Is this game good?
Is this game good?
With at least 2 players?
Best OST I've ever heard in a game. Combat isn't anything exceptional and if you plan on playing multiplayer you need competent friends because spells are all timing based. Single player is still good though, it's just annoying when the moogle craps out on you.
Honestly, probably my favorite game
If you have friends, gameboy advances, and link cables then yeah.
It's not a "big" Final Fantasy Game, but it's good, it is more like the first 6 Final Fantasies just in 3D.
>tfw no Wii U port/remaster
It's the perfect platform for it and those niggers still haven't done it
I remember when this game came out and thinking how stupid it was that Squeenix would assume you have not only 4 gba's and link cables, but also 3 friends who hang around long enough for you to complete a 50 hour game. I would of loved to finish this game
The artstyle was so much better than conventional FF at the time. The soundtrack, atmosphere and yes, even the story were as well.
Too bad it was a one hit wonder.
Also, it came out what? 12 years ago and still looks fucking fantastic. The water is god damn gorgeous. And like I said the fucking music. How and why is the soundtrack so good?
What other games have a similar Celtic/folky kind of sound?
>I would of loved to finish this game
Except you can complete it totally solo so why didn't you?
>I would of loved to finish this game
What? Just solo it git gud. Just make a bunch of dummy characters with different professions to fill up your town. If anything, I found soloing easier because o didn't have to rely on my dipshit friend to heal me
>Too bad it was a one hit wonder.
>The sequel on the Wii only lets you use Gravity
>That's literally your only action
Everything else about it was alright, but why fucking restrict the game play that much?
>im not the only one that thought this
I like you.
I tried a good few times. But I didn't
Best Final Fantasy full stop.
>Square-Enix literally created a new subsidy specifically to get around an exclusivity contract with Sony so they could make this game.
Amazing with four. Meh with one. Shame its stuck on a system that needs a million parts to work.
For real. Even if only one guy gets a map and the others use regular controllers it would be fine. They can even have 3DS use as a controller as well.
>Shame its stuck on a system that needs a million parts to work.
my nigga
>I'm tired, kupo!
Excellent tastes user
Blehhhh, I was stuck in an endless grind loop with no way to continue the story with my brother.
>My asthma
One of my favourite games of all time and one of the only games I've purchased the soundtrack for.
Superb art direction and excellent ideas for a game, and it really feels like you're on an adventure.
My only issue is the Chalice mechanic. Fine in singleplayer, the moogle carries it for you. Multiplayer forces one player to be the chalice bitch which is just not fun.
I hope someday Dolphin will emulate GBAs and do netplay
It's one of those few games that are very dated because the developers were doing some very dumb shit
One of the best multiplayer games on Gamecube.
A bunch of hoops to jump through to play, but completely worth it.
at least tales of symphonia was easier
then again i had RPG friends who stuck around and we'd take turns every hour going where we wanted to
my favourite multiplayer game of all time tbqh, haven't had as much fun as 4 player ffcc at all
This game sucked if you played solo. Plus none of my friends had GBAs with link cables. They should remake this in HD for PC.
I'm not defending their pants on head retarded multiplayer requirements. But how did you not know anybody with a GBA? Literally everybody I knew had them. My problem was only having 4 players with like 9 people wanting to play
It baffles me that they haven't done this yet
Because most my friends played on xbox/ xbox live at the time. No one really played gamecube outside of smash.
Gotcha. It's weird to me because growing up me and my brothers and friends were all Nintendo fags. I just assumed everybody and their mother had a GBA
I was fortunate to have all 3 consoles, but everyone where I lived had an xbox and we all played Halo 2 on xbox live or LAN
Tfw you as a single child get everything you want.
Tfw you realize your friends have to stay playing 4 year old games because their parents are single mothers with multiple kids.
It's 10/10 when you have 3 other people to play with the whole time.
3 players is acceptable, 2 players is kind of annoying. Single player is alright but lonely if you've played with other people before.
It's fun and the story folds out in a nice, organic way. God tier OST as well.
Is it possible to play this with 4 players on dolphin
Can you emulate four player in Dolphin?
I've been searching for music in general that sounds like FFCC's music and I've never found anything that comes close. It's depressing.
absolutely fucking godly narrator
also sound of the wind in english is superior to JP easy
Fuck the final boss of this game.
>Put the game down for years before deciding to finish it
>Get to the last area
Antlion is impossible. He's so big that if you're playing two player both of you just get pinned on opposite sides of the area. Fuck that boss hardcore.
It's okay even if you play alone.
The gameplay aged like shit and is incredibly rigid, you don't have this problem in multiplayer as you can split tasks with your friends.
Everything else is top notch and i'd love to play a remastered version without the retarded multiplayer requirement.
There's an in game journal for a reason.
>having to waste a year because you don't have the element you need can't get through the tunnel you need to
>not just getting mystery element ASAP
Is that possible? I thought you had to wait for a specific part in the story?
Kind of? You're probably thinking of the event that just tells you EXACTLY how to get it if you don't piece together the clues yourself.
However, you can get it as soon as you have access to the desert dungeon.
>Rebena te ra
My favorite OST, nice visuals.
Was never able to organize multiplayer with it, GBA link-up cables were a mistake.
Combat would be okay, but thanks the to the GBA thing the controls are abysmal. Even if you use a Gamecube controller, you're forced to use L and R to swap between actions, spells, and items, even basic actions like "attack" and "dodge" have to be selected this way.
I also like how the game has a very non-straight forward progression. You're just presented with a riddle and you have to solve it to get to the end, I actually played the game for many in-game years before realizing it actually had some kind of ending/conclusion beyond just keeping your town alive.
Oh shit I didn't know that. Yeah I know the poem is supposed to piece together the order in how to get it, but I thought for some reason you had to wait until it was completed.
I've been honestly been holding off playing again because having to manage the elements and years was a pain in the ass.
it's good. very comfy. selke female is best
Is there a way to access a map in single player if you're using a GCN controller?
How is the DS version?
Its okay, but it might as well just be a new IP, it barely has anything in common with the original game
Hook up a GBA to slot #2 and piant your Moogle green IIRC.
>any enemy you have to cast holy on
It has a lot of heart. I have fond memmories playing with with two buddies. Great story as well considering the little dialogue it has.
Echoes of Time > Rings of Fate
You can technically beat the entire game as soon as you get the mystery element. But it's hard as fuck to do unless you use the speedrunner technique of getting every single strength artifact.
Playing naturally probably around the 12 year mark is where you can beat it without as much trouble. Very comfy experience if you just take your time and enjoy it.
Also protip: You don't have to even beat the antlion to keep the mystery element, you can just leave the desert as soon as you get it.
The DS games had the right idea by making ANY white magic spell reveal those kinds of enemies, so you could just cast Cure or Clear.
the game isnt hard at all even when you can first get the mystery element and go to the final boss, just dodge and attack
If you like the games why don't you pay em:^)
Rings of Fate is meh.
Echoes of Time is okay. It's not great but Sherlotta is cute. The story is fucking hilarious, the dub of the obvious villain has a terrible German accent.
Also your equipment changes how your characters look which is always a nice touch.
OST has a few comfy RPG tracks:
Why did I never think to do this? Do you have to send out another character?
The final boss isn't too bad but the final area is kind of brutal if you don't have all of the hearts.
I already own 90% of these games IRL, but I can't play them in 1080p with shit loads of AA on my gamecube
Did anyone beat this game without using a guide?
No, you still play with the gamecube controller and the GBA just acts as a map (or whatever else you want to do).
Plus I think the only way to see your bonus for the stage is using the GBA.
I remember antlion being a bitch, didn't know you can skip him altogether. I think the first time I beat it was probably around the 14-15 year mark
Nope. Single player only lets you take the one character and Mog, so the GBA corresponds to Mog. If you remember the painting thing in Moogle Houses, what color fur he had would determine the type of radar on the GBA.
It was also the only way to see the Bonus objective in single player, since that doesn't show up in the TV menu for some reason.
I did, as a kid. Took me 14 in-game years.
The bastion soundtrack is pretty close
You have cubivore, gotcha force, and dopa kingdom?
>also sound of the wind in english is superior to JP easy
One of the few cases where this is actually true.
To finish the game, all bosses are optional except the last one as long as you have enough bosses left to do another cycle.
So out of the 13 stages not counting the last one, you can pick 6 of them you like with the mystery element and just keep alternating every year if you wanted to.
>friends all had GBAs
>I had an SP
>the link cable I used would make it nearly impossible to press L/R
>friends all made fun of me for this
>tfw Fiona's and selkies titties
>mfw I realized that the Leuda caravan was one boy and one girl, not two girls
The guide even referred to them as both girls.
>Playing solo
>That end of year dance cutscene
Who cares when you get to see pettie girls with monsters boobs
Crossing the miasma streams gotta be one of the most breathtaking moments in any video game. It sets up such a perfect atmosphere and tone for the game.
>your hometown is literally just a huge moogle colony that some actual people decided to colonize
>went through that entire area without realizing that holy was even a thing
technically yes, but you're not gonna have a good time
not that dude
since you fail at english, i can't tell whether you mean "pay for them" or "play them"
if you mean "pay for them," because they're no longer for sale and any money i put toward them would not go toward the developer or publisher or nintendo
if you mean "play them," i do
>buying extra stuff to receive an in-game advantage
>not pay2win
I bought this at launch with 3 friends.
We only got together one night to play.
The other three, still big FF fans in 2003 (lol how that would change), disliked it so much they didn't play again.
I tried to play solo, but it was just not fun for me.
I think got made fun of online and was told to go eat chocolate icecream and watch season 4 of Sex in the City because I was acting like an unhinged, emotional faggot.
>The other three, still big FF fans in 2003 (lol how that would change), disliked it so much they didn't play again.
The funny thing is that this game was more for people who hated what FF had become since VII, IX excluded. Everyone I knew that outright refused to play the game with me were faggots who loved VII, VIII and X because "it didn't look like Final Fantasy", and back in the day console wars were pretty retarded.
Pay for them. My bad. I was typing to fast must have missed a word. Anyways, just shitposting knowing that at least 4 of those titles are crazy expensive
Played it to the end with my siblings. Easily one of my favorite video game memories.