Specifically, is this the most overrated third person shooter ever?
Overrated Games
only if you never played it AND beat it
more of an adventure game than a TPS. you can't run past most of your enemies in TPS.
Even though it's good it's "fans" blow the fucking thing out of the water.
Say anything bad about it and they froth at the teeth.
Personally I liked it alot, it's a very good game. But it fucked up the series and has a rabid fanbase.
why would you want fast movement in a horror zombie game? this guy is full of shit.
Witcher 3
Gears of war is more overrated, so no.
The spartans were right.
Infanticide is an inevitability if you want to save humanity.
Spec ops: the line
The entire dark souls series
>people played RE for the zombies
>an enemy you can completely ignore
Please don't tell me RE fans actually think zombies made the games fun. Besides crimson heads they are completely fucking lame. RE6 proved as much.
After going from a SNES to PS1 back in 1996, the zombies were fucking terrifying. It's kind of a "you had to be there" thing.
>Resident Evil 4
>a Third Person Shooter
>Limited movement
>Had to go somewhere to save
>Saving took up inventory space
>Limited saves
The beauty of the classics was about risks and decision making on which zombies you killed and ran around.
All things new people to the series find bad.
Ever played REmake with the 3D movement? It breaks the game so much that speedruns have it as a separate catagory and the difference is significant.
There doesn't exist a descriptor more meaningless than under/overrated.
>a lot of people enjoy a certain game
>"hurr durr its overrated guys!"
A game so good, Sup Forums unanimously praise it. If you think it's overrated, you have bad taste
Resident Evil 4 was a breath of fresh air for the series. It was already going more actiony route since RE3 gun shit and Veronica and Zero had huge amount of combat. At least in RE4 the combat was fun and the cast wasn't shit.
And I actually enjoyed all the games mentioned.
No. It's a great game, problem is Capcon took away the wrong ideas from what made it such a good game.
OP is the hero we deserve.
8/10 and no higher.
The beauty was far beyond merely zombies was my point. Many other survival horror use the same fight or flight design philosophy and don't rely on literally braindead fodder for a majority of the game's enemies. It's just a completely superficial fixation with a lot of RE fans. There was really nothing wrong with Ganado style enemies in itself but RE4's gameplay encouraged mowing down literally every last one during most of the game. It's that funhouse shooter mentality that drove the series off from survival horror.
ITT: spergs
It's easily one of my absolute favorite games, but I won't deny it has a mountain of design problems with it.
Also, it was the lynch pin in the decline of the RE series that turned it into some bullshit cheesy action series. I know it always has been, but not to the extent that blossomed out of RE4 unto 5 and 6.
I grew up playing Tank Control games, like Fear Effect, Silent Hill, and Fatal Frame, so the controls didn't bother me much, but I can see why people had problems with it.
Also, the weapon swapping system, or lack of, was the most atrocious thing about the game.
I don't think you are old enough to remember how fucking stale and garbage resident evil was becoming. It was like Madden, a new shitty uninspired game churned out every year or so.
Resident evil 4 was such a breath of fresh air for the series and it was very well made. I dont think it's overrated at all. It came out on the GameCube and it moved consoles. There really wasn't a game like it. I waited until it was on ps2 years later before I played it and there was still nothing like it.
I love it, probably one of my favourites, but it is overhyped.
Like, I'm a baby when it comes to horror, I jump at the drop the a hat. But when I see people saying "Its horrifying", "Scariest game I've ever played", or putting it ANYWHERE on a top 10 about scary games, I have to roll my eyes.
The game is not fucking scary. Has a hand full of creepy moments but thats it. Its this idea that its technically a horror game and its good too; so people have to say its the best horror theyve ever experienced even though a child would barely be spooked.
Few games have sound design done so well.
>That heavy weird breathing from those grey things
You all know exactly which ones I'm talking about
Uh, that's literally what it is kid.
It set the standard for a good TPS
>no cover
>fast melee
>ease of movement
>counter attacks
>fucking hilarious jap plot trying to copy western conventions
Now TPS has gone to shit with wall humping whack a mole gameplay
It was the final evolution of Mercenaries and Dino Crisis 2's action-arena stop n' shoot ladder-climbing and jumping down gameplay
RE oldfag here. Yes, it is.
This is the most overrated third person shooter tho.