm just going to buy a regular PS4 now it dropped It's price.

That was way back before id@xbox was a thing and ALL developers had to pay equally to patch their games. Its free now for indies and the cost scales for AAAs

>I never beat the whole thing
The only good indie game in the last 10 years

Nothing retarded to point out the inevitable.
Why on earth would Scorpio get a free pass from publishers, but not the Pro?

You're just shit-posting at this point.

>linking kotaku

3rd thread so far on an interview that in reality, is in Sony's favour.

kotaku is not even clickbait, it's literally (gaming) cancer: an abnormal cell growth that parasitically feeds on the organism (gaming discussion), disrupting its functions.

>buy 400$ ps4
>pay 60$ for online
>now ps4 pro for another 400$
>now have to buy 4k tv
>not to mention 60$ for games

I got it with games with gold but never played

a-are you p-poor or what?



>Why on earth would Scorpio get a free pass from publishers, but not the Pro?

PR, obviously.

>patches never cost consumers money
>until suddenly they do

"Patches" in this case means that it's on the developer to release an HDR-enabling-patch for an already-released game, right?

I.e., totally optional and would require more work?

Does anyone know how much work that would require? Like, a week? 10 people? Rewriting code?

Legitimate questions.

>Microsoft used to punish devs who shipped broken games by charging for patches and only waiving indies if it was serious
>J Allard implemented the policy after seeing the poor PC launches in 2004 of games like Half Life 2 and Vampire the Masqurade Bloodlines thinking it insulted customers that just because you could patch bugs out doesn't give you the right to sell a broken product. Every 360 game had to work out of the box.
>99% of the games on 360 worked on Day 1 because you were not allowed to ship a broken game game, period.
>Games that didn't work were shunned or devs had to live with their mistakes.
>Suddenly everyone removes patch fees because Phil "Suck My Dick" Fish cries about it on twitter because he shipped a broken game and Microsoft told him he fucked up
>Somehow everyone sides with Fucking Phil Fish over the big bad Microsoft who didn't want people shipping broken games on their platform
>Every single game is now broken on day 1 with AAA games needing 20GB plus patches to work

J Allard was far too fucking based for this gay earth.

Fucking nu-males were ruining gaming back even in 2012.

Why would MS do that? Ubisoft will pay for it like usual.



Time to find a new hobby

I want to learn an instrument. I have a keyboard lying around. How do I start?

Watch Microsoft reveal the Scorpio and have a little bullet point that says "and our patches are free". Just for a little payback


actually MIghty no. 9 took more time to be released on the 360 becuase quality


Nu-males are literally cancer that is killing everything in the west.

Why the hell would someone make a garbage image like this?

Why the hell would someone save it?


I might actually be done with consoles now.

Anime is still good right guys?


>Xbox is so bad it doesn't even deserve a parody in this meme picture

At least we get patches unlike the broken mess that most PCuck games are.

It died before the pic was even made. Don't worry the Vita is back there with them too

I'd expect something like this.

And I might as well.
>Why on earth would Scorpio get a free pass from publishers, but not the Pro?

For the same reason that the content in the video above happened, companies are ready to fuck you in the ass if they see profit in it, and don't if they think it's not worth the PR damage.

And right now Sony, after hiking the price on PS+ by 10 bucks and seeing that the audience willingly gobble it up, consider they can fuck over their customers further for money, so they do.

Probably not the case for Microsoft.

I think that sony going full retard bragging about specs on the ps4 over xbone and then seeing scorpio being 50% stronger than ps4pro was payback enough, a literal "this isnt even my final form" moment

>sell faulty product
>have customers who bought said faulty product pay to have said product fixed


oh wow

Some anime are going the cg route and it's slowly becoming a thing so it's not in good shape m8

Just stop, you are embarrassing yourself.

manga is where it's at

always has been

The problem with this system is that you run into a TF2 situation where they literally have to charge for expansions that were free because not only could patches only be a certain size(8MB or something?), but they had used up their one free patch on something earlier. Hell, even to this day you can still skywalk in 360 TF2 because they couldn't update it past the first one without having to pay hefty fees.

Asshurt gamer detected. Find a new hobby, gaming is over.

and this bullshit right here is what made the xbox ports of many games inferior because they just couldn't patch without having to pay out of their asses.

If this happens with ps4 then nobody will ever do patches again, developers don't want to pay that

>paid patches
oh man, and look at the sony fanboys defend it

I might work as a butcher at the local meat market. Its a job and a hobby at the same time. Welp I guess Sony won. or lost. whatever.

Companies have been doing this for years

Why the fuck do you think fridges last for like 5 years and break on a warranty that lasts 4 years?
>inb4 that's because fridges only last 4-5 years and the warranty is in case it breaks early

look at the green hat, its xbros sucking sony fan off.

I found it funny how that defiance mmo skipped the pay2patch on 360 by having the ingame launcher download the patch data as a gamesave and not an actual patch

>3rd thread linking directly to Kotaku
>people seriously replying
I guess the newfags won.

Except Xbox ports were literally superior to pretty much any PS3 ones. From framerates being higher, to V-sync, AA, or better graphical capabilities there was never a reason to get a PS3 version. Hell, the only exceptions I can even think of are two games:
Dragon's Dogma(Atrocious V-sync issues but it runs at a smooth framerate with no drops)
Asura's Wrath(Same as Dragon's Dogma where it has no V-sync at all, but it runs at a better framerate and I think it had AA)

Even late into its lifespan it was still beating out PS3 when it came to multiplats and ports in performance, though parity started to happen in the last year or so. Hell, look at how bad New Vegas was on PS3 in comparison to the 360 version, same with Skyrim. They had huge save deleting issues on PS3 that didn't even exist on the 360 version.

What I'm guessing this means is developers who develop a game for ps4 and ps4 pro will have the option to charge for the ps4 pro version. Since they are saying games will be the same disc for both consoles, I'm guessing devs have the option to charge people extra outside of the disc to digitally download the "patch" for the ps4 pro version of the game. I don't think its referring to actual game fix patches or ps4 firmware/software updates.

>its the same


Learn to read faggot, it's full of people posting other sources and shitting on kotaku while discussing the content of the article instead of just bitching about hernandezs bullshit. Faggots like you are the reason why this place has gone to shit, heres your (you) enjoy it because not a soul on this earth will pay as much attention to your sorry ass as I just have and it kills you inside knowing this is true ;^)



Oh wait, yes they can. I'm sure there's already a defense force for this.