>1080p 60fps
1080p 60fps
My sides
What am I looking at
horizon zero dawn
>This is what a console game looks like in the year 2016
>trusting the 960x1080 developers
thats a ps4 pro game that will release in 2017
I can't imagine the inputlag, unless GG got better at this
>PCuck can't even take 1080p screenshots
It's "4k" footage downscaled to 1080p by DF, they mention it a lot in the video that they just wanted to focus on the FPS of their 4k version on pro, it isn't the 1080/60 fps version they said would be a patch
Digital foundy's youtube
never forget
Pro will be out for like 3 months before Horizon, so it wouldn't be a patch it would just be in the game as a setting.
Games will probably have
>4K with default settings
>1080p 60fps with default settings
>1080p 30fps with PRO settings
>can't even hit 60fps rendering at half res with 2x MSAA and nearest neighbour scaling
Is the PS4 Pro supposed to be more powerful than the OG PS4?
>it isn't the 1080/60 fps version they said would be a patch
There is no 1080P 60FPS version. Guerilla said the game will only be 30FPS in all modes.
The console version is locked at 30fps, retard.
I'm not saying it could get much higher but that image is BS.
26 fps is the youtube fps rate
Judging by the consistency did you seriously run the fps count on a YouTube video?
Then why did OP imply it's supposed to be 60 FPS?
> the "gta5 on console is locked to 30fps meme"
Because OP is a faggot
console damage control at this point is becoming insufferable
>payed for game updates
>upgraded console cant even do 1080p 60fps, forget 4k
>he believes the PS4Pro will run games in 4K
maybe indieshit
It's still in lower quality than PC version look at textures.
DF can, they count the actual image frames
it dips lower than 26 frames per second, what makes you think there would ever be 60fps? this is on the P S 4 PRO,
PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game were improved with a patch
Because OP likes spreading false information.
digital foundry uses video capture hardware for each console that you would only dream of owning
Its Nu-4K, already confirmed but its tiring to type 4K* constantly.
because faggots on Sup Forums were making "Horizon is 1080p60" threads all day yesterday just because the video sony released was 60fps
>some people believe that the PS4 will handle 4k and 60fps
Loading screens will never have been so good looking or smooth...
Choke on it PCfucks!
>using Youtube video to determine game's frame rate
Who else would much rather have 1080p60 instead of 4k30? Hell i'd even prefer 720p60.
Nobody does. Not even 1080's can handle that.
Why would they want consols at 4K anyway why not try to get 1080p 60Fps first If we wanted true 4k We would BUILD A PC
I'm not saying it will get better, but Battlefront and Killzone SF also ran at like 40fps a few months before release on PS4 and when they came it they were pretty much 60 locked
>Nobody does
Oh sonycucks do.
Is no one going to mention how the game is still in Pre-Alpha amnd they still have time to optimize things? No? ok
>Digital Foundry
So any legit source or only butthurt PCucks?
funny how console faggots go to digital foundry to show us how bad the newest batman port was, PLEASE, kill yourself today
Way to prove my point. PCuck clam down and play your 16 bit pixel shit.
Most people use it because otehrwise they'd not be able to tell anyway
This time i actually feel bad for sonyniggers. They forced to buy same console twice just so they can play bloodborne with stable 30 fps. This is fucked up. Why everyone thinks that jews are so bad when japanese people exist?
>Nobody does
check the youtube comments on the DF video
DF was found on idea to show off how well CONSOLE games run, they are not pro PC they are pro concumer
never forget
>Buy 4K TV
>Games will barely make use of it, only rendering halfway between 4K and 1080p, introducing ugly upscaling
>Keep 1080p TV
>You'll still be locked at the same frate rates and don't receive benefits
>16bit pixel shit
sure thing, good goy, .01$ has been deposited into your israeli over seas bank account ( you will not be able to access these fund for 10 years as per our investment agreement , by then maybe a play station will exist that can do 1080p/60fps , and you can withdraw your funds then )
Look guys
He's triggered
>don't receive benefits
>what is supersampling
Don't believe Sony's memes, they want to sell TVs to you but you can absolutely benefit from 4K with a regular screen
>actually looks worse than the original
are you retarded>? that 10 second webm is only 1 mb and the assets for that level ARE RIPPED DIRECTLY FROM THE n64 VERSION
sony lies way too much
glorious 24 frames per second master race, am i right guys?
N64 games run at really low resolutions, have a AA blur filter and a bunch of Post processing shit to hide all the ugly looking bits.
PS2 games did the same, GTA VC had a setting called "Trails" that hid the AA using some sort of bloom combination with motion blur
Actually 2xGTX 1080s in SLI can handle 4K, a Pascal TitanX alone can pull 40 to 70 fps in 4k in most triple A games... but we're talking about a gpu that costs like 4xPS4 Neo
one of the onimusha games for ps2 were so blurry that during a raining level the screen looked like it had vaseline pouring down it, ( i loved excite truck for the wii which was also a blurry mess sometimes, but at least it was SIXTY FUCKING FRAMES PER FUCKING SECOND, FUCK
kek try RDR/Midnight Club LA on PS3, literally unplayable
>It's "4k" footage downscaled to 1080p by DF,
Not quite. Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
please read the following words carefully
Killzone on ps4 runs at 960x1080 resolution and the remaining almost 1000 vertical lines of pixels are approximated with a blurred pixel algorithm.
if i run rocket league at that resolution i get like 500 frames per second on my gtx 760 graphics card. did you read those word carefully? did you understand? if not, tie a noosed rope and wrap it around your neck, attach it to a city bus, and just wait for it all to end.
>Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
except with you its not weed, i think youre smoking crack
>>Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
>>Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
what the fuck am i reading
>Killzone on ps4 runs at 960x1080 resolution and the remaining almost 1000 vertical lines of pixels are approximated with a blurred pixel algorithm.
Not that guy but is this how vanquish managed to run at 1024x720 yet still have a proper 16:9 display ratio?
>>Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
Hes not wrong user...
>Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
What the fuck??????
One that removed Parralax mapping completely don't think I don't remember kek
>>>>Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
Its double the pixels of 1080p and then upscaled to 4k. so its essentially 1440p or more likely 2160i
>Not quite. Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
lol jesus, brutal, i guess you could say it was optimized for consoles
>>>Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
>Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
No its not you retard. If you have a 4k screen it upscales the native 1440p output to 4k or if you're playing on a 1080p screen it down samples the native 1440p output to 1080p.
>1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
PS4.Pro using build in chip scaler. Patented by sony.
So no true 4k games on Pro, just 1440, all upscaled with a chip.
Some game will use multisampling in 1080p mode.
So game will render in 1440p, upscale by ps4.pro to 4k and downscale back to 1080p.
>1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
So this user right.
>4 the player
horizon dawn is NOT NATIVE 1440p.
>Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
(post more reactions)
>Not quite. Its 1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
The fuck am i reading?
They mention it in the DF video that the game doesn't actually run at 4k and is running at double the density of 1080p (essentially 1440p) and upscale it to 4k. it is then downsampled to 1080p for the press-release stuff that DF are using.
christ people in this thread are retarded
State of Sony ffs
>1440p upscaled to 4k and then downscaled to 1080p
( my wheel bound chair aunt painted this picture, she has muscular distrophy , im running out of reaction pictures)
What the fuck user
Are people actually denying it? I thought the reactions were to how ridiculous all that scaling is.
dont believe his lies.
>people actually believe that the PS4 Pro will do 60 FPS
im just gonna say that you are retarded and then im going to ip block myself from Sup Forums because this is out of control
>some PCuck was this mad he bought Bloodborne just to do this
they dont understand that resolution is irrelivant when even on a 1080p downscale it does 30fps, why not just use native 1080p and get 60fps and the game would LOOK IDENTICAL WITH ANY AMOUNT OF ANTI ALIASING BUT WITH 60FPS, SONY DEFENDERS ARE 1000% RETARDED
Pro or vanilla PS4?
>why not just use native 1080p and 60fps
that would be smart idea, and we are talking about consoles, pick one