Are you ready to become world-famous, Sup Forums?

Are you ready to become world-famous, Sup Forums?

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I never asked for this.

>still have no fucking idea what GG is
I bet non you you faggot do either

I'm waiting for the porn parody, it will be actually accurate.

lol Sup Forums

I'm ready to level up.

isn't it about ethnics in Jerusalem?

i still know it as "those guys who made a thread and were angry about some stuff for a couple months"

Good Game
ya dingus


Why is Scarlet so cute?

Gamergate and vivian james were the worst shit ever. I left this place for months because of this.

>Are you ready to become world-famous, Sup Forums?

Nobody wanted to publish Zoe's book and the movie was shitcanned.

The best you can expect is a Wreck it Ralph Brazillian CGI movie mockbuster featuring Zara Konig and her quest to become videogames.

Who's gonna play the Sup Forumsergin character?

I can't wait to see this movie borderline on parody

>Scarlett Johannson plays the role of feminist powerhouse Brianna Wu as she fights a horde of fat neckbeards Matrix style

what is there to show? 99% of visible gamergate was people spamming Sup Forums with a cartoon dog because mods deleted their angry call to arms.

So she's going to piss off all ther overly sensitive social justice types with the Ghost in the Shell film, then get back on their good side with this film, assuming that it's a film that paints proGG as literal Nazis of course. I'd love to see who they cast as their stand ins for people like Milo and Christina Hoff Sumers.

Something to do with Jews anyway, I think.

If this is real and actually gains any traction then holy shit, get ready for some amazing comedy material. Seriously, imagine that entire Law & Order episode but turned into a movie.

It would be a blast to be on Sup Forums if that happens.

gamergate is deader than the undead, let it rest in pieces

can't wait for the sequel about being angry at xenoblade and nobidy carring.

It was the only time in ten years that Sup Forums actually become so insufferable that I went to reddit instead.

superior Jewish genes

I highly doubt this will get made, it's such a blatantly terrible idea with little commercial viability that no financiers will touch it with a 10 foot pole (I hope)

the ugly skeleton dude you can see in breaking bad and several shitty movies

remember Sup Forums no matter how buttflustered you will get, you will never be as mad as san francisco hipsters

Most dead things are deader than undead, the undead aren't dead, hence the "un" prefixing the word "dead."

>Believing they even matter

You gatorbabies are so cute.

Oh come on

It was bad, but not SO bad

This. That was an all time low for this board.

Literally every time Gamergate (or Sup Forums for that matter) appears in some form of media it's laughably bad and no one gives a shit. I'll have to ask you for a source because it's hard for me to believe anyone in the movie industry thinks it's a good idea to make a movie on gamergate.

why wasn't it affected? I gave so little shit that I recall what happened

Has anyone ever been btfo as bad as this?

>I can't wait to see this movie borderline on parody

You'll have to wait because it's not getting made, this was nothing but SJW delusional chestpounding bravado.

"Go home, gamer girl" will have to do for you.

so are the undead dead or alive

Reddit was actually massively affected but it had pockets of sanity.

I liked the art!

Looking back at those pictures and fanarts made about fighting this "war" is the cringiest shit, it's like discovering old posts you made when you were young or embarassing high school memories

Shills? On Sup Forums?
It was the best time on Sup Forums in years.

>it's like discovering old posts you made when you were young or embarassing high school memories
I bet that's literally what it is for like 90% of them.

I hope they get Christian Bale, young Arnold Schwarzenegger, young Carl Weathers, young Tom Cruise and other muscular and handsome men to play the roles of Sup Forums Sup Forums users.

she's gonna wear a fat suit or something?
Or is it gonna be CGI talking animals?

>It's real.
>She's set to portray Zoe Quinn.

I'm fucking dying, famalam

i thought it was dumb from the start, m80
i just wanna talk about video games, not industry politics

Fucking this.

Speaking of ScarJo, what's your take on her being cast as The Major in the GitS movie? I expect the movie to be a dumbed down action movie anyway, I mean she's alright as Black Widow and she's kinda similar to Kusanagi.


Not even ScarJo can match her beauty.

Surely it can't be worse than that shitshow... I'm actually half hoping it will be though, just to see how bad it can get.

omg im getting preemptively mad at all the fucking gooooooooobergaydors that are gonna show up itt why cant they be superior to both sides like me???

they're seriously making a movie on this bullshit?

maybe we'll get some nice sex scenes then

>Hello Miku, this is Scarlet Johanson. Believe in yourself

Yeah, figures that someone who thought that was the best time on Sup Forums in years would immediately resort to calling people with differing opinions "shills". It's like pottery.

It's gonna be like the SVU episode X1000.

I can't wait.


the bitch is going to be rich as fuck with that movie

sometime being harassed is the best thing that can happen to you

Considering the gamer gates has no face, is it gonna be a movie about someone being angry at her mails for 2 hours?

we should hire hitmen to kill the jews


is humanity even worth saving

they're going to get a big fat neckbeard to play the super bad ultra violent rapey videogame nerd of course

that part of the movie will obviously be changed. She's gonna be a really good gamer and those "nights" will be competitive games where she gets trophies and people being jealous.

It's about heretics in Jamaica

GG is not Sup Forums

GG was never welcomed here.

Only newfags think otherwise

good. I'm sure once normies see what happened, even they will agree with Sup Forums.

No, that would be a bit too realistic. It's gonna be like that delightful Law & Order episode with Gamergate being some sort of PROJECT MAYHEM XD Fight Club ripoff but with ugly neckbeards instead of Brad Pitt.

You realise the internet is made up of people right? It's not just a spontaneous bullshit generation algorithm.

>every journalist is hard working and rich and beautiful
>the gaters will ALL be fat and bald and have bad skin and sweat all over the place
I can't wait. "GO HOME GAMER GIRL" was just too funny.

Sup Forums truly is the best marketing location.
Nothing generates more buzz than autistic manchildren throwing a tantrum

prepare for another wave, cause it's going to happen again

>GG was never welcomed here.

your memory is as short as your dick there was dozens of threads every day

>numale hipster spouting pretentious mindless garbage about a company
>company tells him to fuck off

Who cares about "being welcome"? This is literally SJW speech. If you want to tell GG to fuck off, just say so.

The one thing I've always maintained that was cringey about our side of gamergate were those idiotic Vivian James posts. The whole radical left is made up of cringe, you have crazy landwhales like Anita Sarkesian, you have mentally ill men like Briana Wu, and then you have pathetic sniveling beta male feminists. On our side, you had legitimate arguments marred with an idiotic fanfic-tier cartoon mascot.

Sometimes I feel like that Vivian James garbage was a plant from the radical leftists to detract from the consumer side's argument. Leftists do shit like that all the time, they bus paid protesters in to start trouble, they hold up signs saying things like "KKK and Proud!" at conservative rallies, they're all about painting their enemies as the stereotypes they envision.

>In response Sup Forums will crowd fund a VJ animu

Please no

>made up of people
most of the gamergate isn't. It's made out of paranoid people seeing gamergate because mcdonalds forgot one nugget in their happy meal.

>mfw reading the eight chan GG threads

they act like FBI agents, it's hilarious

she'd make a pretty good villain desu


Ignore and scroll

Sup Forums's opinion on this?


Talk shit and get fucked nikkuh

>there was dozens of threads every day
deleted in the minute. And those threads where "le free dog" spam to begin with.


Nice try. I'm not typing what you're telling me to. But i'm not just ignoring it either. Checkmate atheists.

>dem big pupils
Is she high or something?

why don't you go back to cuckchan you faggot?

Even KYM is better

Yeah, gamergate massively inflated its own numbers with countless sockpuppets and made-up statistics, but there are still some real people at the heart of it.


But isn't that what all human interaction is? Just bullshit spitting algorithms

I mean when it comes down to it a lot of action and reaction can probably be calculated to percentages and shit. I'm not a mathematician but I'm pretty sure the chances of you calling me a fag are really high.

But who will play Moot?

Sup Forums is literally worse than Sup Forums at this point at least Sup Forums is on topic most of the time.

That's not combat armour.


>getting btfo by a dictionary

holy shit

ow right in the ego

But by not typing AMEN you are rejecting the word of Jesus and are therefore only marginally better than those who ignore and scroll