We Wuz Mafia gameplay Sup Forumsros
We Wuz Mafia gameplay Sup Forumsros
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The on foot controls look better than gta5 desu
>Sup Forumsros
Fuck off.
t. not a Sup Forumsto
>Opens door
>Stands 2 feet away from the door and does an opening animation away from said door
The gunplay looks really good tho
that fucking voice
This is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Blacks aren't allowed in the Mafia.
i don't think it looks bad at all. driving kinda seems lame but that's it.
He's from Mississippi I think
Fuck off shill.
Same shit we've seen for a decade.
I'm so not hyped for this game. Also, you just know the San Francisco radical leftist cucking fetishists who made this game are completely against putting historical Playboy pinups in the game world as collectibles because that would be a "microaggression" and "rape" against women and transmen.
B-but t-there are collectable Playboy's in the game I saw he found one earlier
but can we make concrete shoes? can we glass people? will it be another "you have a gang but no one in your gang patrols the streets and helps you" thing? will we go to vietnam for a flashback??
Doubt it, and if there were, let me guess, they're all hardcore trash featuring white women being fucked by negroes?
No, thanks, I'll spend my money elsewhere. I don't want to reward these tumblr-tier studios.
Two words
American gangster
Stay autistic Sup Forums
You realize we can directly compare the number of posts with the number of posters right?
We can tell when you're responding to yourself.
Well it's in there Tumblr be damned
mostly a fabrication where frank lucas' claims in his autobiography didn't match up with the official police records
Jesus Christ, user, you're obsessed
Is decent lip-sync/facial animations really THAT hard to do? I don't know, just seems to me that we should've improved at least a little bit since 2010
It does look kind of fun in a sandbox way, but the protagonist and his story is so fucking boring.
>Bumping good threads is bad
>Can you refill gas in your car?
Why do autists think a feature like that is a good thing?
Shilling shit games is bad.
A game is shit until proven good, and it can't be proven good until it's available to the general public.
[citation needed]
I want proof it's featured in the game. Either a censored shot of it IN GAME, or written declaration from the developers that it's in the game.
It was in this stream you autists, you will see it when it's archived on YouTube
>not even by the original devs
Why bother
Playing it just so I can kill nigger NPCs and upload it to youtube for butthurt
>asking for proof of a selling point is autistic
It's because of people like you that there are entire companies that get away with massive downgrades release after release.
I already gave proof it's in this video
because the original devs fucked up mafia 2 and ruined their company
Wow, that looks pretty bad. Downgrade confirmed or is this just a typical case of shit console quality and performance?
at least mafia 2 had white people
A. I'm not going to watch 2 hours of video game marketing
B. My point is you getting butthurt about someone asking for verification of something
We Wuz Mafia looks better than We Wuz Hackers
>fastest car at full speed, head on collision
>almost no visible damage
Shit game
And I'm still getting neither. If some millennial douche wants to push his shitty Huffpo blog politics into my hobby, I'm not enabling him to keep the lights on and keep himself fed.
They didn't fuck up the game they ran out of cash. But at least mafia 1 was good. What has this bunch of fucciboi done to convince me to get their game. Aside from dragging out the corpse of a horse and beating it.
This guy is obviously mentally fucked, he just said he likes racing side activities in open world games.
What kind of sick fuck holds that disgusting opinion
ITT San Andreas never existed and playing as a black is automatically SJW
SA wasn't a "kill whitey" power fantasy shoe horned into a Mafia game.
>game about criminal black neighborhoods featuring criminalized blacks
What does San Andreas have to do with We Wuz Donz an Shit III?
Mafia 2's was as well. The thing that game did well was atmosphere and period piece shit. Hopefully this serves that same dish.
Do they even allow kangz in the mafia?
>San Andreas was a game about the ghetto
>Mafia 3 is about ________
Remember Italians are black and so were 80% of the people in ww1. There is no sjw in western gaming.
They said in the video you don't have to refill your cars so I'm already expecting everything that made Mafia 2 interesting to been cut from this game.
Nah i'll pass.
I figured that'd be the case. To be fair, I don't remember actually needing to do it at any point during the game besides just fucking around.
Are white people the most cucked people in the world? Why do you guys hate yourself?
Terrible animations
>race mission in Mafia
Im sick and tired of WE WUZ cant you americans do anything? Elect David Duke as your president?
That's a fucking retarded feature anyway, do you also want to have to take a piss and shit too?
Graphically, it looks cool, the trailers look fun and I'm up for some more GTA/Mafia type gameplay. The only thing that's killing it for me is this obsession with cultural appropriation the far left has been pushing.
>malik and pritchard get replaced with generic sassy black characters in new dx flop
>new mafia game gets blacked
>we wuz brits an nazis 1
If one of Adam's sidekicks was a black character who develops from a sassy douche like a bro the way Pritchard did, it'd be fine. If the new Mafia was an Italian guy and his Vietnam black best friend, that'd be fine. If the new Battlefield was historically accurate whites and their Indian and African brothers in arms, it'd be fine, but this shit is just cuck porn levels of pushing.
These people should all be out of work and sucking dick for their next possible overdose, not fucking up my hobby.
>no motorcycles
Honestly, having to bail in the middle of a gun fight to take a nasty shit in a back alley hoping they don't find you would be a great gameplay feature.
there were no nazis in WW1, but it figures a dumb racist doesn't know that
really? I remember a cutscene on a graveyard where lincoln drives on a bike
That was the fastest way I could get across that there are black German infantry. If this hyperbole triggered you, I hope you're able to calm down and just appreciate open discussion on an image board.
Just because we don't agree with each other doesn't mean we have to hate each other, user.
Society teaches us that it's horrible to be racist towards shitskins and that racism against whites doesn't exist
Could be a scripted or NPC thing like Joy in Shenmue 2. Historic motorcycles would be cool though.
oh maybe there are then, I was listening to the stream and the guy said he didn't see any while he was playing
You're a white male!
So apart from race-baiting what does this mafioso game about mafia members have going for it?
>Asks for proof
>Given proof
>Doesnt want to see it
You are retarded.
this game is hilarious to me
he looks like fucking reggie
It's set in the New Orleans, that's about it.
I'll be sold on this game if there's zombie voodoo DLC but not before it.
I'll happily look at the proof but expecting me to sit through 2 hour advertisements isn't going to happen. The video title said 2 hours long, I said tell me what time the proof is at.
Honestly, if this game has the iconic Playboy pinups, the gameplay is competent, and the graphics don't take a huge downgrade, I'll eventually buy the game when it's dirt cheap, but I'm not going to award the studio full price on their political fetish peddling.
>that map
>that ugly ui
>that pause menu
>even the fucking notifications
It looks like they just ripped a whole bunch of shit from different open-world, specifically GTAV. Fuck even the city looks somewhat like GTA4. Plus you got a knuckle dragger as a protagonist. God damn no originality.
Wait, what's the name of the game exactly? Is it Mafia 3 or Three 6 Mafia
The speedometer especially is completely unnecessary
That actually got an IRL chuckle from me.
The game legitimately looks like a ps360 game
You can just write "lol" to say the same thing.
Stop being a sexist racist, Hugh.
Hey man I don't hate myself or my culture. Don't lump me with the faggots pushing this game.
Nah, usually when people type lol, they're not actually laughing out loud.
They're a part of your culture too, cuck
God you Sup Forumsacks are pathetic
Bloo bloo they put a nigger in my game series what ever shall i do bloo bloo bloo
You're the dumb nut who lumps all white people until one culture. I'm Dutch. Stop generalizing us all. You'd probably throw a hissy fit if anyone did it to your culture.
Never forget
No, a Mafia is with Jews or Italians. When it's Blacks blacks it's a gang and when it's Arabs it's a terrorist organization. Hispanic crime groups are cartels. Everyone knows this.
>Mafia is with Jews
no it's not
These people don't even know their own history or background. They're not a part of "white" culture. They're just self-hating faggots. Every group has them. Stop assuming a vocal minority of retards is a significant part of the culture, much less specific to every group under "white" culture.
Braindead retard detected. Italians and Jews together ran murder inc and black markets during prohibition. Literally everyone knows this. Never, ever post again.
What did he mean by this?
I don't mind black protags but the game is actually pushing a hardcore racism agenda. my girlfriend is a lyft driver in san francisco and actually had a dev from hangar 3 as a passenger. she gets tons of computer science people and programmers when she's driving around. she said the guy explained it as a way to see the world from a black persons point of view and said he described the rest of the game as about some mafia stuff. she said he was a gangly awkward weirdo who farted in the car
Like you literally just said that showing the world from a black person's perspective equates to hardcore racism
Bro do I even have to explain this to you
>Main character of a Mafia game is black
I don't even have a problem with black protagonist, but this is just stupid.
what? I said it had a racism agenda. the agenda is showcasing perceived racism
I don't care about graphics but seriously, this game looks incredibly ugly
Skip to 0:50
>A mafia game where you play a member of the Italian Mafia and you must kill a black soldier that went apeshit after the war and starts to run a gang to get revenge on you
I made a better Mafia game without even trying
Ah okay. I mean, I don't think that's true, but that makes more sense.
Jesus. The black dude isn't in the mafia. In this game you kill the mafia. Sal Marcano is the villain and the boss of the Italian mafia.