
So is she useful again after that 20% healing boost, can any mains respond?

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I could understand maining zen/lucio/ana, but why the fuck would you ever main mercy? I mean sure, she's okay if you're playing with friends and/or you just want to have a bit more of a relaxing game while still participating, but how the fuck could someone ever want to "main" her?

>how the fuck could someone ever want to "main" her?
>just want to have a bit more of a relaxing game

She is the only healer that actually feels like a healer.

Not a main, but she's back into meta, you can see her in 90% of defense games. Latest pro meta charts show the same results.

Because rezzing the entire team at once annoys the fuck out of people.

Playing on a potato here, Mercy and Winston for example requiring basically no aim when I'm not getting high fps is right up my alley

>zipping all over the place
>whip out pistol to snipe a bastion, nobody expects that shit
>best actual healer, ana might have throughput beat in raw stats but mercy can't miss
>ult is actually strong

I don't even do relaxing games when I'm mercy, I get in deep, Pocket the tank with the biggest pair of nuts and put the fear of life in the enemy

Now Ana I don't see the fun of, except sleeping there's nothing troll-y to do like with Toblerone/Mei/Lucio, way of healing isn't especially fun nor is dealing damage, the ult is nice... for others.

She's useful again, but don't play her unless you're a masochist or can't aim. Nobody will protect you from anything.

If you absolutely need another full offense character she can do decently as solo. But I think picking her and another support sacrifices too much damage, and Zen's ult is more useful than hers.

Zen and Lucio is still a good combo.

I kinda main her, but i do all support since everyone else is shit at support. Shes back and a requirement in any game you want to just win, but shes still kinda boring. I have alot more fun with zen or lucio but Mercy is still best for the team as a whole, not my enjoyment.
And fuck anyone who cannot play any support, learn to play support, its not hard.

thismercy is one of the most useful healer, is she keeps clost to the tanks and people retreat to the tanks when needing heals she can heal everyone quick and give massive damage buffs to the dps.
her and roadhog work so well together that she can get her ult pretty quick

Zen and Lucio are still better picks, but waifufags will still shit up your game with her because of a slight buff to healing.

Doesn't change she can't defend herself while healing, like every other healer can. Or that the others have far more utility.

Mercy is the healer you pick when you're brand new to the game and can't multitask even a little. She can't even buff someone and heal at the same time for shits sake.

Heal nade that can also deny a Zen ult? Sleep dart that can deny so many other ults? Higher HPs than Mercy too? Fucking Ana is still miles better than her.

>but don't play her unless you're a masochist or can't aim.

Even if you can't aim, why won't anybody pick Lucio instead. At the very least, you can Sanic your way out of danger and boop enemies away in a pinch

>implying Lucio can heal
yeah nah, he can mend some chip damage so he's good when it comes to corner peeking type battles but when ya boy Rein wants to do a few hits Lucio drops the football.

Zen is better but he's a .5 healer, you need another healer to make up the difference. He's great to throw discord down and to get kills with (especially on tanks, not so much on the flankers). Works great with Lucio, with Ana it takes skill from both but the discord combined with Nano boost can get a team kill.

I've managed to keep a team afloat as solo healer as Zen but it depends on the team and the map type.

With Mercy I can keep a team going solo forever no matter what, just have to be a shifty bugger and basically pillar hump the payload.

Still belongs in the trash. Still only viable in the shitter bracket

>dedicated healing

Mercy is my least played character for a reason
Roadhog is the most relaxing hero in the game

>massive dmg buff

Zen does the same for his whole team. Only reason to pick her over ana is because of the ultimate and because she is easy mode

You really need 2 healers unless the enemy can't deal dmg. Lucio is mostly for speed but the chip dmg heal is a god send for ana. While he heals everyone bad individually he still heals 12.5 dmg per second to the whole team just by existing. Boosting it gives him the best team heal (except zen ult). But you really need 2 healers so his shitty single target heal is fixed by picking any of the other supports

>Low ammo burst character without escape options
>Dies when focused on if you roam poorly/miss your hook

Meanwhile, you can play Lucio and and carry your team without aiming, pushing, shooting, or really doing anything except moving around and hitting e/q occasionally.
I play him when I don't feel like concentrating on the game.

>Severs getting DDOSed righht now

Good shit

>without escape options
press E

>Finally get around to doing my placement matches
>Server error
Thanks for the free loss Blizzard, that match was going really well too

I wish this bitch needed line of sight for every res. Annoying as fuck having her hide in another room and ressing her entire team

If you truly want to carry as Lucio you need to shoot, shoot at any target you see so you can refill his ult fast to deny enemy ults

All the healers are good but Mercy is the best when it comes to keeping single targets alive and taking/defending objectives. Your team can also play much more aggressively with a mercy.

Ana comes close second to that but she trades mobility and reliability for more defensive options, additionally due to the fact that she amplifies healing with her nade she works well with other healers. However being a sniper without the ability to get into sniper spots hurts her a lot. Needs to be with a Reinhardt to get the best out of her ult.

Mercy belongs in the trash

What? Ana burst heals characters like no other. She can bring up literally every character in the game from near death to full health in less than 3 seconds.

Fucking this.

Everytime I go full on cunt mode and flank with tracer, trying to pick op squishies or wittle down tanks she pulls them up right away.

A good Ana is mean as shit mate.

Increasing her fire rate was a mistake.

>Increasing her fire rate was a mistake.
no it wasn't. a good tracer will kill ana first. ana needed a reason to be picked over lucio/zen, and they are still more viable picks than her thanks to their entire designs.

>Play Zarya
>Spam "No Mercy" in the spawn room before every match and whenever I kill one
Mercy is for bullying

Shut up, shitty grandma.

She's pretty good on defense and has a nice niche there. I would say Lucio is still the better offense pick and on KOTH

It's natural to go for healerse first, just describing situations where she appears outta nowhere.

Still, the fire rate and her incredible Ult gain make her or rather her team unstoppable.

I've seen ana's get 7-8 nanoboosts on one attack.

Either lower her attack rate or Ult gain. I'd rather adjust her Ult gain instead of fire rate in order to keep her viable as a healer as you implied.

I've seen her picked maybe 1/10 times at my elo of 3100

This. Lucio/ana pretty much make picking a Mercy pointless.

Gold weapons were a mistake.

They make people who wouldn't otherwise play comp play it

How do I get good as Ana?


heal spam a lot
keep an eye on everyone
if everyone is full on health constantyl take potshots
your heal nade can also be used to finish op fast squishies like tracer
have a modicum of aim

If you don't have ult within 30 seconds of leaving the gate on attack you're doing something wrong

Not viable in the slightest. People are fooling themselves yet again

>Junkrat main.
>Usually play pretty aggressively.
>Love being pocketed by mercy.
>Use mercy to bait people into traps or kill zones.
>Make ever tracer, Winston,and genji on the enemy irrelevant.

I have never once been frustrated when playing Roadhog
If you die it's because of one of four reasons
1) you missed your hook
2) you're in a place you shouldn't be
3) you just got straight hunted down by 2 heroes
4) you got hooked

2 of those are within your control, 2 of them are in total control of the enemy
As long as you're positioning yourself right and getting pickoffs, you're contributing
As a healer you're entirely dependant on your team doing things while you keep them alive. And when they don't do that, it's frustrating as fuck

The main problem with many of the people who pick Mercy, is they no awareness of opposition ult states and when they are going to commit.

Once you have your ult fully charged, you have to pay more attention to whether the enemy Zarya is getting her shield hit a lot, how many charges the enemy Rein is landing, whether their Reaper or Genji has been dealing damage/picking up kills.

Too many of them stick around too close to people like is advising and get caught by the enemy ults as well. You have to hide out of sight for a good portion of the match as a good Mercy otherwise you are the most worthless hero in the game.

>enemy mercy pockets entire game
>revives four people at once
>gets insta killed
>entire team wipes again
>still gets POTG

I'll Hunt your asses down and you can't hide from me Mercy mains.

Are the servers still shit?

again, her pick rate is fairly low and a good team will neutralize her ult (either by discord and focus fire or lucio/zen ult). Making it charge slower would just make this issue worse. I see it as rewarding a good Ana player. Mediocre Anas will get the ult like 2 times per match. The good ones are excellent at balancing heals and dps and of course that player is gonna get the ult fast.

Shoot lots. Throw grenade at bad guys not allies. Use zoom to scope out good targets for sleep dart.

>healers who never look around
It takes you like 0.4 seconds to quickly turn around and back to see if any teammates need healing. It's especially bad when the Mercy isn't doing this, you literally have no utility besides cocksucking your teammates, if you can't look behind you to see if that's where the one spamming the "I need healing" command is then you should just never play.

they upped the tickrate to 60. where I live I always get 6 ping to their servers, no joke. I think I literally live right next to one of their server locations or something, it's fucking amazing.

No I mean I've gotten disconnected several times due to server errors today

>And fuck anyone who cannot play any support, learn to play support, its not hard.

The game is not hard friendo.

Which is stronger; Mercy or D.va pistol




Mercy's does more damage and reloads faster, but fires slightly slower.

>keep clost to the tank
How the fuck do you keep close to the tank?
If I'm anywhere close and not hiding I get focused down immediately.

Mercy can fuck someone up closer, but the travel time of the shots gets ridiculous as you get further away. Diva's is a lot more reliable, and she doesn't have to switch to it.


Especially if it's a short bus Mercy that just rezzed you in the middle of the entire enemy.

"Heroes never.....oh, guess they do"