pastebin or gtfo
Pastebin or gtfo
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why has nobody cracked the PS4 already? This wouldn't happen if they knew people would get their shit for free.
> actually linking to kotaku
It's up to the individual developers. "We made a 1080 patch, but it's paid DLC!" could happen.
The publishers will have to decide if and when games will be patched. If a game requires a bit of work to get patched then it's up to them to decide to charge for it.
Dont think this scenario wont affect the Scorpio either. Expect the likes of Ubisoft and other jew companies to charge for this shit.
>paid patches
Sasuga Sony
Because there is no benefit to cracking a console with 1 game.
Also these. And there will be people eating them up.
Who here /waiting for the day that all escapism goes down the shitter/?
>Remaster games
>Remastered consoles
Now you have to pay for functions on the remastered console.
Isn't the NES Classic basically this?
I can see some companies with exclusives doing them for free, but as was said, expect companies like Ubisoft, EA, etc who have multiplatform games on each console to sell them to increase profits.
It's been cracked for months.
But only a kernel exploit for 1.76 so far.
I'm betting my left nut that some team already has a kernel exploit ready and waiting and are just withholding it until the PS4 Pro comes out so that both the original and new PS4's can be hacked.
If they were to release it now Sony could still implement the fix before the systems ship out to stores.
Holy shit shut the fuck up you shameful faggot
You sound like you're from r9k
>Isn't the NES Classic basically this?
The NES Classic is a crash grab at nostalgia, it's simply a partial Wii w/ loaded VC titles.
Waiting for The Last of Us Re-Remastered
Well it's true. Show me one sign of things becoming better. Please. I want to believe.
I want the industry to get better from this corporate hellscape, but there is no escape. We're going to be surrounded by jewish walls, forced to pay ludicrous sums of money for basic games.
>b-but Nintendo!!!!
There's a lot of worthwhile things to get alarmist about in this world
Some le ebin conspiracy about ruining your gaming isn't one of them, Christ almighty
So some fucking jewish tactics get used
Same as in any industry
This isn't some dystopian conspiracy, holy kek
the nes classic isn't a remaster in any way. It's literally the same experience.
id love to see the sony brony defence train try to spin this one
>is the nes classic like a ps4pro
if i had a doge picture id use it and then go kill myself because this is the dumbest thing ive ever read.
Wow, this is why competition is best
Every company is at their best when they are losing, since Sony is winning right now, they believe they can just do whatever the fuck they want like increasing the cost of PS+ and shit
Fuck sony
Get out of this board, filthy jew. Go collect your shekels or something
There's grasping at straws, and then there's this
calm down, newfag
How has the death of Gawker affected Kotaku anyway?
Just like N3DS, where devs rather choose not to do anything.
just look at this thread
constant shilling
>There's a lot of worthwhile things to get alarmist about in this world
>Some le ebin conspiracy about ruining your gaming isn't one of them
It is for me.
Vidya is about the only thing that I'm actually good at doing.
And it's not just this particular jewish tactic I'm worried about, it's things like ridiculous always on DRM, no LAN multiplayer, making shitty games and selling them on hype alone- only to find out they're incredibly shallow and boring (W_D for example), splitting up a fully finished game and selling the parts as DLC, etc.
>There's a lot of worthwhile things to get alarmist about in this world
I know. I'm worried about them too. But there's only so much I can do before I have to give up and sedate myself with mindless entertainment. What should I do when the entertainment isn't enough to keep me happy?
Yeah because I'm not going full autist over some jewish tricks in a toy industry, I'm a jew
Great logic
My views on this kind of shit are probably a lot more extreme than yours
You just don't have your priorities straight and you're creaming yourself over le vidya gaems XDD
I wouldn't joke about that, because it will happen.
Yep. I don't want to defend Sony but Kotoku is untrustworthy trash. Even Sup Forums is better than this.
That said I personally don't see Sony committing sudoka with such a moronic move.
>ps4 version - 59.99
>ps4 pro version 79.99
>update from normal to pro is 29.99 just to remind you to buy the digital deluxe ps4 pro version next time for 119.99
The playerbase that was cucked to death.
just view it with adblock you stupid nigger
Use adblock you stupid fucktard. Waste their bandwidth and steal their content at the same time.
This the the 2nd thread I've seen today directly linking to Kotaku.
Why are you faggots shilling on Sup Forums?
>Console peasants have to pay for internet they already pay for and patches to fix games that they already paid for and the shitty developers won't fix without getting paid again
How do you cucks even stand this shit?
>sony getting BTFO is bad
Their lead this gen was undeserved, them getting fucked would put them on equal level again and make all 3 realise they need to actually be good
View it with adblock and they don't get any revenue and still have to pay the bandwidth bill, why so salty spiderman? Clickbait journalism only works if you actually make money per click.
> have to invest 350£ for new console
> have to buy games cannot pirate
> have to invest in a mid range 4k hdr tv 700£ and up
> have to pay for online
> have to pay for patches
> cannot even do true 4k
> cannot even do 60 fps
how are people not going to go to pc gaming again?
I just don't like the fact that publishers and developers try to get as much as my money as possible without providing enough content to justify it, that's all.
Hello, faggot, I say faggot because you are either gay or a morbidly obese radical leftist working at a third-rate blog site. Please advertise your garbage somewhere else, like in a gas chamber.
Thank you,
Sup Forums
>trying to get as much money as possible from customers through crap
>textbook modern capitalism
how naive are you?
>I'm Sup Forums
>steal their content
>View it with adblock
Bruh, why won't you fuck off ? They have no content, there is nothing to view.
kodoku is a pool of shit. Don't link to kodoko.
when did Sup Forums suddenly become retarded? do you realize that apples charges everyone to use their lightning cable? how the hell is this not any different
They have clickbait content. It's fun to read in a trashy mag way.
Plus you get the benefit of driving them out of business 1mb at a time.
>you might have to pay for DLC.
No shit.
Yes, but it wasn't that bad before. Even the shitstorm that last-gen was it looks like a fucking heaven compared to micrtotransaction preorder exclusive pay now-eat shit later riddled shitfest this industry has become
>pay money to devs to fix the shit they should have done long ago for free before releasing a rushed unpolished turd
Yeah goy, give us $60 then pay us $10 every month for us to fix your nonrefundable purchase.
>defending a company's retarded jewish tricks by pointing to another company's retarded jewish tricks
suck more corporate cock, toothless consumer whore, maybe your corporate masters will jizz over your dirty whore face just like you want them to.
>it wasn't that bad before
>kotaku thread
>250 posts omitted
sasuga neo Sup Forums
Gawker is bankrupt bruh, they don't own shitaku anymore.
>Some le ebin conspiracy about ruining your gaming isn't one of them, Christ almighty
It's not a conspiracy when this things are actually happening.
If people told you fifteen years ago that there would be $60 games wtih $50 worth of DLC as well as a cash shop on top of paying $60 a year for online, what would you have said? Because that how the industry has changed in a relatively short amount of time.
>$60 games wtih $50 worth of DLC as well as a cash shop on top of paying $60 a year for online
name 20 games that do this
ffs just get a pc and stop bitching
CoD 1-29, Battlefield 1-92, Halo 1-16
Why do I have to name 20 when I can name one? Especially when one game like that existing directly relates to the question.
read my message to the end, dumbass
did. still laughing at your stupid naive ass
its not enough of a sample size
Kotaku gets money from clicks hence why many use
But nice try convincing useful idiots on Sup Forums to read your article Kotaku shill. How does the Latino dick taste this morning?
At this point it's probably cheaper to get a Gaming PC
You will see, console gamers will still subject themselves to these ridiculous terms. It's hilarious.
A $400 gaming PC will never do 4K@60
People actually believe in this shit? Are you fucking retarded?
Give me one fucking example where patches (not dlc) have been charged?
Not yet, but possibly in the future
Neither will a PS4 Pro
Neither will the PS4Pro. It won't even do 4K@30 on most games.
Everything is "possible" in the future. Don't be retarded Sup Forums, ur better than this.
Not really.
Can someone explain to a retard what this new HDR meme is and if that TV gimmick is any better than just plugging my future ps4 into my 1080p monitor?
HDR, to sum it up, its more/better colors, it's a real thing and looks quite nice, no your 1080p monitor won't support it.
You'll still get benefits if you use a PS4 Pro on a 1080p monitor, mainly supersampling and more stable framerates.
Are you that stupid? Look at companies like ubisoft, ea and square. You think they won't try to jump on this moneymaking train before the day is over?
I mean, I can understand the reasoning and why it would depend on the dev. It's added work over something novel (Improved graphics). This isn't something to just fix bugs.
I don't even own PS4 so this shit wont affect me either way.
They won't. Not to mention this article is probably based on misinformation, I'm willing to bet they were mentioning costs for developers/publishers when sending patches for certification, which exists, has always existed, and is nothing exclusive to PS4.
Actually the work required is minimal. They won't be redoing assets to increase the resolution or framerate... It's something akin to what Durante is doing with DSfix, some of the shit he did only took him 1-2 hours.
I know that my monitor doesn't support it what I was asking is if a TV with this new feature is any better than a solid monitor (since TVs as it currently stands are shite for gaming), or if its just a marketing gimmick
And I'll probably get the ps4 standard for super cheap unless the pro has a decent improvement in framerate, I'm just waiting on the benchmarks right now
They are absolutely jew enough to do this. If SE is jew enough to charge for dual audio then they're certainly jew enough to charge for this.
I see, so there's no extra work on the models needed then?
read the article. It literaly states that they give publishers the ability to put price tags on upgrades for pro. And I'm glad that somebody still has some faith in major publishers, but with every fucking game featuring microtransactions, preorder bonuses and excessive dlc, I don't. And it feels like not many on Sup Forums does.
If it'll happen for PS4 Pro, it will happen for Scorpio as well
Supports 10-bit color, as opposed to 8-bit color. essentially higher contrast bandwidth.
Microshites current gimmick is backwards compatibility actually, seems to be working pretty well too, wouldn't be surprised if they try to build a ''good guy'' image not that they could ever be, but at least the attempt would put them above selling fucking patches
>read article
>kotaku article
Yeah, nope!
True or not you can be your ass that are people right now defending this
It's not mandatory, however, there is nothing stopping a developer from doing even more extra work to use the extra horse power if they want. But what you've been hearing now about 900p games now being 1080p, the 4k with checkered rendering, more stable framerate, etc, all that is incredibly trivial to do.
of course, some of them aren't even ironic
It's a trend that's growing. AAA franchises like GTA, Forza, Assassin's Creed, Deus Ex, and more are all adapting it and sneaking it. The only game that got called out for having this setup was Evolve and that's only because the balance was shit and the content came slow.
Let graphixx fags pay
There are good 4K TVs with HDR and low latency, they're not very cheap. Those will be better than a solid monitor for sure, worth the price? Probably not.
I'd totally buy an afordable monitor with HDR though, that thing really isn't a gimmick.
>read the article. It literaly states
I honestly wish you the worse, you shill of fucking cancer.
the publishers can sell whatever DLC they want. But no, YOU have to make it sound like sony is greedily giving them special privileges, in order to promote a shit website with a shit nonexistent story.
never said that sony is bad. Only said that this industry may become even more atrocious than it is now
That must be why they increased the cost of Playstation Online.
The classic is something for collectors (yes, there are people who collect video game consoles, I know 2 of them). These extra consoles from Sony and MS are just cash-grabs to capitalize on le 4K meme so that PC doesn't look like supreme master race.