CSGO confirmed broken


Well there you have it, someone figured it out. Game is broken as shit.

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it was already confirmed broken and shit and this won't change anything. just playing the game you know the hit boxes are awful and inconsistent

I really wanted to like cs go but after a few hundred hours in it i just absolutely hate the gunplay, it's such dogshit. I loved the feel of older versions of cs but i just HATE cs go with a passion.

>all those people that said they "didn't even hit the head" in all those wbems of shots missing

>playing cs in 2016
go play some Overwatch grandpa


Better video which actually shows the hitbox not lining up correctly.

overwatch's hitboxes are even worse lol

at least you can actually hit shit lol

it's amazing how much better the 1.5-1.6 days were. CS:GO is a disgrace.

>CS 1.6
>CS Source
>Aim straight, bullets align perfectly
>Aim at their dick you shoot their head
What went wrong?

it's a collectable skin game and online childrens casino. I don't know anyone who actually plays it for the game anymore

I don't have any interest in cancerous shit like CS:GO, but how the fuck did it take people so long to figure this out?

This is the sort of shit you'd notice and be able to easily test within days of the games released.

I was actually thinking of trying CS; GO right now since I've had it in my library for some time.

>implying i play this shit game

they blamed RNG which is actually in the game as well. fucking RNG for where you aim and where your bullets go

because the game is filled with casuals and 15 year old kids who only listen to what pros say and don't listen to facts unless a pro says it

sounds like every comp game ever made

it's rage inducing that they have actually upped the RNG even higher this year. there was a short outrage but I guess the noobs realized they can win more games this way so they stopped

Well if you aim for the dick of course you'll get some head :^)

gocucks on suicide watch

sounds like you just got into video games in the last four years. sucking pro nerd cock for answers to every thing you can find out for yourself is a new development


>this is a competitive game
jesus christ
it's not even funny anymore, this is just wrong.

My first serious interaction with """competitive""" video games was WoW's arena back in 2006, and meta dickriders were doing it then just like they are now. This shit has been going on for at least the last 10 years. Pull your head out of your ass.

>he doesnt deflect bullets when he turns his head

This game is based around elite gunfighters like me. Its not trying to represent normal people who would get damaged by the bullet under the same circumstances.

This 'bug' is realistic.

This, people on here are surprised by this?

>it's a wow degenerate
get the fuck out of here you cancerous newfag fuck

The only reason why CSGO is popular now is due to those damn skins before that no one cared

thank fuck this guy provided evidence

sometimes ill dream about CSGO and whenever i do my shots never fucking hit their targets and i wake up grumpy

Its a classic reference, some old shooters had dickshots be instant kills. Its a "head"shot, the head of the penis.

>It only counts if I say it does

Good job, what an unbeatable argument.


wow isn't a competitive game you fucking faggot redditor

That's why I used generous quotation marks around it, to emphasize what a fucking joke it was. So what is a comp game, in your """professional""" opinion? CSGO? TF2? ASSFAGGOTS?

How long are you going to hide behind your no true scotsman fallacy before you just accept that meta dickriders have existed since the creation of esports.

Bu..But what about all the It's a game of elite skill. Meme defence everyone does when you talk about how broken this game is

could also be:

BF1's medic accuracy.webm

>it's lag!
>it's a bug when someone has the game minimized!
>their bullet spread didn't reset because they jumped!
all the excuses kek

reminds me of the 1.3 bug

How fucking long did it take for someone to figure this out? Even the Overwatch fags were able to identify their hitbox issues during the beta. Do CSGO players just have such incredible battered wife syndrome that they just keep inventing reasons for why their bullets weren't hitting?

It's always been a complaint. But shitstains didnt care

Wow a game breaking bug in a valve game that isn't dota 2 what a surprise.

That's it, uninstalled CSGO.


has anyone from valve or turtlerock said anything?

i agree with you but wow did have pvp tournaments :(

Who still plays go? It is 2016

I'm sure they can fix it in a patch

Current year current year it is the current year this year.

The problem is that they probably wont, like the rest of the shit they didnt fix in 4 years....

>curious about csgo after playing 1.6 for about 8 years
>play it with a friend
>tell him the random recoil and the hitboxes make the gunplay absolute dogshit compared to 1.6
>he gets mad at me and tells me the gunplay in csgo is great

it baffles me to think that ANYBODY would think the gunplay in csgo is in any way near as good as in 1.6, this video is just the proof

does that mean you have to aim for their throats now

I'd like to know where to aim too....

The eyes


hitboxes are shit, theres no random recoil tho, just innacuracy while jumping and such

half million morons right in this moment

bulletholes in the wall already there, was he just shooting blanks??


Just today I was BTFOing a bunch of CS:GO babbies in an Overwatch thread about how garbage the hit detection and hitboxes are in their game and I didn't even know about this, all my knowledge of this trash game came from the 1300 hours I wasted in SMFC before I came to despise it

They didn't fix the fucking hit detection OR the tickrate in half a fucking decade what makes you think they'll EVER fix this. Jumping hitbox problems were a thing for how long before they got patched?

The bug wasn't introduced until a few months ago when they updated the animations to be more realistic and they do look great but apparently somehow forgot to consider the actual physics hitboxes not just the model/fancy animation.

It's a feature.
Just like the random bullet spread which is always the same.

w+m1 shitter confirmed

>their bullet spread didn't reset because they jumped!
That was a decent explanation actually. Even if you stopped moving, your aim isn't perfect, you have to press opposite direction key with a tricky timing.
After jump you can't compensate that inaccuracy for obvious reasons.

anyone who played seriously in e-sports, know that CS:GO is dogshit. just like how CS:S were.

Already knew this after a few hours of gameplay.

Was wondering why direct hits didn't even fucking register.

Gave up on the game altogether. Such shitty hit detection.

CS was never a good comp game anyway, it's just kiddies play to feel hardcore tacticool.

>There are people who pay thousands of dollars for gun skins in this shitty broken game

>CS was never a good comp game anyway
You came too far

Fucking retard has his mic inside his mouth or something?

the game is honestly good (besides the bugs) but damn csgo has the most cancerous community with "esport" fan 14 year olds using scream picture.

MOBA(dota at least) is worse.

>defending csgo
>implying you're not the redditor

nah. i stopped playing csgo and been playing dota for a while now. its a lot better imo.
the "olofmeister g2a-steelseries" named tryharding little shits triggered me so much

>he "olofmeister g2a-steelseries" named tryharding little shits triggered me so much

have you tried getting out of gold nova?

Kids are kids everywhere, but in csgo even if someone performs badly, it's just some lost rounds.
In dota it's usually feeding and ruined game in result.

> bought 10 keys
> got 250 EUR knife
> sell it
> wow im rich
> realize it's stuck in my Steam Wallet
> feelio when I got outjewed
> spent money on a few games and bought a few more keys, but never won anything good after

Not the guy you are referring to but I'm GE and play ESEA-m with my team and I can assure you that there are kids called somethingmeister1g * steeleries G2A on every rank. This community is fucking embarrassing.

i reached global like a year ago and a half ago when i really loved the game. stopped caring and playing for months then i was around dmg level i think. sold my account so i dont even have the game anymore

yeah but csgo's demographic is a lot younger. just check out the subreddit or any major tournament front row and you can see the difference compared to sc/dota. im only shitposting so i dont expect some le serious discussion but most csgo related sites and the community in general is cancer

>""""""""""""""competitive""""""""""""" gaming

People did notice, however the only source of developer to community communication comes through reddit, a massive hivemind. Usually people just get downvoted when the complain, usually.

In there people voice how the hitboxes are fucked with webms and oddshots of people clearly missing headshots that should connect, animations fucking up, latency issues and other mishaps, and instead of the hive mind rebutting and saying "git gud" or "RNG" like usual, they simply had nothing to say and made it a meme.

Calling it getting 'CSGO'd', and for nearly the past month now, no one is afraid to complain on the subreddit because the fear of being downvoted is gone.

Thus sparking a revolution of sorts, with people coming together to find the actual source of the fucking problem rather than meme about all day with oddshots of streamers and pro teams.

It's looking better for the game now, but there is a long way to go to fixing this game to bring it back to the 1.6 days, now all we need is for whoever the fuck works on this game to get their shit together and actually make a fucking change for once.

Hey at least you can win big on csgo lotto even if the game is crap.

Who else has sold all there skins before this game dies even more?

>there is a long way to go to fixing this game to bring it back to the 1.6 days
That's obviously not their goal, it's all about skins now.

>People did notice, however the only source of developer to community communication comes through reddit, a massive hivemind. Usually people just get downvoted when the complain, usually.

are you fucking kidding me? the csgo sub is the definition of cancer. whiny entitled piece of shits overall. every single "a pic with a pro" from that sub is some 15 year old nerd in braces who hasnt gone through puberty. i stopped visiting the sub because so many bullshit, circlejerking and karma whoring. retarded shit gets upvoted to the frontpage with 2000 upvotes regularly until someone comes and gives a technical explanation why its wrong. half the sub is just wannabe underages still dreaming about becoming pros and sharing "le funny jw tweet" and pros irrelevant opinion on anything. people complaining about hitbox on some walmart-hosted overloaded shitty configured community server. they cry about every chance. i cant even describe how cancer that community is and people there wonder why there isnt a single developer who wants to work on that game

>muh 1.6 days

yeah, this is my favourite meme. majority of people there never actually played 1.6 and imagine it as some perfect game.

Far from perfect but better than GO.

omg ur so awsum can i sign ur steam profile


Is this video about bullet impacts/tracers calculated differently on a server and a client?
>What you see is not where the bullets actually go?
If that's the case i'm actually surprised why people only noticed it now.
It's been like that since the release.
Pretty much the reason why i dropped it.

>competitive game


>He fell for the Valve is god meme

No, the hitbox gets misaligned if the top of the body moves when the legs don't

No, it's about how the hitboxes and the character models do not match. You can put a bullet straight through the head of the model, but because the hitbox isn't there, it's a "miss".

I've watched it, it's a lag comp isn't it?

Considering the guy is standing stock still for over a minute, I'm going to say no.

Neither are moving, I don't see how that could be it

no. the hitbox isnt synced with small movements to save brandswitch

it's an issue with the hitbox

Played 1.3 to 1.5 then Source and couldn't get into GO because of this and the floaty feel to movement.