Help I can't get over how shitty the writing in TW3 was and how they even retroactively ruined the series with it.
What can I do to numb the asspain
Help I can't get over how shitty the writing in TW3 was and how they even retroactively ruined the series with it.
What can I do to numb the asspain
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Kill yourself.
I tried senpai
even worse is the MC who sounds like he has swallowed a bunch of cum which then dried in his throat
Don't play games for writing (especially stay away from games with sequels and a contious story they always fuck that up) , if you're in that read fantasy books
your problem for playing with english dub
You would know faggot.
When you go to the brothels can you fuck a male prostitute?
>playing in a language you don't understand
top pleb
Don't worry, bro. Bioware and EA are releasing a brand new chapter in the acclaimed space-age RPG series, Mass Effect. Be sure to preorder for your Xbox One, PS4 or PC today at your local Gamestop (Power to the Player)!
>what is subtitle
convenience is a trusty tool , user.
which witcher game had the best writing then? 2?
1 of course. 2 was just more of that wannabe ASOIAF stuff that ruined half the books.
Try, try, try again
Special Snowflake has appeared!
Let's validate him!
>I am going to make the same thread, over and over again. I can't stomach the fact that some people would like this game, how dare they, it's GARBAGE. Obviously some other reasonable people have to agree with me, right? So if I post the EXACT SAME THREAD EVERYDAY with a difference every time, nobody will guess that i'm one and only guy. Haha, I'm a genius. I'm doing this world a favor by pointing out HOW SHIT THIS GAME IS. Man , if only more people were sensible, like me. Obviously no one in their right mind would like this PIECE OF SHIT GAME. How dare these peasants disagree with this?? Why would ANYONE like this game? Ugh, I just can't right now. Even Undertale was better than TW3. *breathes heavily* I bet these faggots haven't even completed dark souls on hard mode, LOL.
Time to shitpost these morons and make them waste their time, kek. Fucking cucks.
When will you get over it?
Even though the game was one chapter short and the writers crammed too much exposition into the dialogue, it was still one of the best written games with one of the best antagonists ever
A few months.
The thing is I never played TW3 until now, I was saving money for the new PC because my old could barely start it up
Now I have an expensive PC but zero interest in any games. I'm sure as hell never replaying this shit again
Play it for the gameplay
I'm actually playing Witcher 2 right now for the first time. During the summer I played w1 and liked it and was going to take a break from the series until I saw the ending and couldnt just stop with a cliffhanger like that.
So far (beginning of chapter 2) its one of the best games I've ever played, sure there are problems, like not being able to drink potions in battles, but everything else so far is fucking amazing.
Cant believe it took me 5 years to pick up and play it.
>comparing a super vast RPG to hallways with vampires : the game
how fucking retarded do you have to be?
There isn't even HALF as many locations in VTMB as there is in the base game of TW3.
Writing was amazing for The Witcher 3.
Note by writing I don't mean the plot or the dialogue, those were great as well.
By writing I mean how they wrote the world and the characters. All those tiny little details that made the game from being great to being greatest of all time.
The game utterly subverts all expectations you have on the nature of all characters. The first example being the introduction of Yen. Any other lesser game or developer would NOT have handled the players first real introduction with Yen at White Orchard the way CDPR would have.
A few hours in and you'll realize Quen breaks the game and there is no point in spamming it since everything else is weak shit in comparison.
And Witcher 3 is even worse in terms of combat.
Everything breaks the game so it doesn't matter.
Speccing too deep into alchemy breaks the game.
Speccing into signs breaks the game.
In a pure magic build by the end I just need to spam igni to blow everything up.
>all these empty buzzwords
Boy they sure did subvert my expections about black spiky armored dudes with eyelines. Eredin and the rest sure were deep characters with lines like
>you humans are so weak growl
Only thing it subverted my expectaiton to was how generic and mediocre the writing was, how barely anything was morally gray and how easy the choices were to make.
Although I will admit that Yen was cometently done as a romantic interest , maybe better than anything similar? Triss was poorly done tho, she was way better done in TW1, and the triangle between Shani, Triss and Geralt was better written in the first game
>Witcher 3
>super vast RPG
I bet you also think Skyrim is a super vast RPG because of its quantity. But even comparing Witcher 3 to Skyrim is an insult to Skyrim.
why would geralt want to fuck a male whore?
>having plenty of quests with fleshed out characters is wrong !!! m-muh handholding!!
ok retard, go back to playing HL1 and VTMB.
Skyrim sucks, but it has NOTHING to do with tw3. the only common aspect is how open the world is , and tw3 has many more "forced" checkpoints that push the story forward - as did VTMB.
>geralt is like a 100 years old
>he doenst look 15
>he can die. he fucking already did you moron.
Skyrim is objectively a better RPG than Witcher though. Witcher 3 is barely an RPG. It bears the genre name to simply get away with shit gameplay.
Yeah Ciri Skywalker was a totally subversive character
>Skyrim sucks, but it has NOTHING to do with tw3
They are both shitty nu-games where the bulk of the content is clearing markers off a map. Sounds pretty similar to me.
Skyrim actually has customization past the superficial level unlike Witcher 3. Witcher 3 is more like Ass Creed.
>Skyrim actually has customization past the superficial level unlike Witcher 3. Witcher 3 is more like Ass Creed.
It's all the same shit, man.
They subverted your expectations with virtually every major and minor character, not to mention side quests.
Velen's overall quest with Bloody Baron and crones
That White Orchard innkeeper
Where the Cat and Wolf Play
Lambert's side quest
Lambert in general
Sigi Reuven's character and personality
The list is too long to list, but I can guarantee you no other single developer out there today is doing what CDPR does in terms of writing quest, story and lore, at least not with their frequency and still maintaining a realistic aspect.
I will grant you some of the RPGs of ages past like had similar or better quality of writing, but as of today CDPR and The Witcher series is pretty much the best we have.
I welcome you to list any and all recent games that can even come close to TW3 in terms of writing.
>Skyrim is objectively a better RPG
>people legitimately think this
Explain to me how Witcher 3 is a better RPG without resorting to muh story.
Because in terms of gameplay, Skyrim does everything better as an RPG than Witcher 3. You have so much more freedom and customization.
>Explain to me how Witcher 3 is a better RPG without resorting to muh story.
Medieval fantasy town design. There's so much more, but I'm in a game and it's your turn.
>Velen's overall quest with Bloody Baron and crones
This is the point where I dropped the game because I realized CDPR drones eat shit. The baron quest was NOTHING SPECIAL. Gameplay wise, it was a fucking turd. You had to use retarded Witcher sense to progress and the combat sequences with the witches attacking was completely shit.
Holy shit and you fucks say that Gone Home fags are obnoxious.
>without resorting to muh story
are you legit fucking autistic?
No, I'm serious , are you completely fucking retarded?
What do you think is the most important part of a fucking ROLE PLAYING GAME?
There is not a single point in which TW3 is inferior to skyrim, aside maybe from characterization , because geralt is always going to be the same person , no matter how you play the game.
It's not even an actual RPG anyway, it probably is an open world adventure game with choices. Not 100% rpg, but not an adventure game either.
Was that an argument? The setting? Holy shit you're not even trying anymore. In every aspect of gameplay, Skyrim is better. It allows much more customization. Enemy variety is greater. Quests are better.
>Witcherfag ousted as a westerncuck dudebro
Yeah enjoy your cinematic piece of trash where you just wait for the next cutscene. What a good GAME. It's just like watching a movie but with shitty filler segment inbetween where I have to suffer ass cancer gameplay.
10/10 Good job Polacks.
Lol wut you can't just discount random aspects of an RPG to suit your argument.
>le ebin tryhard contrarian
Hasn't it gotten stale yet?
only 3 weeks left
>This is the point where I dropped the game because I realized CDPR drones eat shit.
Good job bro you convinced me.
>enemy variety
>better quests
Why do people fall for the CDPR meme? They've never made a good game in their lifespan. All they got is intense Internet shilling.
> I have not played this game but i hate it !
Less than a fifth of tw3 is cutscenes, and this discussion ends here because you're fucking stupid and have obviously never played the game past the intro.
>setting makes it an RPG
Wrong again CDPR drone. No wonder you think Witcher 3 is an RPG when you think a fucking setting makes it one. Dumb fuck.
>Velen's overall quest with Bloody Baron and crones
That part wasn't bland shit 101 mediocrity like the rest of the game but like everything else it was dumbed down for the intented audience (12 year olds). The Baron was actually a rapist in the original draft, thus making it you helping him feel more conflicted. In the game he's a jolly fatguy who takes in stray kids but had unhappy marriage and drinking problem he couldn't control (even though I ran into kids eating a dog on the way to him).
>That White Orchard innkeeper
I don't remember this shit probably because it was not memorable.
>Sigi Reuven's character and personality
He was taken from the books there's nothing original about him in TW3.
I agree with you on some of the stuff but what you numbered is less than 5% of the game. Rest of the game is generic bland shit, Witcher 2 had moments like these on every step. I know it was shorter but the entire game was like that.
> but I can guarantee you no other single developer out there today is doing what CDPR does in terms of writing quest, story and lore
They've been hyping the Wild Hunt as an enemy from the first game. You have pseudo philosophical arguments with him in the first game where he judges your choices and gets inside your head.
In the third game he's generic evil villain, he has like 5 generic evil lines in the game. He's the main antagonist featured in all three games. CDPR wins the award for writting the shittiest protagonist and retroactively ruining him in TW1.
They butchered the lore when they made Ciri able to stop the white frost. Those are serious retcons from the books and it made Eredins quest pointless (that was the basis for the entire series how all events came to be)
>still maintaining a realistic aspect
>recent games
No, fuck you. Stop moving the goal posts. That's how we got into this mess in the first place. Witcher 3 is a pile of shit and it'll never be good.
Played it more than enough to realize it was just another shitty soulless open-world AAA among millions. Go and make another thread on how great the Baron quest was. You've already made hundreds. What's another one going to hurt?
stop posting your shitty modified list, dogfucker
>all those posts that quote noone
>poster number doesn't change
Yes I'm sure it's a grand conspiracy and nobody hates Witcher 3 but one person. No it's perfect and flawless and full of great Polack memes!
Neither are. AAA games have gotten so bad and generic they need to be categorized in a new genre.
That list is accurate, dick burglar.
Nobody said it's perfect , but you've failed every time to point out what's bad about it , because all you post is dumb opinions.
>there's too much dialog!
It's a game about dialogs between characters and combat, yes.
>it's repetitive!
Like every other RPG out there?
>combat is shit
>the story is boring
Multiple character arcs all evolving on their own and going down different paths that drastically change the outcomes and how the story plays, making for great replayability, is terrible. Okay.
There, all the arguments you could have were answered. Now fuck off back to playing skyrim if you love it so much, no one cares.
>In every aspect of gameplay, Skyrim is better. It allows much more customization. Enemy variety is greater. Quests are better.
My sides
>Enemy variety is greater. Quests are better
Went a bit too far there
I wish whoever keeps making these threads would just fuck off. How retarded and desperate for attention do you have to be to constantly make threads about tw3? Why does this game attract the most retarded anti-fanbase?
welcome to Sup Forums
That's pretty much it, yeah. Good on you for getting that right.
nah it was ruined
Dance with the Rogues in high? it's not even a game retard
OP here, I was part of the fan-base and loved the previous games until i actually got a new PC and played TW3.
It's fucking terribly written game.
Now I'm gonna vent because i feel like I bought a PC for nothing ,
it's popular, which is a deadly sin on Sup Forums
even worse, it's one of the most popular games ON Sup Forums, which makes the rest of the posters automatically hate tw3 fans even more than usual
Assblasted biodrones mad about how shit DragQueen Age: Cisquisition was
>that lighting.
Fuck the downgrade
Whether or not it's an RPG is besides the question.
It obviously IS an RPG. You're objectively wrong if you deny the fact.
I disagree with all your points.
Where you go wrong is that you take the in game lore and prophecy to be fact. It's not. Even in the game, the prophecies don't always come true and Ithlinne's Prophecy itself isn't even a unique one. The lore in the game is subjective, not even Oxenfurt scholars believe in every prophecy, even GERALT himself stated many times in game that he doesn't believe in Ithlinne's Prophecy. You need to learn to read the subtext and not just take everything the game presents as fact.
>I disagree with all your points.
I disagree with you on all your points.
Please explain how Eredin in the third game was a fleshed out antagonist, worthy of being the main antagonist in the series.
Please explain how this one encounter with him is not better than anything he does in TW3.
Please explain how that ciri could stop the apocalypse at any time makes this entire shitty game fucking worthless. Why did she wait until Vesemir and Crach en Craite died so she can fuck off out of the battle while everyone was dying for her and deus ex machina the shit out of the series
If the best writing a videogame has ever had isn't good enough, there's no pleasing you.
I'm not gonna pretend I've played every worthy video game ever played.
I've played the previous ones and they both run circles around this game.
Eredin is the worst main villain probably any series has ever done, even Bioware. Not only that but he was done way better in the previous games. Wild Hunt were bunch of edgy fucks in black spiky armor that only had a few generic one liners. No given clear motivaitons, no development, no characterization
Church of the Eternal fire vs mages conflict is so laughable ,one dimensional and black and white that even the mage vs templar conflict in Dragon Age Orings felt better written.
Hjalmar vs Cerys is again tipped on the side of Cerys. She's gonna save the isles because she's the first vagina president, there isn't even a choice here.
Not to confuse the 12 year olds they made even the war black and white, with Radovid obviously being the bad choice and the game constantly repeating this like a million times.
I agree with this also the mages/ sorceresses are 'so' missunder stood victims along with non humans no matter what you do.
Dandelion was always annoying but that crimson avenger shit was terrible.
Bloody Baron so evil and edgy but wait he's not wow but he still allows his troops to roam around raping and stealing from the poor.
Yennifer in the start killing Nilfgaard troops while working for Nilfgaard hurr durr and Nilfgaard is so evil cause they are owowoww.
Geralt just hates the Emperor becasue he does and is big evil dark empire.
Radovid was meant to be a very tricky and calculating character but in 3 they just turn him into a giant emo nutcase baby with no redeeming.
Yes I agree with only one real option/ black and white no grey choices.
Annoying time waster collect em all map locations
Took out a heap of sex encounters cause instead of making the player want to chose to be manogomace with Yen. Or Triss or go it alone.
Story line is way too stretched out and repetitive more gameplay and hours isn't necessarily a good thing.
Completely dropping massive plot points like the dark secret Saskia new about Phillipa Ileheart that was meant to instantly destroy her if exposed. No Saskia poor carry over from the old games.
Thaler was rough when he was undercover as a fence but then stops the act in 3 he's just edgy swearing super spy.
The viking themed islands were mostly boring.
Ciri and the whole storyline with suddenly I can defeat the white frost but didn't say anything all this time.
Cutting out all the cool sections with other worlds in favor of more viking islands.
The graphics aren't the only things that were dumbed down.
Look how much content they cut from the main story in the leaks.
And the cut content isn't even the problem but what's there is so simplified and dumbed down
The baron was supposed to be a rapist. The emperor burns down the lodge sorceresses anyways. Lots of these little details would make the game not feel so straightforward and black and white.
I mean for fucks sake they advertise as this morally gray RPG game with hard choices and it's less morally gray than it's competitors
>If the best writing a videogame has ever had
The writing in Witcher 3 is dogshit, though. It was so bad the author of the novels had to publicly denounce it.
That's actually not true.
He's never touched a video game in his life. He's a bitter 90 year old man that got fucked out of royalties for a popular franchise. It wasn't nearly that popular when he sold it
the writing goes downhill as soon as you reach novigrad
Wow finally people who understand my frustration with tw3 on this website.
However my biggest disappointment concerning the story was : Your choices affect a 5 sec slideshow at the end.
Even in tw1 your choices had more impact.
>chosen one plot
>the chosen one is a lesbian mary sue who is better than the MC at every thing
gee no thanks
Funny how you guys are so desperate to defend your shit game you'll even shit on the guy that created the universe it takes place in if he doesn't think it's the best thing since sliced bread. You guys are way in denial and you need to be contained in a hugbox general on /vg/.
If you like Witcher 3, you will never understand what makes a video game good. You guys are like some lardass that claims he's a foody because he doesn't like the taste of salad, but the fact of the matter is he's just a fatass that stuffs his face with cheetos and will never be able to appreciate a good steak.
I'm the guy shitting on this game the entire thread, your argument is fucking retarded and so are you for making it.
Sapkowski's books got progressivley worse and worse and he cared less and less. He then killed Geralt in the dumbest way possible to piss fans off.
He sold the franchise for pennies, now that it's popular he makes noise. He's 70 years old and like every 70 year old he probably doesn't even understand how video games are supposed to work or what they are
>images of trump
lmao get the fuck out
and yet you fags shit on weebs for preferring jap audio.
Fucking hypocrites.
>What can I do to numb the asspain
Play Witcher 1, pretend that W2 doesn't exist and pretend that W3 is a spin off that features a cloned geralt.
You're bad at shilling. But here's a (You).
>lmao get the fuck out
Are you literally shaking right now?
I love how Trump simply upsets democrats so much.
This is false. After the cutscene theres an epilgoue/quest for each ending. And beyond that what more would you expect?
What's this picture from?
ShindoL at work