Deep Down


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its 99% canceled.

Cancelled in favor of Dragon's Dogma Online

Its like Versus->XV. They had nothing to really show and after a few years had to scrap and redo it.

The game looks good but this his capcom and dragons dogma was already shit. What shit meme mechanics will they put in and ruin this game?

stop playing video games

>dragons dogma was already shit

Delayed for PS4 Pro release

>Dragon's Dogma
Fuck you

>dragons dogma was already shit.

I haven't even played it but even I know its good. KYS

>dragons dogma

:^) shiggy diggy


>mimic buttholes

those mimics look fine af tho

Its been ditched for Dragons Dogma 2

But thats the Dark Arisen one.

DA was an expansion not a sequel

People initially got really excited by it, but then it was announced to be F2P with a strict emphasis on multiplayer, which killed most people's hype for it. It then gradually got pushed back more and more, eventually disappearing for the most part. Last official word was about 18 months ago, and as points out, Capcom keep renewing the trademark, though they've recently done that for the final time. Though it's worth bearing in mind that "Deep Down" was only ever a working title.

Every so often rumours pop up suggesting that it's to receive some kind of grand rereveal, the most recent one saying it was to be alongside the reveal of the NEO/Pro, but obviously that never came to anything. If it's not shown at TGS or PSX this year, it'd be safe to assume that it's been canned and the assets harvested for future MonHun and/or Dragon's Dogma. Though Sony Japan Studio were co-developing Deep Down (Its exclusivity to the PS4 was down to Sony actually being the ones to approach Capcom over it initially, according to Ono), so I don't know if that'd signal some kind of deal in the future over one of those.

i want it

>The final version won't even look half as good as this.

>dragon's dogma was already shit

>The final version will never actually exist at all

>Bucklerfags BTFO

>meme mechanics
What a meme reply on a meme board of a meme site made by a meme person living a meme life

I never bought one, but if there was one game which the mere promise of would have got me to buy a PS4 it'd have been this. I'd be truck full of explosive mad at Sony and capcom now if I had bought one.

PS4 Pro exclusive

I doubt it's going to come out. I hope they can rework it into something different.

im afraid its very likely not to come out
a shame tho


It will be re-revealed as Dragon's Dogma 2 soon
Screencap this

People have been speculating that en masse for the past 18 months, senpai.


Why do people keep saying this was replaced by Dragons Dogma:O or 2 or some shit, the games play and look nothing alike.

Why does it have a half-assed Assassin's Creed "you're actually in the future, experiencing things in the past" premise?

ps4 pro

You know Warframe? You have a hub and you select what world you go to and what mission? Thats what this had. That was your hub to set up you characters and upgrade things, and then you selected what "world" which dictates what theme of dungeon you will enter and what kind of mission you wanted, the levels were randomly generated like Warframe too. There was no narrative or story it was just a backdrop for gameplay.

It was originally a Multiplayer focused game, then a F2P game. Now a Single player/Mulitplayer game. I don't know whats real anymore

It was always a multiplayer F2P game that you could play alone.

Fuck you.

>dragons dogma was already shit
Guess who will buy it again when they release the remaster
On the other hand nobody on Sup Forums complains when RE4 gets ported again and again

I couldn't even finish the first area of Dragon's Dogma. Hated everything about it. Waste of money.

lol what a fag.

Obviously they only had an idea and made a tech demo from it, just like so many other cancelled games.

But there's extended polished gameplay.

>make a Dragon's Dogma, unique game with extremely good combat which is already ready for co-op play
>proceed with hyping le meme Souls clone
>release an online version of Dragon's Dogma
>only for Japan
>not allow Itsuno to make Dragon's Dogma 2
>still updating trademark of their dead Souls clone
Capcom is reaching Sega's level of retardation at this point.

Theres been lots of gameplay videos over the years tho.

>neo-Sup Forums

shouldnt you be in school

Did it ever seem connected?
To me, it never did.

I can recount maybe 3 areas they showed.

I lost all interest when they revealed the "You are an MMO player in a game in a game" bullshit.

All you needed to do was making the controls good, the monsters neat and the environments nice.
Give the menues and UI a tapestry look and bam, done!

But no, we need this Assassins Creed future garbage.

Also why do people overrate Dragons Dogma so much?
It's a complete mess of a game, not some flawed masterpiece or anything.

>using neo-Sup Forums

Should you be in school?

>able to spam stupid looking fire sword ability over and over
Returned it the same day.

I want the Dragons Dogma is good combat meme to die

they dont have the interest or budget in releasing a big game with high quality interest that's made by the actual capcom development studio

Why would you do that?

but it does have good combat. though it lacks variety.

Name better combat in the genre, I'll wait.

INB4 D.S. because no, it's not.


Monster Hunter, then again it's made by the same dev so yeah

If you like slow, telegraphed combat, sure.

any Dark Souls game

Man that looks good. Is this still going to be free to play shit? Man, I hope that they reveal it as a normal game with some online functions. That'd be great.

But who knows, maybe it'll still be good as free to play. I hope. Maybe.



Don't be retarded, now.


Get a load of this guy.

The initial delay was due to complaints from the initial uprising of sjws that you could only make male characters.

>le epic Witcher doesn't have good combat meme
Neo-Sup Forums at its finest.

It was a tech demo you idiot

It doesn't

It reminds me of an Arkham game, but with swords and ballerina twirls.

That's how shit it is

Dragon's Dogma has terrible combat.

It's entirely stat-based with flat bonuses.

When you deal 50 damage and an enemy has 50 damage reduction you deal no damage.

There is absolutely no skill involved. The only thing that matters is that you grind and upgrade your gear.

The large monster fights are a poor imitation of Shadow of the Colossus and utterly pointless.

>not some flawed masterpiece
It's exactly flawed masterpiece. Dragon's Dogma combat system is absolutely great. Game also has nice graphics (inb4 - lighting is very impressive for PS360) and great style. The problem is Japan not really have expirience with western RPG style so story, setting and quests are really lacking. Game balance is also kinda weird with all the restrictions and leveling system but combat is so fun and adventures so exciting you can forgive this game anything. Fighting a dragon in Skyrim after Dragon's Dogma feels like some joke.

>No skill involved.

I haven't been into bitterblack isle much, But i still know you're wrong.

It's not. It's an amateurishly made action rpg with terrible mechanics, a completely idiotic premise, a story that makes no sense, MMO style quests, a only halfway thought through companion system and SotC style climbing mechanics without understanding why that game was good and why it used them.

The only redeeming factor this game has is the character creation.

kill yourself anytime my man

Probably being turned into a different game, hopefully they get rid of the procedural dungeon shit or at least make it optional like BB's chalice dungeons

>with terrible mechanics
Only leveling is fucked up and not on the level to bitch about it. If you suddenly rolled into the mage after 50 warrior levels, yeah, your magic will suck. It's stupid, considering the game actually encourage you to switch vocation but it's also makes sense. I can understand the complain though, I wish Dogma completely dropped weird leveling stats and was just about unlocking skills and finding better gear.

And actual combat is amazing. It feels good, it's fun.

>SotC style climbing mechanics without understanding why that game was good
Yeah, every game with climbing now needs to be SotC clone? Dogma is fucking awesome. Climbing on a drake when he suddenly flies into the skies is fucking awesome.

I only disagree with the first 3 points you made.

The side quests are shit because the game is an extreme example of "ACTION" rpg.

The companion system was overambitious and cripplingly flawed. (At least we got some memes from it)

The boss climbing is incredibly finicky.

>Witcher has good combat
I want neo Sup Forums to leave now

>The Witcher
>Good combat

pick one

supposedly they have trouble with the engine and are having to re-engineer a bunch of stuff.

honestly I just think they've scrapped it and are reworking the entire thing into Dragon's Dogma 2.

>dragon's dogma has ""good combat""
nu-neo-Sup Forums

If anything, Dragons Dogma is a guilty pleasure.

>using skill as an argument for ENJOYMENT of a videogame
EDF 4.1 is simply shoot gun, kill bugs there is nothing complex at work, by your logic this isnt enjoyable because theres no "skill" involved in the combat, the damage is flat and the gear is all that matters.
Monster Hunter does the exact thing you mentioned about gear, and Id wager it requires more "skill" than most RPG games to play.

You seem to measure a games worth by how much it can measure your epeen. Thats incredibly puerile.

"old" Sup Forums has always championed abjectly terribly games as being better than they really are. DD is defiantly one of them.

Deus Ex?

I loved the game but the combat system was its weakest part.

Dark Souls?


Is that you?

Yeah right, just bend my argument until it fits your stupid opinions.

Sup Forums constantly complains about games that are heavy on grinding and in DD grinding levels and gear is absolutely necessary if you want to progress.

It doesn't matter if you're good at combat as long as you have good stats. If you don't have sufficient stats you will suck no matter how good you are.

In Dark Souls you can just grind and improve your stats if you lack the skill but if you lack the stats you can still be good at the game without grinding.
That's good game design.

I don't give a shit about muh hardcore difficulty or accievements or e-toughguy bragging rights.

The fact is, DD has terrible combat mechanics based solely on grinding. No amount of your bitching and whining is going to change that.

It either got cancelled or it's getting rebranded as a Dragons Dogma game.

>grinding = bad combat mechanics

drink some water man, you craycray

But I didnt bend anything, thats exactly what you said. Read your own post.

>grinding has anything to do with combat mechanics
Weither Im level 1 or level 100 that doesnt affect the combat mechanics of the game
>"Grinding in DD is necessary to progress"
WHAT. HAHAHAHA There is a speedrun mode in the game user and you can run through the whole game and finish it by level 10. Youve just outed yourself as full of shit, way to go champ.

>getting rebranded as a Dragons Dogma game
Pls no. I want a proper DD sequel.

>grinding levels and gear is absolutely necessary if you want to progress.
>in Dragons Dogma
>mentions Dark Souls somewhere in the post
This has to be bait.

And the speedrun mode uses the exact same enemy stats?
I don't think so, pal.

Try completing the vanilla game on level 10.

Knowing CAPCOM, they'll probably do it anyway.

Are you joking? You can complete Dark Souls without leveling, naked and only a club.
You don't need to grind whatsoever.

In DD this is impossible because you will deal 0 damage to higher level enemies.